32 research outputs found

    The Development of Coping Strategies: Main Approaches

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    The article analyzes the problem of development of coping strategies as one of the factors of correction of psychoemotional disorders in women with hyperandrogenia. The nature of coping strategies is analyzed. Two approaches to the development of coping strategies – the concept of mindfulness, proposed by John Kabat-Zinn, and the concept of hardiness, proposed by S. Maddi. In conception of Kabat-Zinn mindfulness involves a feeling of full involvement in the events “here and now”, as well as the obligation to be curious about the flow of consciousness: all thoughts and feelings that arise in the person should be perceived by it without criticism, as relevant to the current state and therefore do not require condemnation. At the same time, by S. Muddy hardiness is a combination of inclusion in the surrounding reality (commitment), control, denoting the belief of the individual in their own abilities to influence the stressful situation, although without certain guarantees of the result, and the  challenge, representing the belief that any changes are fundamentally positive for the individual and contribute to its development.It is shown that the content of the category of mindfulness – the management of attention and the adoption of the position “here and now” – as well as the methods of its development, are similar in each of the concepts. It is concluded that mindfulness, which is the core of productive coping strategies, is a set of concentration skills and a certain attitude

    Investigation of identity’s peculiarities of the women with PCOS

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    The aim of the research was studying of identity peculiarities of the women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). The authors give a brief review of approaches to the problem in Russian and foreign science. We used the following methods: SEl-test by Soldatova, Life-line by Kronic and Twenty Statements Test by Kuhn&McPartland with the authors' system of processing on the sample of 100 women of reproductive age (50 - with PCOS in accordance with Rotterdam consensus on PCOS and 50 - without PCOS). We have received the following data. The women with PCOS demonstrated a better formed ego-identity (t = 2.32, p < 0.02) and fewer features of identity crisis (t = 2.15, p < 0.03) than their peers from the group of the women without PCOS. They demonstrate more responsibility for their choices and they have better understanding of their emotions and better control over them. Moreover, the women with PCOS have lower tendency to use gender categories (z = 4.32, p < 0.01), family sphere categories (z = 2.7, p < 0.01) and pay more attention to the spheres connected with social identity (carrier, self-development etc.) when self-describing. The data obtained well correlated with the ones obtained earlier, the fact that women with PCOS are more motivated for overcoming stressful situations and the fact that all changes in life, both positive and negative, favor their development


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    The article presents the results of prospective non-randomised comparative study of clinical efficacy of gestagens in parallel groups of women with uterine myoma and hyperpolymenorrhea. It was shown that by the 3d. month of treatment LNG-releasing intrauterine system in women of reproductive age is so effective in hyperpolymenorrhea correction as usage 20 mg of dydrogesterone in the 2nd phase of menstrual cycle


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    Diagnosis of urogenital tuberculosis presents great difficulties. The article shows the main methods of diagnosing disease in modern conditions. For the early and timely detection of tuberculosis of female genital mutilation it is necessary to restore the interaction, of TB doctors and. gynecologists


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    The article presents the results of investigation of lipid peroxidation parameters in blood serum and follicile liquid of 78 patients with different IVF results. The increase of lipid peroxidation, products is shown in women with unsuccessful IVF procedure

    Endometrial markers of polycystic ovary syndrome (literature review)

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    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrine disease in women and has a significant impact on various aspects of their health and the quality of life. The epidemiology of PCOS is well understood, while the prevalence of this syndrome depends on diagnostic criteria used, the characteristics of the population sample, and vary from 6-10 % to 15 % and higher. A number of studies suggest that the endometrium in women with PCOS differs from the normal endometrium morphologically and functionally. PCOS is associated with infertility problems, higher incidence of pregnancy complications and with increased risk of endometrial cancer, especially when obesity is present. The purpose of this review was to systematize the available data on molecular markers of endometrial pathology associated with PCOS. The information search was conducted using Internet resources (PubMed, EMBASE); literature sources for the period 1992-2016 were analyzed. Although the available information on the pathology of the endometrium is inconsistent, as a result of the analysis of published data, several mechanisms of endometrial disorders characteristic of PCOS have been identified: changes of hormonal effects (changes in hormone receptor expression, HOXA gene expression, changes in the synthesis of sex hormone binding globulin, enzymes involved in the metabolism of sex hormones in situ in the endometrium), hyperinsulinemia and disturbance of the glucose transport system, ratio of proinflammatory and antiinflammatory factors. Authors conclude that the majority of analyzed studies report an increased prevalence of histologically confirmed hyperplasia or endometrial cancer in women with PCOS. However, there are no clinical guidelines and approaches to prognosis of endometrial changes women with PCOS. It is still unclear if endometrial biopsy is necessary for all women with PCOS. The clinical significance of endometrial markers requires further investigation

    Features of dynamics of identity in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome and their socio-demographic determinants

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    With a significant prevalence of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), the question of its impact on the identity of women, the specifics of such identity, as well as its dynamics remain debatable.The aim. To study the features of identity dynamics in women with PCOS and the socio-demographic factors that determine these features.Research methods. A retrospective cohort study was conducted using the SEI-test methods and the Russian language versions of the Life Line, Twenty Statements Test methods on a sample of 110 women of reproductive age (58 women with PCOS, 52 women without PCOS; two surveys during the year).Results. Had been shown that women diagnosed with PCOS show fewer signs of an identity crisis than women without such diagnosis, but their identity is more variable. Such women are less likely to characterize themselves with the help of concepts related to gender and family spheres in favor of personality traits. An analysis of the influence of socio-demographic factors showed that their identity determines a greater number of external factors than in women without PCOS. The ego-identity of such women depends on marital status and place of residence.Conclusion. The identity of women diagnosed with PCOS is more variable, but shows fewer signs of a crisis. It seems necessary to take into account the presence or absence of children when planning further research. The results obtained can be used in the consultation of women with PCOS