883 research outputs found
Thermofield-Bosonization on Compact Space
We develop the construction of fermionic fields in terms of bosonic ones to
describe free and interaction models in the circle, using thermofielddynamics.
The description in the case of finite temperature is developed for both normal
modes and zero modes. The treatment extends the thermofield-bosonization for
periodic space
Two-Dimensional Order and Disorder Thermofields
The main objective of this paper was to obtain the two-dimensional order and
disorder thermal operators using the Thermofield Bosonization formalism. We
show that the general property of the two-dimensional world according with the
bosonized Fermi field at zero temperature can be constructed as a product of an
order and a disorder variables which satisfy a dual field algebra holds at
finite temperature. The general correlation functions of the order and disorder
thermofields are obtained.Comment: 4 page
Higher-Derivative Two-Dimensional Massive Fermion Theories
We consider the canonical quantization of a generalized two-dimensional
massive fermion theory containing higher odd-order derivatives. The
requirements of Lorentz invariance, hermiticity of the Hamiltonian and absence
of tachyon excitations suffice to fix the mass term, which contains a
derivative coupling. We show that the basic quantum excitations of a
higher-derivative theory of order 2N+1 consist of a physical usual massive
fermion, quantized with positive metric, plus 2N unphysical massless fermions,
quantized with opposite metrics. The positive metric Hilbert subspace, which is
isomorphic to the space of states of a massive free fermion theory, is selected
by a subsidiary-like condition. Employing the standard bosonization scheme, the
equivalent boson theory is derived. The results obtained are used as a
guideline to discuss the solution of a theory including a current-current
interaction.Comment: 23 pages, Late
Thermofield Quantum Electrodynamics in 1 + 1 Dimensions at Finite Chemical Potential: A Bosonization Approach
The recent generalization of the Lowenstein-Swieca operator solution of
Quantum Electrodynamics in 1+1 dimensions to finite temperature in Thermofield
Dynamics is further generalized to include a non-vanishing chemical potential.
The operator solution to the Euler-Lagrange equations respecting the
Kubo-Martin-Schwinger condition is constructed. Two forms of this condition and
their associated solutions are discussed. The correlation functions of an
arbitrary number of chiral densities are computed in the thermal theta-vacuum
Hilbert Space of Isomorphic Representations of Bosonized Chiral
We analyse the Hilbert space structure of the isomorphic gauge non-invariant
and gauge invariant bosonized formulations of chiral for the particular
case of the Jackiw-Rajaraman parameter . The BRST subsidiary conditions
are found not to provide a sufficient criterium for defining physical states in
the Hilbert space and additional superselection rules must to be taken into
account. We examine the effect of the use of a redundant field algebra in
deriving basic properties of the model. We also discuss the constraint
structure of the gauge invariant formulation and show that the only primary
constraints are of first class.Comment: LaTeX, 19 page
Canonical Transformations in a Higher-Derivative Field Theory
It has been suggested that the chiral symmetry can be implemented only in
classical Lagrangians containing higher covariant derivatives of odd order.
Contrary to this belief, it is shown that one can construct an exactly soluble
two-dimensional higher-derivative fermionic quantum field theory containing
only derivatives of even order whose classical Lagrangian exhibits chiral-gauge
invariance. The original field solution is expressed in terms of usual Dirac
spinors through a canonical transformation, whose generating function allows
the determination of the new Hamiltonian. It is emphasized that the original
and transformed Hamiltonians are different because the mapping from the old to
the new canonical variables depends explicitly on time. The violation of
cluster decomposition is discussed and the general Wightman functions
satisfying the positive-definiteness condition are obtained.Comment: 12 pages, LaTe
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