248 research outputs found

    A Simultaneous Model to measure Academic and Financial Performances of Scientific Activities

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    I propose a new model to measure simultaneously academic and financial performances of scientific activities quantitatively. The tool is very simple and can be applied to any branches of science, while it is also adjustable to varying macroeconomic indicators. I argue that implementing the model could realize a fair and objective decisionmaking and also reward and punishment system in order to improve the individual and institutional performances in scientific activities.Comment: 5 pages, PDF only, talk given at the 7th ASEAN Science and Technology Week - Subcommittee on Science & Technology Infrastructure and Resource Development (5-12 August 2005

    SciBlog : A Tool for Scientific Collaboration

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    I describe a newly developed online scientific web-log (SciBlog). The online facility consists of several moduls needed in a common and conventional research activity. I show that this enables scientists around the world to perform an online collaboration over the net.Comment: 4 figures, invited talk at the Workshop on Knowledge Management (6-9 December 2004

    Scientific and Financial Performance Measure : A Simultaneous Model to Evaluate Scientific Activities

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    An alternative model to measure simultaneously scientific and financial performances of scientific activities is proposed. This mathematical model focuses only on the final scientific outcomes in each fiscal year to gurantee the objectivity. The model is suited for the purpose of immediate and quantitative evaluation needed by policy makers to make decision in the subsequent fiscal year. The model can be applied to any branches of science, while it is also adjustable to varying macro-economic indicators. This enables the policy makers to evaluate equally scientific activities in various fields of science. It is argued that implementing the model could realize a fair, transparent and objective reward and punishment system in any scientific activities in order to improve both individual and institutional performances. The model also enables an automatic evaluation embedded in any scientific databases either in the local system or over the net.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Semileptonic B decay as a test of CKM unitarity

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    I point out that B \to X_q \l^+ \l^- decays (q=s,d)(q = s, d) are sensitive probes of possible violation of CKM unitarity. I compute the decay rates and asymmetries in a minimal extension of the Standard Model containing an additional isosinglet charge (-1/3) quark, which leads to a deviation from CKM unitarity. It is shown that even for small mixing ratios ∣zqb/(Vtq∗Vtb)∣∼O(10−2)|{z_{qb}}/{(V_{tq}^\ast V_{tb})}| \sim O({10}^{-2}), the contribution of the tree-level Z−Z-FCNC appearing in the model should change the rates and asymmetries significantly. Especially the CP asymmetry, A_{CP} (B \to X_s \l^+ \l^-), can be enhanced to be few percents, while in the standard model the size is less than O(10−3)O({10}^{-3}). On the other hand, A_{CP} (B \to X_d \l^+ \l^-) is not altered so much. Constraints for the mixing ratios are extracted from the experiments of B→XsγB \to X_s \gamma for q=sq = s and Bd0−Bˉd0B_d^0 - \bar{B}_d^0 mixing for q=dq = d under a natural assumption that the couplings of the tree-level ZffˉZf\bar{f} are almost unity, i.e. zαα∼1z_{\alpha \alpha} \sim 1.Comment: 11 pages, Latex with eepic.sty and epic.sty, revised for publicatio

    Branching-ratio and CP violation in semi-inclusive flavor-changing top decays

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    Semi-inclusive top decays, t \to q_i \v, are examined in the framework of the standard model, with qi=uorcq_i = u {\rm or} c, \v : vector meson formed by q_j \qb_j (qj=d,s,bq_j = d, s, b). By using a simple model of hadronization, that is 0 \l| \qb_j \gamma^\mu q_j \r| \v = \mv \fv \evj^\mu, the total branching ratio is expected to be \br(\tivj) < ({\l| \vij^\ast \vtj \r|}/{\l| \vtb \r|})^2 \times O({10}^{-3}) depends on the size of the coupling constant \fv. On the other hand, the CP asymmetry should be induced only by the long-distance effects of intermediate state q_k \qb_k (qk=d,s,bq_k = d, s, b) that subsequent scatters into the vector meson. The analytical results including the continuum contributions are given with keeping all masses. However, it yields the CP asymmetry to be small, i.e. \acp (\tivj) < {\im [(\vij^\ast \vtj)^\ast (\vik^\ast \vtk)]}/{\l| \vij^\ast \vtj \r|^2} \times O({10}^{-2}) for an identified q_k \qb_k intermediate state, and suppressed more again by a factor of \sim {({m_b}^2 - {m_s}^2)}/{\mv^2} for summing up all of them. Particularly, \acp (t \to u \Upsilon) \simeq \pm 1%, induced by the intermediate state ddˉd\bar{d} or ssˉs\bar{s}.Comment: 6 pages, LaTeX, no figure, revised version for publicatio

    Field theory approach in the dynamics of biomatter

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    A new approach to model the biomatter dynamics based on the field theory is presented. It is shown that some well known tools in field theory can be utilized to describe the physical phenomena in life matters, in particular at elementary biomatters like DNA and proteins. In this approach, the biomatter dynamics are represented as results of interactions among its elementary matters in the form of lagrangian. Starting from the lagrangian would provide stronger underlying theoretical consideration for further extension. Moreover, it also enables us to acquire rich physical observables using statistical mechanics instead of relying on the space-time dynamics from certain equation of motions which is not solvable due to its nonlinearities. Few examples from previous results are given and explained briefly.Comment: 7 page

    Effect of the Flavor Changing Neutral Current on Rare BB decays

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    We study the effect of the FCNC on rare BB decays in the beyond standard model with vector like singlet quarks. It has been shown that b→sγb \rightarrow s \gamma does not receive sizable contribution compared with that of the standard model while b→dγb \rightarrow d \gamma , b→s(d)l+l−b \rightarrow s(d) l^+ l^-, can be changed from the predictions of the standard model.Comment: 7 pages, Proceeding of 1994 International Workshop on B Physics in Nagoya (World Scientific, 1995) 314, LaTeX, no figure

    Introducing OPTO : Portal for Optical Communities in Indonesia

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    Since January 1, 2005 we have launched "OPTO" Portal, a website dedicated to optical communities in Indonesia. The address of this portal is http://www.opto.lipi.go.id and is self-supporting managed and not for commercial purposes. Our aims in launching this portal are to benefit Internet facility in increasing the communities' scientific activity; to provide an online reference in Indonesian language for optics-based science and technology subjects; as well as to pioneer the communities' online activities with real impacts and benefits for our society. We will describe in the paper the features of this portal that can be utilized by all individuals or members of optical communities to store and share information and to build networks or partnership as well. We realized that this portal is still not popular and most of our aims are still not reached. This conference should be a good place for all of us to collaborate to properly utilize this portal for the advantages to the optical communities in Indonesia and our society at large.Comment: 3 pages, Proceeding of the 2nd International Conf. on Optics and Laser Applications 200

    Lagrangian dynamics of the Navier-Stokes equation

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    Most researches on fluid dynamics are mostly dedicated to obtain the solutions of Navier-Stokes equation which governs fluid flow with particular boundary conditions and approximations. We propose an alternative approach to deal with fluid dynamics using the lagrangian. We attempt to develop a gauge invariant lagrangian which reconstructs the Navier-Stokes equation through the Euler-Lagrange equation. The lagrangian consists of gauge boson field \A_\mu with appropriate content describing the fluid dynamics, i.e. \A_\mu = (\Phi, -\uv). An example of applying the lagrangian to the interaction of fluid in a solitonic medium is also given.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure, talk at the International Conference on Applied Mathematics 2005, Bandun

    GRID Architecture through a Public Cluster

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    An architecture to enable some blocks consisting of several nodes in a public cluster connected to different grid collaborations is introduced. It is realized by inserting a web-service in addition to the standard Globus Toolkit. The new web-service performs two main tasks : authenticate the digital certificate contained in an incoming requests and forward it to the designated block. The appropriate block is mapped with the username of the block's owner contained in the digital certificate. It is argued that this algorithm opens an opportunity for any blocks in a public cluster to join various global grids.Comment: 5 pages, Proceeding of the 2008 International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineerin
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