1,564 research outputs found

    Dynamical GUT breaking and mu-term driven supersymmetry breaking

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    Models for dynamical breaking of supersymmetric grand unified theories are presented. The doublet-triplet splitting problem is absent since the Higgs doublet superfields can be identified with the massless mesons of the strong gauge group whereas there are no massless states corresponding to the colored Higgs fields. Various strong gauge groups SU(Nc), Sp(Nc) and SO(Nc) are examined. In a model with SO(9) strong gauge group, adding the mu-term for the Higgs fields triggers to break supersymmetry in a meta-stable vacuum. The pattern of the supersymmetry breaking parameters is predicted to be the gauge-mediation type with modifications in the Higgs sector.Comment: 23 pages, 1 figure; version to appear in PR

    Comments on Diquarks, Strong Binding and a Large Hidden QCD Scale

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    We present arguments regarding diquarks possible role in low-energy hadron phenomenology that escaped theorists' attention so far. Good diquarks, i.e. the 0+0^{+} states of two quarks, are argued to have a two-component structure with one of the components peaking at distances several times shorter than a typical hadron size (a short-range core). This can play a role in solving two old puzzles of the 't Hooft 1/N expansion: strong quark mass dependence of the vacuum energy density and strong violations of the Okubo-Zweig-Iizuka (OZI) rule in the quark-antiquark 0±0^\pm channels. In both cases empiric data defy 't Hooft's 1/N suppression. If good diquarks play a role at an intermediate energy scale they ruin 't Hoofts planarity because of their mixed-flavor composition. This new scale associated with the good diquarks may be related to a numerically large scale discovered in [V. Novikov, M. Shifman, A. Vainshtein and V. Zakharov, Nucl. Phys. B 191, 301 (1981)] in a number of phenomena mostly related to vacuum quantum numbers and 0±0^\pm glueball channels. If SU(3)color_{\rm color} of bona fide QCD is replaced by SU(2)color_{\rm color}, diquarks become well-defined gauge invariant objects. Moreover, there is an exact symmetry relating them to pions. In this limit predictions regarding good diquarks are iron-clad. If passage from SU(2)color_{\rm color} to SU(3)color_{\rm color} does not lead to dramatic disturbances, these predictions remain qualitatively valid in bona fide QCD.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures; journal version, minor change

    Mass Spectrum in SQCD and Problems with the Seiberg Duality. Another Scenario

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    N=1 SQCD with SU(N_c) colors and N_F flavors of light quarks is considered within the dynamical scenario which assumes that quarks can be in two different phases only. These are: a) either the HQ (heavy quark) phase where they are confined, b) or they are higgsed, at the appropriate values of parameters of the Lagrangian. The mass spectra of this (direct) theory and its Seiberg's dual are obtained and compared, for quarks of equal or unequal masses. It is shown that in all cases when there is the additional small parameter at hand (it is 0<(3N_c-N_F)/N_F << 1 for the direct theory, or its analog 0<(2N_F-3N_c)/N_F << 1 for the dual one), the mass spectra of the direct and dual theories are parametrically different. A number of other regimes are also considered.Comment: 30 pages, purely technical improvements for readers convenienc

    Semileptonic Decays of Heavy Lambda Baryons in a Quark Model

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    The semileptonic decays of Lambda_c and Lambda_b are treated in the framework of a constituent quark model. Both nonrelativistic and semirelativistic Hamiltonians are used to obtain the baryon wave functions from a fit to the spectra, and the wave functions are expanded in both the harmonic oscillator and Sturmian bases. The latter basis leads to form factors in which the kinematic dependence on q^2 is in the form of multipoles, and the resulting form factors fall faster as a function of q^2 in the available kinematic ranges. As a result, decay rates obtained in the two models using the Sturmian basis are significantly smaller than those obtained using the harmonic oscillator basis. In the case of the Lambda_c, decay rates calculated using the Sturmian basis are closer to the experimentally reported rates. However, we find a semileptonic branching fraction for the Lambda_c to decay to excited Lambda* states of 11% to 19%, in contradiction with what is assumed in available experimental analyses. Our prediction for the Lambda_b semileptonic decays is that decays to the ground state Lambda_c provide a little less than 70% of the total semileptonic decay rate. For the decays Lambda_b to Lambda_c, the analytic form factors we obtain satisfy the relations expected from heavy-quark effective theory at the non-recoil point, at leading and next-to-leading orders in the heavy-quark expansion. In addition, some features of the heavy-quark limit are shown to naturally persist as the mass of the heavy quark in the daughter baryon is decreased.Comment: 51 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Structure of the Ds0(2317)D_{s0}(2317) and the strong coupling constant gDs0DKg_{D_{s0} D K} with the light-cone QCD sum rules

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    In this article, we take the point of view that the charmed scalar meson Ds0(2317)D_{s0}(2317) is the conventional csˉc\bar{s} meson and calculate the strong coupling constant gDs0DKg_{D_{s0} D K} within the framework of the light-cone QCD sum rules approach. The numerical values for the large scalar-DKDK coupling constant gDs0DKg_{D_{s0} D K} support the hadronic dressing mechanism. Just like the scalar mesons f0(980)f_0(980) and a0(980)a_0(980), the Ds0(2317)D_{s0}(2317) may have small scalar csˉc\bar{s} kernel of the typical csˉc\bar{s} meson size. The strong coupling to the hadronic channels (or the virtual mesons loops) may result in smaller mass than the conventional scalar csˉc\bar{s} meson in the constituent quark models, and enrich the pure csˉc\bar{s} state with other components. The Ds0(2317)D_{s0}(2317) may spend part (or most part) of its lifetime as virtual DK D K state.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure, revised version, add detailed error analysi

    Radiative corrections to electroweak parameters in the Higgs triplet model and implication with the recent Higgs boson searches

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    We study radiative corrections to the electroweak parameters in the Higgs model with the Y=1 triplet field, which is introduced in the scenario of generating neutrino masses based on the so-called type II seesaw mechanism. In this model, the rho parameter deviates from unity at the tree level. Consequently, the electroweak sector of the model is described by the four input parameters such as αem\alpha_{\text{em}}, GFG_F, mZm_Z and sin2θW\sin^2\theta_W. We calculate the one loop contribution to the W boson mass as well as to the rho parameter in order to clarify the possible mass spectrum of the extra Higgs bosons under the constraint from the electroweak precision data. We find that the hierarchical mass spectrum among H±±H^{\pm\pm}, H±H^{\pm} and AA (or HH) is favored by the precision data especially for the case of mAm_A (mH)>mH+>mH++(\simeq m_H)>m_{H^+}>m_{H^{++}}, where H±±H^{\pm\pm}, H±H^{\pm}, AA and HH are the doubly-charged, singly-charged, CP-odd and CP-even Higgs bosons mainly originated from the triplet field. We also discuss phenomenological consequences of such a mass spectrum with relatively large mass splitting. The decay rate of the Higgs boson decay into two photons is evaluated under the constraint from the electroweak precision data, regarding the recent Higgs boson searches at the CERN LHC.Comment: 17 pages, 23 figures, version published in PRD, title slightly modifie

    On the Significance of the Quantity "A Squared"

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    We consider the gauge potential A and argue that the minimum value of the volume integral of A squared (in Euclidean space) may have physical meaning, particularly in connection with the existence of topological structures. A lattice simulation comparing compact and non-compact ``photodynamics'' shows a jump in this quantity at the phase transition, supporting this idea.Comment: 6 pages, one figur