866 research outputs found

    Characteristics of online behavior and structure of consumed content in Abakan adolescents of different age, groups and ethnicity

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    Background. The study of the prevalence and structure of various types of online behavior, the characteristics of the content consumed by adolescents of different age, sex and ethnic groups is an important area of scientific research.The aim. To study the features of online behavior and the structure of content consumed in Abakan adolescents of various age and sex groups and ethnicity (Russians and Khakasses).Materials and methods. 1400 adolescents of the city of Abakan (Republic of Khakassia) aged 12–18 were examined: 962 (68.7 %) Russians, 438  (31.3  %) Khakasses, 678 (48.4 %) boys and 722 (51.6 %) girls, aged 12–14 years – 39.8 % and 15–18 years – 60.2 %. The type of online behavior was verified using the Chen scale (CIAS). Emotional and behavioral disorders were diagnosed using the SDQ questionnaire. The indicators were compared in groups formed by sex, age and ethnicity. The data were processed using the Statistica 12.0 program (StatSoft Inc., USA).Results. It has been established that the prevalence and structure of online behavior among adolescents in Abakan depends on gender, age and ethnicity. Pathological Internet use (PIU) is more common among Khakasses, more often in the older age group. Regardless of ethnicity, maladaptive online behavior (pathological and maladaptive Internet use) is recorded more often among girls. In the structure of consumed content, gaming addiction prevails, social network addiction is in second place, and the proportion of mixed and undifferentiated Internet addiction is less. Dependence on online games prevails in boys, while dependence on social networks and undifferentiated internet addiction prevail in girls.Conclusion. One of the reasons for the greater prevalence of maladaptive online behavior among Khakasses may be the association of maladaptive Internet use with the presence of emotional disorders and behavioral problems that reach the borderline level and are causally significant factors in the development of Internet addiction. Adolescents with maladaptive online behavior, who have not yet reached the level of formed Internet addiction, are the target group requiring medical and psychological assistance


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    In article gives the concept of most clinically significant cardiogenic syncope, being a risk factor of sudden death in children and adults. The informative and. accessible report of echocardiography researches of right ventricle of heart, normal indicators of its anatomic structures and. functional parameters, their clinical interpretation are presented

    Laparoscopic subtotal hysterectomy versus laparoscopic total hysterectomy: a decade of experience

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    At present, there are only few data on the surgical outcomes of laparoscopic hysterectomy (LH). Up till now, it has been unclear whether there is a difference in number of complications among the subcategories of laparoscopic total hysterectomy and laparoscopic subtotal hysterectomy (LSH). Therefore, we have performed a retrospective analysis to evaluate the peri- and postoperative outcomes in women undergoing LSH versus LH. This multi-centre retrospective cohort study (Canadian Task Force classification II-2) was conducted in multi-centres (two teaching hospitals and one university medical centre) in the Netherlands, all experienced in minimally invasive gynaecology. In a multi-centre retrospective cohort study we compared the long-term outcomes of laparoscopic subtotal hysterectomy and laparoscopic total hysterectomy (including laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy, laparoscopic hysterectomy and total laparoscopic hysterectomy). All laparoscopic hysterectomies from the last 10 years (January 1998 till December 2007) were included. Patient characteristics, intra- and postoperative complications, operating time and duration of hospital stay were recorded. The minimum follow-up was 6 months. A total of 390 cases of laparoscopic hysterectomies were included in the analysis: 192 laparoscopic subtotal hysterectomies and 198 laparoscopic total hysterectomies. Patient characteristics such as age and parity were equal in the groups. The overall number of short-term and long-term complications was comparable in both groups: 17% and 15%. Short-term complications (bleeding, fever) were 3% in the LSH group and 12% in the LH group. Long-term complications were (tubal prolapse and cervical stump reoperations) 15% in the LSH group and 3% in the LH group. Laparoscopic subtotal hysterectomy as compared with the different types of laparoscopic total hysterectomy is associated with more long-term postoperative complications, whereas laparoscopic total hysterectomy is associated with more short-term complications

    Astenic syndrome in you students with different online-behaviors during the pandemic of new coronavirus infection COVID-19

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    Introduction. An urgent problem in many countries of the world is the growth of comorbid diseases and conditions associated with the pathological use of the Internet, including functional somatic disorders, which include asthenic syndrome.Purpose of the study. To study the frequency of occurrence of asthenic syndrome schoolchildren with different online behavior during the coronavirus pandemic.Materials and methods. The method of random sampling was used to examine 1 148 adolescents at the age of 11–18 years, of which 535 (46.6%) were boys and 613 (53.4%) were girls. The frequency of occurrence was analyzed in the entire sample of the surveyed, as well as in the comparison groups, formed by gender: 1 gr. – boys (n = 535), 2 gr. – girls (n = 613), age: 1 gr. – 11–14 years old (m + d) (n = 837) and 2 gr. – 15–18 years old (m + d) (n = 311), type of online behavior: 1 gr. – with adaptive use of the Internet, 2 gr. – with maladaptive internet use, 3 gr. – with pathological use of the Internet and type of Internet addiction.Results. The frequency of adaptive use of the Internet was 37.0%, with maladaptive – 49.9% and with pathological – 13.1% of the total sample of  the surveyed. The content structure of  the online behavior of  Tuvan schoolchildren includes the  presence of a game Internet addiction in 4.4% of the surveyed, dependence on social networks – in 12.5%, mixed IА – in 2.4% and undifferentiated IА – in 5.0%. The frequency of asthenic syndrome is 12.2% of all surveyed.Conclusion. A more pronounced association of asthenic syndrome in schoolchildren with maladaptive online behavior indicates the negative impact of the computer and the Internet on the body and justifies the need for a personalized approach to these contingents

    Level of Stress in Students with the Disturbance of Nasal Breathing and Comorbid Disorders

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    Background. The progressive increase of the number of schoolchildren with adaptation disorders and low level of health in recent years determines the need to assess the characteristics of the psychosomatic status in children and adolescents with various types of somatic pathology, including diseases of ENT organs, accompanied by nasal breathing disorders and hypoxia. It is also necessary to determine the severity of stress in children, for timely prevention and correction of these disorders.Aim: to assess the level of stress in schoolchildren with nasal breathing disorders against the background of nasal diseases and concomitant psychosomatic disorders.Materials and methods. 481 schoolchildren aged 12–17 (boys and girls) were examined. Nasal breathing disorders were assessed by a comprehensive ENT examination, including rhinoscopy, radiography of the sinuses, and olfactometry. The presence and severity of stress were determined by the questionnaire “Social factors and stress”.Results. We found that the high level of stress in children with nasal breathing disorders on the background of ENT pathology is more often associated with the high frequency and severity of psychosomatic symptoms: the presence of dorsalgia, asthenic syndrome, chronic headache and frequent episodes of abdominal pain. Moderately and significantly increased levels of stress associated with the presence of children with hypertension, asthenic syndrome, frequent abdominal pain, frequent pain in the cervical spine, panic disorders.Conclusions. Thus, the presence of certain psychosomatic complaints in children with nasal breathing disorders is directly related to the level of stress, which is important to take into account when planning preventive and corrective measures aimed at increasing the adaptive capacity and stress resistance of children. The studies illustrate the need to assess the psychosomatic status and the level of stress in schoolchildren with nasal breathing disorders taking into account their existing comorbid disorders of the psychosomatic spectrum

    Expression of the plasma membrane citrate carrier (pmCiC) in human cancerous tissues—correlation with tumour aggressiveness

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    We have recently shown that cancer cells of various origins take up extracellular citrate through the plasma membrane citrate carrier (pmCiC), a specific plasma membrane citrate transporter. Extracellular citrate is required to support cancer cell metabolism, in particular fatty acid synthesis, mitochondrial activity, protein synthesis and histone acetylation. In addition, cancer cells tend to acquire a metastatic phenotype in the presence of extracellular citrate. Our recent study also showed that cancer-associated stromal cells synthesise and release citrate and that this process is controlled by cancer cells. In the present study, we evaluated the expression of pmCiC, fibroblast activation protein-α (FAP) and the angiogenesis marker cluster of differentiation 31 (CD31) in human cancer tissues of different origins. In the cohort studied, we found no correlation between disease stage and the expression of FAP or CD31. However, we have identified a clear correlation between pmCiC expression in cancer cells and cancer-associated stroma with tumour stage. It can be concluded that pmCiC is increased in cancer cells and in cancer-supporting cells in the tumour microenvironment at the later stages of cancer development, particularly at the metastatic sites. Therefore, pmCiC expression has the potential to serve as a prognostic marker, although further studies are needed


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    We carried out clinical-psychological examination of 504 children of 12—17 years old. According to the comparative analysis of indices of children in main (with arterial hypertension — AH) and control (without AH) groups we resealed frequency, age and. sex structure, factors of risk of arterial hypertension. We analyzed, psychosocial (acute and chronic psychologic traumatic experience) and sociocultural factors (medico-demographic and social-economic family status), studied individual and. typological features of the person, structure of temperament, psychic conditions, peculiarities of interpersonal attitudes (in family and. in school). We studied interactions and determined diagnostic significance of studied indices as the factors of risk of development of hypertension with estimation of their quantitative characteristics by the index of chances ratio and. its confidence intervals