181 research outputs found

    Phenomenological analysis of quantum collapse as source of the seeds of cosmic structure

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    The standard inflationary version of the origin of the cosmic structure as the result of the quantum fluctuations during the early universe is less than fully satisfactory as has been argued in [A. Perez, H. Sahlmann, and D. Sudarsky, Class. Quantum Grav., 23, 2317, (2006)]. A proposal is made there of a way to address the shortcomings by invoking a process similar to the collapse of the quantum mechanical wave function of the various modes of the inflaton field. This in turn was inspired on the ideas of R. Penrose about the role that quantum gravity might play in bringing about such breakdown of the standard unitary evolution of quantum mechanics. In this paper we study in some detail the two schemes of collapse considered in the original work together with an alternative scheme, which can be considered as "more natural" than the former two. The new scheme, assumes that the collapse follows the correlations indicated in the Wigner functional of the initial state. We end with considerations regarding the degree to which the various schemes can be expected to produce a spectrum that resembles the observed one.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figure

    Continuous distribution of frequencies and deformed dispersion relations

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    The possibilities that, in the realm of the detection of the so--called deformed dispersion relation, a light source with a continuous distribution of frequencies offers is discussed. It will be proved that the presence of finite coherence length entails the emergence of a new term in the interference pattern. This is a novel trait, which renders a new possibility in the quest for bounds associated with these deformed dispersion relations.Comment: Accepted in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    On the puzzle of Bremsstrahlung as described by coaccelerated observers

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    We consider anew some puzzling aspects of the equivalence of the quantum field theoretical description of Bremsstrahlung from the inertial and accelerated observer's perspectives. More concretely, we focus on the seemingly paradoxical situation that arises when noting that the radiating source is in thermal equilibrium with the thermal state of the quantum field in the wedge in which it is located, and thus its presence does not change there the state of the field, while it clearly does not affect the state of the field on the opposite wedge. How then is the state of the quantum field on the future wedge changed, as it must in order to account for the changed energy momentum tensor there? This and related issues are carefully discussed.Comment: 29 pages, 1 figure; Revtex, minor changes, PACS correcte

    A window to quantum gravity phenomena in the emergence of the seeds of cosmic structure

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    Inflationary cosmology has, in the last few years,received a strong dose of support from observations. The fact that the fluctuation spectrum can be extracted from the inflationary scenario through an analysis that involves quantum field theory in curved space-time, and that it coincides with the observational data has lead to a certain complacency in the community, which prevents the critical analysis of the obscure spots in the derivation. We argue here briefly, as we have discussed in more detail elsewhere, that there is something important missing in our understanding of the origin of the seeds of Cosmic Structure, as is evidenced by the fact that in the standard accounts the inhomogeneity and anisotropy of our universe seems to emerge from an exactly homogeneous andisotropic initial state through processes that do not break those symmetries. This article gives a very brief recount of the problems faced by the arguments based on established physics. The conclusion is that we need some new physics to be able to fully address the problem. The article then exposes one avenue that has been used to address the central issue and elaborates on the degree to which, the new approach makes different predictions from the standard analyses. The approach is inspired on Penrose's proposals that Quantum Gravity might lead to a real, dynamical collapse of the wave function, a process that we argued has the properties needed to extract us from the theoretical impasse described above.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures. To appear in DICE 2008 conference proceeding

    Shortcomings in the Understanding of Why Cosmological Perturbations Look Classical

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    There is a persistent state of confusion regarding the account of the quantum origin of the seeds of cosmological structure during inflation. In fact, a recent article (C. Kiefer & D. Polarski, ArXiv: 0810.0087 [astro-ph]) addresses the question "Why do the Cosmological Perturbations look Classical?" and offers an answer based on unitary quantum mechanics (i.e., without reference to the projection postulate) relying on the decoherence type of analysis. The argument is, thus, implicitly assuming that decoherence offers a satisfactory solution to the measurement problem in quantum mechanics. We will review here, why do we, together with various other researchers in the field, consider that this is not the case, in general, and particularly not at all in the situation at hand. In fact, as has been previously discussed (A. Perez, H. Sahlmann, and D. Sudarsky, CQG 23, 2317, (2006);[arXiv: gr-qc/0508100]), we will argue that the cosmological situation is one where the measurement problem of quantum mechanics appears in a particular exacerbated form, and that, it is this, even sharper conondrum, the one that should be addressed when dealing with the inflationary account of the origin of the seeds of cosmic structure in the early universe.Comment: New version: In press in International Journal of Modern Physics

    Stability analysis of cosmological models through Liapunov's method

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    We investigate the general asymptotic behaviour of Friedman-Robertson-Walker (FRW) models with an inflaton field, scalar-tensor FRW cosmological models and diagonal Bianchi-IX models by means of Liapunov's method. This method provides information not only about the asymptotic stability of a given equilibrium point but also about its basin of attraction. This cannot be obtained by the usual methods found in the literature, such as linear stability analysis or first order perturbation techniques. Moreover, Liapunov's method is also applicable to non-autonomous systems. We use this advantadge to investigate the mechanism of reheating for the inflaton field in FRW models.Comment: Latex file, 8 pages, no figures, accepted for publication in Class. & Quant. Gra

    The collapse of the wave function in the joint metric-matter quantization for inflation

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    It has been argued that the standard inflationary scenario suffers from a serious deficiency as a model for the origin of the seeds of cosmic structure: it can not truly account for the transition from an early homogeneous and isotropic stage to another one lacking such symmetries. The issue has often been thought as a standard instance of the "quantum measurement problem", but as has been recently argued by some of us the situation reaches a critical level in the cosmological context of interest here. This has lead to a proposal in which the standard paradigm is supplemented by a hypothesis concerning the self-induced dynamical collapse of the wave function, as representing the physical mechanism through which such change of symmetry is brought forth. This proposal was formulated within the context of semiclassical gravity. Here we investigate an alternative realization of such idea implemented directly within the standard analysis in terms of a quantum field jointly describing the inflaton and metric perturbations, the so called Mukhanov-Sasaki variable. We show that even though the prescription is quite different, the theoretical predictions include some deviations from the standard ones, which are indeed very similar to those found in the early studies. We briefly discuss the differences between the two at both, the conceptual and practical levels.Comment: 31 pages, 6 figures. Replaced to match the published versio

    An L Band Spectrum of the Coldest Brown Dwarf

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    The coldest brown dwarf, WISE 0855, is the closest known planetary-mass, free-floating object and has a temperature nearly as cold as the solar system gas giants. Like Jupiter, it is predicted to have an atmosphere rich in methane, water, and ammonia, with clouds of volatile ices. WISE 0855 is faint at near-infrared wavelengths and emits almost all its energy in the mid-infrared. Skemer et al. 2016 presented a spectrum of WISE 0855 from 4.5-5.1 micron (M band), revealing water vapor features. Here, we present a spectrum of WISE 0855 in L band, from 3.4-4.14 micron. We present a set of atmosphere models that include a range of compositions (metallicities and C/O ratios) and water ice clouds. Methane absorption is clearly present in the spectrum. The mid-infrared color can be better matched with a methane abundance that is depleted relative to solar abundance. We find that there is evidence for water ice clouds in the M band spectrum, and we find a lack of phosphine spectral features in both the L and M band spectra. We suggest that a deep continuum opacity source may be obscuring the near-infrared flux, possibly a deep phosphorous-bearing cloud, ammonium dihyrogen phosphate. Observations of WISE 0855 provide critical constraints for cold planetary atmospheres, bridging the temperature range between the long-studied solar system planets and accessible exoplanets. JWST will soon revolutionize our understanding of cold brown dwarfs with high-precision spectroscopy across the infrared, allowing us to study their compositions and cloud properties, and to infer their atmospheric dynamics and formation processes.Comment: 19 pages, 21 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Quantum Gravity Phenomenology without Lorentz Invariance Violation: a detailed proposal

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    We describe a scheme for the exploration of quantum gravity phenomenology focussing on effects that could be thought as arising from a fundamental granularity of space-time. In contrast with the simplest assumptions, such granularity is assumed to respect Lorentz Invariance but is otherwise left unspecified. The proposal is fully observer covariant, it involves non-trivial couplings of curvature to matter fields and leads to a well defined phenomenology. We present the effective Hamiltonian which could be used to analyze concrete experimental situations, some of which are briefly described, and we shortly discuss the degree to which the present proposal is in line with the fundamental ideas behind the equivalence principle.Comment: LaTeX, 24 pages. To be published in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Comparison of QG-Induced Dispersion with Standard Physics Effects

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    One of the predictions of quantum gravity phenomenology is that, in situations where Planck-scale physics and the notion of a quantum spacetime are relevant, field propagation will be described by a modified set of laws. Descriptions of the underlying mechanism differ from model to model, but a general feature is that electromagnetic waves will have non-trivial dispersion relations. A physical phenomenon that offers the possibility of experimentally testing these ideas in the foreseeable future is the propagation of high-energy gamma rays from GRB's at cosmological distances. With the observation of non-standard dispersion relations within experimental reach, it is thus important to find out whether there are competing effects that could either mask or be mistaken for this one. In this letter, we consider possible effects from standard physics, due to electromagnetic interactions, classical as well as quantum, and coupling to classical geometry. Our results indicate that, for currently observed gamma-ray energies and estimates of cosmological parameter values, those effects are much smaller than the quantum gravity one if the latter is first-order in the energy; some corrections are comparable in magnitude with the second-order quantum gravity ones, but they have a very different energy dependence.Comment: 8 pages; Version to be published in CQG as a letter; Includes some new comments and references, but no changes in the result