2 research outputs found


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    Assoro is an ancient city located in the heart of Sicily. Its fame in the Middle Ages is linked to the strategic location of its primitive nucleus placed at the top of Monte Stella. The fortified site allowed, in fact, both the defence of the surrounding territory and the control of the internal crossings of the island, from east to west. Today, the ruins of the castle, still visible in the highest part of the city, are enclosed in a large urban park that neither enhances nor facilitates its understanding. Actually, the knowledge of the monument is very incomplete due to the lack of documentary sources. To compensate these gaps new investigations were undertaken. Survival masonries were examined by a careful visual investigation and a deep survey, both for the stratigraphic, material and degradation aspects, carried out through the integrated use of active and passive sensors instruments. The critical analyses arising from the appropriately constructed 3D models and the photo-realistic orthographic projections with the mapping of the different constructive phases, the building materials and decay, was laid as the foundation of the cognitive process aimed at the establishment of a sustainable conservation and valorisation project. The programme has also foreseen the realisation of some archaeological coverings and the improvement of the whole park fruition, through paths that aim to both ensure easier access to some rocky archaeological areas currently difficult to reach and greater integration and permeability, between the historic urban fabric and the park

    Conservation and valorization strategies for the recovery of Vulcania shopping centre in Catania

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    Nowadays we are witnessing more and more frequently the phenomenon of abandonment or dismantling of large commercial buildings created within the consolidated city and made obsolete by the creation of new shopping malls in the suburbs, such as the Vulcania department store established in Catania, Italy, in 1987. The complex – considered by the municipal administration of the time as a powerful catalyst of economic resources - following the crisis that hit the country in the 90s, has fallen into a state of growing neglect. The excessive costs of maintenance and rent of the shops have caused the closure of the commercial activities transforming the interesting and innovative reinforced concrete structure into a degraded skeleton. For its architectural and environmental interest and for the role that this place could still play from the social and relational point of view, this work intends to propose new forms of revitalization and regeneration