40 research outputs found

    Boson gas in a periodic array of tubes

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    We report the thermodynamic properties of an ideal boson gas confined in an infinite periodic array of channels modeled by two, mutually perpendicular, Kronig-Penney delta-potentials. The particle's motion is hindered in the x-y directions, allowing tunneling of particles through the walls, while no confinement along the z direction is considered. It is shown that there exists a finite Bose- Einstein condensation (BEC) critical temperature Tc that decreases monotonically from the 3D ideal boson gas (IBG) value T0T_{0} as the strength of confinement P0P_{0} is increased while keeping the channel's cross section, axaya_{x}a_{y} constant. In contrast, Tc is a non-monotonic function of the cross-section area for fixed P0P_{0}. In addition to the BEC cusp, the specific heat exhibits a set of maxima and minima. The minimum located at the highest temperature is a clear signal of the confinement effect which occurs when the boson wavelength is twice the cross-section side size. This confinement is amplified when the wall strength is increased until a dimensional crossover from 3D to 1D is produced. Some of these features in the specific heat obtained from this simple model can be related, qualitatively, to at least two different experimental situations: 4^4He adsorbed within the interstitial channels of a bundle of carbon nanotubes and superconductor-multistrand-wires Nb3_{3}Sn.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figures, submitte

    Linear-T scattering and pairing from antiferromagnetic fluctuations in the (TMTSF)_2X organic superconductors

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    An exhaustive investigation of metallic electronic transport and superconductivity of organic superconductors (TMTSF)_2PF_6 and (TMTSF)_2ClO_4 in the Pressure-Temperature phase diagram between T=0 and 20 K and a theoretical description based on the weak coupling renormalization group method are reported. The analysis of the data reveals a high temperature domain (T\approx 20 K) in which a regular T^2 electron-electron Umklapp scattering obeys a Kadowaki-Woods law and a low temperature regime (T< 8 K) where the resistivity is dominated by a linear-in temperature component. In both compounds a correlated behavior exists between the linear transport and the extra nuclear spin-lattice relaxation due to antiferromagnetic fluctuations. In addition, a tight connection is clearly established between linear transport and T_c. We propose a theoretical description of the anomalous resistivity based on a weak coupling renormalization group determination of electron-electron scattering rate. A linear resistivity is found and its origin lies in antiferromagnetic correlations sustained by Cooper pairing via constructive interference. The decay of the linear resistivity term under pressure is correlated with the strength of antiferromagnetic spin correlations and T_c, along with an unusual build-up of the Fermi liquid scattering. The results capture the key features of the low temperature electrical transport in the Bechgaard salts

    New material for bolometer design

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    New material for bolometer design

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    Design of an all-thin-film array of bolometers

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    Recent advances in thin-film thermometers and membranes allow the development of all-thin-film high-sensitivity thermal detectors. We present here three developments, using a sequential sputtering method and patterning: first, a single interdigited sensor, second, a matrix of five identical discrete sensors, and third, a micro-bolometer. We describe the film deposition process and we evaluate the theoretical performance of the devices