9,395 research outputs found

    Cosmic Evolution in Generalised Brans-Dicke Theory

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    We have studied the Generalised Brans-Dicke theory and obtained exact solutions of a(t),phi(t),and omega(t) for different epochs of the cosmic evolution .We discuss how inflation,decceleration,cosmic acceleration can result from this solution.The time variation of G(t) is also examined.Comment: 12 pages, no figure

    Application of Relativistic Coupled-cluster Theory to Electron Impact Excitations of Mg+^+ in the Plasma Environment

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    A relativistic coupled-cluster (RCC) theory is implemented to study electron impact excitations of atomic species. As a test case, the electron impact excitations of the 3s 2S1/2−3p 2P1/2;3/23s ~ ^2S_{1/2} - 3p ~ ^2P_{1/2;3/2} resonance transitions are investigated in the singly charged magnesium (Mg+^+) ion using this theory. Accuracies of wave functions of Mg+^+ are justified by evaluating its attachment energies of the relevant states and compared with the experimental values. The continuum wave function of the projectile electron are obtained by solving Dirac equations assuming distortion potential as static potential of the ground state of Mg+^+. Comparison of the calculated electron impact excitation differential and total cross-sections with the available measurements are found to be in very good agreements at various incident electron energies. Further, calculations are carried out in the plasma environment in the Debye H\"uckel model framework, which could be useful in the astrophysics. Influence of plasma strength on the cross-sections as well as linear polarization of the photon emission in the 3p 2P3/2−3s 2S1/23p ~ ^2P_{3/2} - 3s ~ ^2S_{1/2} transition is investigated for different incident electron energies.Comment: 9 pages, 1 table and 3 figure

    Gravitational Waves in Generalised Brans-Dicke Theory

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    We have solved cosmological gravitational Wave(GW)equation in the frame work of Generalised Brans-Dicke(GBD) theory for all epochs of the Universe.The solutions are expressed in terms of the present value of the Brans-Dicke coupling parameter ω(ϕ)\omega(\phi).It is seen that the solutions represent travelling growing modes for negative values of ω0\omega_{0} for all epochs of the Universe.Comment: 7Pages,no figure

    Cotunneling through quantum dots coupled to magnetic leads: zero-bias anomaly for non-collinear magnetic configurations

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    Cotunneling transport through quantum dots weakly coupled to non-collinearly magnetized leads is analyzed theoretically by means of the real-time diagrammatic technique. The electric current, dot occupations, and dot spin are calculated in the Coulomb blockade regime and for arbitrary magnetic configuration of the system. It is shown that an effective exchange field exerted on the dot by ferromagnetic leads can significantly modify the transport characteristics in non-collinear magnetic configurations, in particular the zero-bias anomaly found recently for antiparallel configuration. For asymmetric Anderson model, the exchange field gives rise to precession of the dot spin, which leads to a nonmonotonic dependence of the differential conductance and tunnel magnetoresistance on the angle between magnetic moments of the leads. An enhanced differential conductance and negative TMR are found for certain non-collinear configurations.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figgure

    Time Dependence of Brans-Dicke Parameter w for an Expanding Universe

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    We have studied the time dependence of w for an expanding universe in the generalised B-D theory and have obtained its explicit dependence on the nature of matter contained in the universe,in different era.Lastly we discuss how the observed accelerated expansion of the present universe can be accomodated in the formalism.Comment: 10 pages,No figure

    Mixing quantum and classical mechanics and uniqueness of Planck's constant

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    Observables of quantum or classical mechanics form algebras called quantum or classical Hamilton algebras respectively (Grgin E and Petersen A (1974) {\it J Math Phys} {\bf 15} 764\cite{grginpetersen}, Sahoo D (1977) {\it Pramana} {\bf 8} 545\cite{sahoo}). We show that the tensor-product of two quantum Hamilton algebras, each characterized by a different Planck's constant is an algebra of the same type characterized by yet another Planck's constant. The algebraic structure of mixed quantum and classical systems is then analyzed by taking the limit of vanishing Planck's constant in one of the component algebras. This approach provides new insight into failures of various formalisms dealing with mixed quantum-classical systems. It shows that in the interacting mixed quantum-classical description, there can be no back-reaction of the quantum system on the classical. A natural algebraic requirement involving restriction of the tensor product of two quantum Hamilton algebras to their components proves that Planck's constant is unique.Comment: revised version accepted for publication in J.Phys.A:Math.Phy
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