1,460 research outputs found

    Self-organized escape of oscillator chains in nonlinear potentials

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    We present the noise free escape of a chain of linearly interacting units from a metastable state over a cubic on-site potential barrier. The underlying dynamics is conservative and purely deterministic. The mutual interplay between nonlinearity and harmonic interactions causes an initially uniform lattice state to become unstable, leading to an energy redistribution with strong localization. As a result a spontaneously emerging localized mode grows into a critical nucleus. By surpassing this transition state, the nonlinear chain manages a self-organized, deterministic barrier crossing. Most strikingly, these noise-free, collective nonlinear escape events proceed generally by far faster than transitions assisted by thermal noise when the ratio between the average energy supplied per unit in the chain and the potential barrier energy assumes small values

    Thermal suppression of surface barrier in ultrasmall superconducting structures

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    In the recent experiment by Cren \textit{et al.} [Phys. Rev. Lett. \textbf{102}, 127005 (2009)], no hysteresis for vortex penetration and expulsion from the nano-island of Pb was observed. In the present paper, we argue that this effect can be associated with the thermoactivated surmounting of the surface barrier by a vortex. The typical entrance (exit) time is found analytically from the Fokker-Planck equation, written in the form suitable for the extreme vortex confinement. We show that this time is several orders of magnitude smaller than 1 second under the conditions of the experiment considered. Our results thus demonstrate a possibility for the thermal suppression of the surface barrier in nanosized low-TcT_{c} superconductors. We also briefly discuss other recent experiments on vortices in related structures.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    Magnetism in Closed-shell Quantum Dots: Emergence of Magnetic Bipolarons

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    Similar to atoms and nuclei, semiconductor quantum dots exhibit formation of shells. Predictions of magnetic behavior of the dots are often based on the shell occupancies. Thus, closed-shell quantum dots are assumed to be inherently nonmagnetic. Here, we propose a possibility of magnetism in such dots doped with magnetic impurities. On the example of the system of two interacting fermions, the simplest embodiment of the closed-shell structure, we demonstrate the emergence of a novel broken-symmetry ground state that is neither spin-singlet nor spin-triplet. We propose experimental tests of our predictions and the magnetic-dot structures to perform them.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.106.177201; minor change

    Magnetization dynamics in the single-molecule magnet Fe8 under pulsed microwave irradiation

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    We present measurements on the single molecule magnet Fe8 in the presence of pulsed microwave radiation at 118 GHz. The spin dynamics is studied via time resolved magnetization experiments using a Hall probe magnetometer. We investigate the relaxation behavior of magnetization after the microwave pulse. The analysis of the experimental data is performed in terms of different contributions to the magnetization after-pulse relaxation. We find that the phonon bottleneck with a characteristic relaxation time of 10 to 100 ms strongly affects the magnetization dynamics. In addition, the spatial effect of spin diffusion is evidenced by using samples of different sizes and different ways of the sample's irradiation with microwaves.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figure

    Stress induced dislocation roughening -- phase transition in 1d at finite temperature

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    We present an example of a generically forbidden phase transition in 1d at finite temperature -- stress induced and thermally assisted roughening of a superclimbing dislocation in a Peierls potential. We also argue that such roughening is behind the strong suppression of the superflow through solid \he4 in a narrow temperature range recently observed by Ray and Hallock (Phys.Rev. Lett. {\bf 105}, 145301 (2010)).Comment: 4 revtex pages, 5 figures. Replaced with the published versio

    Flux penetration and expulsion in thin superconducting disks

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    Using an expansion of the order parameter over the eigenfunctions of the linearized first Ginzburg-Landau (GL) equation, we obtain numerically the saddle points of the free energy separating the stable states with different number of vortices. In contrast to known surface and geometrical barrier models, we find that in a wide range of magnetic fields below the penetration field, the saddle point state for flux penetration into a disk does not correspond to a vortex located nearby the sample boundary, but to a region of suppressed superconductivity at the disk edge with no winding of the current, and which is {\it a nucleus} for the following vortex creation. The height of this {\it nucleation barrier}, which determines the time of flux penetration, is calculated for different disk radii and magnetic fields.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Correlated metals and the LDA+U method

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    While LDA+U method is well established for strongly correlated materials with well localized orbitals, its application to weakly correlated metals is questionable. By extending the LDA Stoner approach onto LDA+U, we show that LDA+U enhances the Stoner factor, while reducing the density of states. Arguably the most important correlation effects in metals, fluctuation-induced mass renormalization and suppression of the Stoner factor, are missing from LDA+U. On the other hand, for {\it moderately} correlated metals LDA+U may be useful. With this in mind, we derive a new version of LDA+U that is consistent with the Hohenberg-Kohn theorem and can be formulated as a constrained density functional theory. We illustrate all of the above on concrete examples, including the controversial case of magnetism in FeAl.Comment: Substantial changes. In particular, examples of application of the proposed functional are adde

    Robust Magnetic Polarons in Type-II (Zn,Mn)Te Quantum Dots

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    We present evidence of magnetic ordering in type-II (Zn, Mn) Te quantum dots. This ordering is attributed to the formation of bound magnetic polarons caused by the exchange interaction between the strongly localized holes and Mn within the dots. In our photoluminescence studies, the magnetic polarons are detected at temperatures up to ~ 200 K, with a binding energy of ~ 40 meV. In addition, these dots display an unusually small Zeeman shift with applied field (2 meV at 10 T). This behavior is explained by a small and weakly temperature-dependent magnetic susceptibility due to anti-ferromagnetic coupling of the Mn spins

    Nonlinear Magneto-Optics of Fe Monolayers from first principles: Structural dependence and spin-orbit coupling strength

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    We calculate the nonlinear magneto-optical response of free-standing fcc (001), (110) and (111) oriented Fe monolayers. The bandstructures are determined from first principles using a full-potential LAPW method with the additional implementation of spin-orbit coupling. The variation of the spin-orbit coupling strength and the nonlinear magneto-optical spectra upon layer orientation are investigated. We find characteristic differences which indicate an enhanced sensitivity of nonlinear magneto-optics to surface orientation and variation of the in-plane lattice constants. In particular the crossover from onedimensional stripe structures to twodimensional films of (111) layers exhibits a clean signature in the nonlinear Kerr-spectra and demonstrates the versatility of nonlinear magneto-optics as a tool for in situ thin-film analysis.Comment: 28 pages, RevTeX, psfig, submitted to PR
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