19 research outputs found

    Charm production in deep inelastic and diffractive scattering

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    We consider the production of charm by real and virtual photons. Special attention is paid to diffractive charm production, which provides information on the gluonic content of the Pomeron. Our calculations are based on the gluon distributions of the CKMT-model, which is shown to lead to agreement with the data on open charm production in deep inelastic scattering. We compare predictions for diffractive charm production of different models for the distribution of gluons in the Pomeron. Experiments at HERA should be able to discriminate between them. Predictions for beauty production in diffractive and non-diffractive interactions of photons are also given.Comment: 14 pages REVTEX and 24 figures include

    The BFKL Pomeron with running coupling constant: how much of its hard nature survives?

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    We discuss the BFKL equation with a running gauge coupling and identify in its solutions the contributions originating from different transverse momentum scales. We show that for a running coupling constant the distribution of the gluons making up the BFKL Pomeron shifts to smaller transverse momenta so that the dominant part of Pomeron can have a nonperturbative origin. It is demonstrated how this soft physics enters into the BFKL solution through the boundary condition. We consider two kinematical regimes leading to different behaviour of the rapidity and transverse momentum dependence of the gluon distribution. In the diffusion approximation to the BFKL kernel with running αs\alpha_s, we find a sequence of poles which replaces the cut for fixed αs\alpha_s. The second regime corresponds to the singular part of the kernel, which gives the dominant contribution in the limit of very large transverse momenta. Finally, a simple more general picture is obtained for the QCD Pomeron in hard processes: it is of soft, nonperturbative nature, but has hard ends of DGLAP-type.Comment: 23 pages REVTEX and 4 figures include

    Photoproduction of vector mesons in the Soft Dipole Pomeron model

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    Exclusive photoproduction of all vector mesons by real and virtual photons is considered in the Soft Dipole Pomeron model. It is emphasized that being the Pomeron in this model a double Regge pole with intercept equal to one, we are led to rising cross-sections but the unitarity bounds are not violated. It is shown that all available data for rho, omega, phi, J/psi and Upsilon in the region of energies 1.7 <= W <= 250 GeV and photon virtualities 0 <= Q^2 <= 35 GeV^2, including the differential cross-sections in the region of transfer momenta 0 <= |t| <= 1.6 GeV^2, are well described by the model.Comment: 17 pages, 19 figure

    NLO BFKL Equation, Running Coupling and Renormalization Scales

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    I examine the solution of the BFKL equation with NLO corrections relevant for deep inelastic scattering. Particular emphasis is placed on the part played by the running of the coupling. It is shown that the solution factorizes into a part describing the evolution in Q^2, and a constant part describing the input distribution. The latter is infrared dominated, being described by a coupling which grows as x decreases, and thus being contaminated by infrared renormalons. Hence, for this part we agree with previous assertions that predictive power breaks down for small enough x at any Q^2. However, the former is ultraviolet dominated, being described by a coupling which falls like 1/(\ln(Q^2/\Lambda^2) + A(\bar\alpha_s(Q^2)\ln(1/x))^1/2)with decreasing x, and thus is perturbatively calculable at all x. Therefore, although the BFKL equation is unable to predict the input for a structure function for small x, it is able to predict its evolution in Q^2, as we would expect from the factorization theory. The evolution at small x has no true powerlike behaviour due to the fall of the coupling, but does have significant differences from that predicted from a standard NLO in alpha_s treatment. Application of the resummed splitting functions with the appropriate coupling constant to an analysis of data, i.e. a global fit, is very successful.Comment: Tex file, including a modification of Harvmac, 46 pages, 8 figures as .ps files. Correction of typos, updating of references, very minor corrections to text and fig.

    Glueball spectrum and the Pomeron in the Wilson loop approach

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    Using a nonperturbative method based on asymptotic behaviour of Wilson loops we calculate masses of glueballs and corresponding Regge-trajectories. The only input is string tension fixed by meson Regge slope, while perturbative contributions to spin splittings are defined by standard alpha_s values. The masses of lowest glueball states are in a perfect agreement with lattice results. The leading glueball trajectory which is associated with Pomeron is discussed in details and its mixing with f and f' trajectories is taken into account.Comment: LaTeX2e, 49 pages, 2 figure

    Q^2 dependence of diffractive vector meson electroproduction

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    We give a general formula for the cross section for diffractive vector meson electroproduction, gamma^* p -> Vp. We first calculate diffractive qqbar production, and then use parton-hadron duality by projecting out the J^P = 1^- state in the appropriate mass interval. We compare the Q^2 dependence of the cross section for the diffractive production of rho and J/psi mesons with recent HERA data. We include the characteristic Q^2 dependence associated with the use of the skewed gluon distribution. We give predictions for sigma_L/sigma_T for both rho and J/psi production.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX, including five PostScript figure

    Deep Inelastic Scattering Data and the Problem of Saturation in Small-x Physics

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    We investigate the role of unitarization effects in virtual photon-proton (\gamma^*p) interactions at small x. The q\bar{q}-fluctuation of the initial photon is separated into a small distance and a large distance component and a model for the unitarization of each component is proposed. The Born approximation for the small size component is calculated using QCD perturbation theory. Reggeon diagram technique is used in order to obtain a self-consistent scheme for both total \gamma^*p cross section and diffractive production. The model gives a good description of HERA data in the small-x region, with a single Pomeron of intercept 1.2.Comment: 27 pages, 8 postscript figure

    Photoproduction off Nuclei and Point-like Photon Interactions Part I: Cross Sections and Nuclear Shadowing

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    High energy photoproduction off nuclear targets is studied within the Glauber-Gribov approximation. The photon is assumed to interact as a qqˉq\bar{q}-system according to the Generalized Vector Dominance Model and as a ``bare photon'' in direct scattering processes with target nucleons. We calculate total cross sections for interactions of photons with nuclei taking into account coherence length effects and point-like interactions of the photon. Results are compared to data on photon-nucleus cross sections, nuclear shadowing, and quasi- elastic ρ\rho-production. Extrapolations of cross sections and of the shadowing behaviour to high energies are given.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figure

    Double-Spin Asymmetry in the Cross Section for Exclusive rho^0 Production in Lepton-Proton Scattering

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    Evidence for a positive longitudinal double-spin asymmetry = 0.24 +-0.11 (stat) +-0.02 (syst) in the cross section for exclusive diffractive rho^0(770) vector meson production in polarised lepton-proton scattering was observed by the HERMES experiment. The longitudinally polarised 27.56 GeV HERA positron beam was scattered off a longitudinally polarised pure hydrogen gas target. The average invariant mass of the photon-proton system has a value of = 4.9 GeV, while the average negative squared four-momentum of the virtual photon is = 1.7 GeV^2. The ratio of the present result to the corresponding spin asymmetry in inclusive deep-inelastic scattering is in agreement with an early theoretical prediction based on the generalised vector meson dominance model.Comment: 10 pages, 4 embedded figures, LaTe

    dˉ−uˉ\bar d - \bar u asymmetry and semi-inclusive production of pions in DIS

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    We investigate unambiguities in the extraction of the dˉ−uˉ\bar d - \bar u asymmetry from semi-inclusive production of pions in DIS. The role of several effects beyond the quark-parton model (QPM) which lead to Npπ+≠Nnπ+N_p^{\pi^+} \ne N_n^{\pi^+} and Npπ−≠Nnπ−N_p^{\pi^-} \ne N_n^{\pi^-} and may therefore cloud such an extraction is studied. The results are discussed in the context of the recent HERMES data. We find that the interaction of the resolved photon with the nucleon significantly modifies the observed dˉ−uˉ\bar d - \bar u asymmetry. The exclusive elastic production of ρ\rho mesons plays a similar role for the large-zz data sample. Our estimate shows a rather small effect of the spectator mechanism. Nuclear effects in the deuteron also look potentially important but are difficult to estimate quantitatively. Throughout the paper we make in addition several general remarks concerning semi-inclusive and exclusive production of mesons.Comment: 47 pages, LaTeX with 19 eps figure