485 research outputs found

    Propagating slow magnetoacoustic waves in coronal loops observed by Hinode/EIS

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    We present the first Hinode/EIS observations of 5 min quasi-periodic oscillations detected in a transition-region line (He II) and five coronal lines (Fe X, Fe XII, Fe XIII, Fe XIV, and Fe XV) at the footpoint of a coronal loop. The oscillations exist throughout the whole observation, characterized by a series of wave packets with nearly constant period, typically persisting for 4-6 cycles with a lifetime of 20-30 min. There is an approximate in-phase relation between Doppler shift and intensity oscillations. This provides evidence for slow magnetoacoustic waves propagating upwards from the transition region into the corona. We find that the oscillations detected in the five coronal lines are highly correlated, and the amplitude decreases with increasing temperature. The amplitude of Doppler shift oscillations decrease by a factor of about 3, while that of relative intensity decreases by a factor of about 4 from Fe X to Fe XV. These oscillations may be caused by the leakage of the photospheric p-modes through the chromosphere and transition region into the corona, which has been suggested as the source for intensity oscillations previously observed by TRACE. The temperature dependence of the oscillation amplitudes can be explained by damping of the waves traveling along the loop with multithread structure near the footpoint. Thus, this property may have potential value for coronal seismology in diagnostic of temperature structure in a coronal loop.Comment: 13 pages, 11 color figures, 4 tables, Astrophys.J, May 2009 - v696 issue, (in press

    Three-dimensional multi-fluid model of a coronal streamer belt with a tilted magnetic dipole

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    Abstract. Observations of streamers in extreme ultraviolet (EUV) emission with SOHO/UVCS show dramatic differences in line profiles and latitudinal variations in heavy ion emission compared to hydrogen Ly-α emission. In order to use ion emission observations of streamers as the diagnostics of the slow solar wind properties, an adequate model of a streamer including heavy ions is required. We extended a previous 2.5-D multi-species magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) model of a coronal streamer to 3-D spherical geometry, and in the first approach we consider a tilted dipole configuration of the solar magnetic field. The aim of the present study is to test the 3-D results by comparing to previous 2.5-D model result for a 3-D case with moderate departure from azimuthal symmetry. The model includes O5+ ions with preferential empirical heating and allows for calculation of their density, velocity and temperature in coronal streamers. We present the first results of our 3-D multi-fluid model showing the parameters of protons, electrons and heavy ions (O5+) at the steady-state solar corona with a tilted steamer belt. We find that the 3-D results are in qualitative agreement with our previous 2.5-D model, and show longitudinal variation in the variables in accordance with the tilted streamer belt structure. Properties of heavy coronal ions obtained from the 3-D model together with EUV spectroscopic observations of streamers will help understanding the 3-D structures of streamers reducing line-of-sight integration ambiguities and identifying the sources of the slow solar wind in the lower corona. This leads to improved understanding of the physics of the slow solar wind

    Relative drifts and temperature anisotropies of protons and α\alpha particles in the expanding solar wind -- 2.5D hybrid simulations

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    We perform 2.5D hybrid simulations to investigate the origin and evolution of relative drift speeds between protons and α\alpha particles in the collisionless turbulent low-β\beta solar wind plasma. We study the generation of differential streaming by wave-particle interactions and absorption of turbulent wave spectra. Next we focus on the role of the relative drifts for the turbulent heating and acceleration of ions in the collisionless fast solar wind streams. The energy source is given by an initial broad-band spectrum of parallel propagating Alfv\'en-cyclotron waves, which co-exists with the plasma and is self-consistently coupled to the perpendicular ion bulk velocities. We include the effect of a gradual solar wind expansion, which cools and decelerates the minor ions. This paper for the first time considers the combined effect of self-consistently initialized dispersive turbulent Alfv\'enic spectra with differentially streaming protons and α\alpha particles in the expanding solar wind outflows within a 2.5D hybrid simulation study. In the non-expanding wind, we find a threshold value of the differential streaming Vαp=0.5VAV_{\alpha p} = 0.5 V_\mathrm{A}, for which the relative drift speed remains nearly steady. For ions, streaming below the threshold value, the waves act to increase the magnitude of the relative drift speed. Ions, which stream faster than the threshold value become subject to nonlinear streaming instability and as the system evolves their bulk velocities decrease. We find that the solar wind expansion strongly affects the relative drift speeds and significantly slows down both ion species for all values of the relative drift speeds considered in this study.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figures, submitted to A&

    Propagating waves in polar coronal holes as seen by SUMER and EIS

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    To study the dynamics of coronal holes and the role of waves in the acceleration of the solar wind, spectral observations were performed over polar coronal hole regions with the SUMER spectrometer on SoHO and the EIS spectrometer on Hinode. Using these observations, we aim to detect the presence of propagating waves in the corona and to study their properties. The observations analysed here consist of SUMER spectra of the Ne VIII 770 A line (T = 0.6 MK) and EIS slot images in the Fe XII 195 A line (T = 1.3 MK). Using the wavelet technique, we study line radiance oscillations at different heights from the limb in the polar coronal hole regions. We detect the presence of long period oscillations with periods of 10 to 30 min in polar coronal holes. The oscillations have an amplitude of a few percent in radiance and are not detectable in line-of-sight velocity. From the time distance maps we find evidence for propagating velocities from 75 km/s (Ne VIII) to 125 km/s (Fe XII). These velocities are subsonic and roughly in the same ratio as the respective sound speeds. We interpret the observed propagating oscillations in terms of slow magneto-acoustic waves. These waves can be important for the acceleration of the fast solar wind.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures Accepted as Astronomy and Astrophysics Lette

    Determination of the coronal magnetic field by coronal loop oscillations

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    We develop a new method for the determination of the absolute value of the magnetic field strength in coronal closed magnetic structures, based on the analysis of flare-generated oscillations of coronal loops. Interpretation of the oscillations observed in terms of global standing kink waves allows to connect the period of the oscillations and the loops length with the magnetic field strength in the loops. For loop oscillations observed with TRACE on 14th July 1998 and 4th July 1999, we estimate the magnetic field strength as 4-30 G. Using TRACE 171 Å and 195 Å images of the loop, taken on 4th July 1999 to determine the plasma density, we estimate the magnetic field in the loop as 13 +- 9 G. Improved diagnostic of the loop length, the oscillation period, and the plasma density in the loop will significantly improve the method's precision

    Hα Doppler shifts in a tornado in the solar corona

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    Context. High resolution movies in 193 Å from the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) on the Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO) show apparent rotation in the leg of a prominence observed during a coordinated campaign. Such structures are commonly referred to as tornadoes. Time-distance intensity diagrams of the AIA data show the existence of oscillations suggesting that the structure is rotating. Aims. The aim of this paper is to understand if the cool plasma at chromospheric temperatures inside the tornado is rotating around its central axis. Methods. The tornado was also observed in Hα with a cadence of 30 s by the MSDP spectrograph, operating at the Solar Tower in Meudon. The MSDP provides sequences of simultaneous spectra in a 2D field of view from which a cube of Doppler velocity maps is retrieved. Results. The Hα Doppler maps show a pattern with alternatively blueshifted and redshifted areas of 5 to 10′′ wide. Over time the blueshifted areas become redshifted and vice versa, with a quasi-periodicity of 40 to 60 min. Weaker amplitude oscillations with periods of 4 to 6 min are superimposed onto these large period oscillations. Conclusions. The Doppler pattern observed in Hα cannot be interpreted as rotation of the cool plasma inside the tornado. The Hα velocity observations give strong constraints on the possible interpretations of the AIA tornado

    High-frequency Alfven waves in multi-ion coronal plasma : observational implications

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    We investigate the effects of high-frequency (of order ion gyrofrequency) Alfvén and ion-cyclotron waves on ion emission lines by studying the dispersion of these waves in a multi-ion coronal plasma. For this purpose we solve the dispersion relation of the linearized multifluid and Vlasov equations in a magnetized multi-ion plasma with coronal abundances of heavy ions. We also calculate the dispersion relation using nonlinear one-dimensional hybrid kinetic simulations of the multi-ion plasma. When heavy ions are present the dispersion relation of parallel propagating Alfvén cyclotron waves exhibits the following branches (in the positive Ω − k quadrant): right-hand polarized nonresonant and left-hand polarized resonant branch for protons and each ion. We calculate the ratio of ion to proton velocities perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field for each wave modes for typical coronal parameters and find strong enhancement of the heavy ion perpendicular fluid velocity compared with proton perpendicular fluid velocity. The linear multifluid cold plasma results agree with linear warm plasma Vlasov results and with the nonlinear hybrid simulation model results. In view of our findings we discuss how the observed nonthermal line broadening of minor ions in coronal holes may relate to the high-frequency wave motions

    Hinode/EIS observations of propagating low-frequency slow magnetoacoustic waves in fan-like coronal loops

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    We report the first observation of multiple-periodic propagating disturbances along a fan-like coronal structure simultaneously detected in both intensity and Doppler shift in the Fe XII 195 A line with the EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) onboard Hinode. A new application of coronal seismology is provided based on this observation. We analyzed the EIS sit-and-stare mode observation of oscillations using the running difference and wavelet techniques. Two harmonics with periods of 12 and 25 min are detected. We measured the Doppler shift amplitude of 1-2 km/s, the relative intensity amplitude of 3%-5% and the apparent propagation speed of 100-120 km/s. The amplitude relationship between intensity and Doppler shift oscillations provides convincing evidence that these propagating features are a manifestation of slow magnetoacoustic waves. Detection lengths (over which the waves are visible) of the 25 min wave are about 70-90 Mm, much longer than those of the 5 min wave previously detected by TRACE. This difference may be explained by the dependence of damping length on the wave period for thermal conduction. Based on a linear wave theory, we derive an inclination of the magnetic field to the line-of-sight about 59±\pm8 deg, a true propagation speed of 128±\pm25 km/s and a temperature of 0.7±\pm0.3 MK near the loop's footpoint from our measurements.Comment: 4 pages and 4 figures, with 3 online figures and 1 online table; Astron & Astrophys Letter, in pres