2,135 research outputs found

    Sustainable development of the Romanian rural areas within the present European context

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    The present concept of rural sustainable development is based on the European model and implies a multifunctional agriculture. The LEADER programme (a part of NRDP) represents an approach that offers new development opportunities for the rural areas. The rural development objectives can be fulfilled both by the locally available financing, and by accessing national and European non-refundable financing, on the basis of real projects

    mBrailler: Multimodal Braille Keyboard for Android

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    Touchscreen devices have paved their way into the mobile scene, presenting a wide set of possibilities but a comparable number of new challenges, particularly for people who are blind. While these devices have a small number of tactile cues, such as buttons, they provide the opportunity to create novel interaction techniques. In this paper, we present mBrailler. mBrailler is a mobile braille keyboard that combines the benefits of physical keyboards (speed and accuracy) and gestural interfaces (flexibility and personalization). We built an 8-button Braille keyboard that can be attached to the back of mainstream smartphones allowing fast and familiar chorded input. On the other hand,the touchscreen enables thumb entered gestures for more complex text editing operations, such as caret movement, text selection, copy, and paste. This project combines the tactile benefits of Braille typewriters with the customization of smartphone applications. We aim to provide a more efficient and effective typing experience for blind users, thus increasing their productivity with current mobile devices

    Aplastamientos vertebrales tras un trasplante hepático

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    En la evolución de un paciente sometido a un trasplante hepático existe una importante morbilidad con complicaciones musculoesqueléticas, especialmente debido a la osteopaina que sufren con fracturas patológicas y necrosis avasculares. Es un tema importante puesto que son pacientes jóvenes, que se encuentran sometidos a quimioterapia inmunosupresora intensiva. Además no existe una terapia profiláctica efectiva ni tratamiento de las complicaciones. Presentamos el caso de un niño de 16 años de edad al que se le realizó un trasplante hepático en 1994 y en uno de sus múltiples ingresos refería una lumbalgia aguda con una hipercifosis dorsolumbar. Se ha realizado una revisión de la literatura, estudiando los posibles mecanismos etiopatogénicos implicados en el desarrollo de las fracturas vertebrales tras un trasplante hepático.Orthopedic liver transplation has greatly the survival of patients with descompensated liver disease. This success has been accompanied by significant morbidity from the late musculoskeletal complications, especially osteoponic bone disease with atraumatic fracture and avascular necrosis. In liver transplant recipients, the young age, the presence of hepatic osteopenia, and the use of immunosuppressive theraphy are mayor concerns. There is no effective therapy for preventing or treating post-transplant osteopenia. We report a 16 year-old patient with a liver transplantation that developed symptomatic vertebral fractures. We have done literature review, studying the different causes of osteoarticular complications after liver transplantation

    Contratos: Obligación de saneamiento

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    Debe considerarse que, según el régimen legal vigente, para que el acreedor de la obligación de saneamiento pueda reclamar por evicción los requisitos exigibles son, como regla: a) que la transmisión del derecho haya sidoa título oneroso (art. 1033 inc.aCCC); b) que exista el razonable temor de sufrir una turbación o privación de derecho,fundado en causa anterior o contemporánea a la adquisición (art. 1044 inc.aCCC) o defectos en el título que afecten el valor del bien a tal extremo que, de haberlos conocido, el adquirente no lo habría adquirido, o su contraprestación habría sido significativamente menor (art.1049 inc.a CCC).Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociale

    Contractura congénita en abducción de la cadera y oblicuidad pélvica

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    La contractura congénita en abducción y oblicuidad apévica una patología que estamos viendo con cierta frecuencia en nuestra consulta de Ortopedia infantil, y a pesar de ser poco conocida por lo poco descrito en la literatura, nos parece un tema importante. Aportamos 4 casos tratados y seguidos en nuestra consulta. Describimos la exploración clínica y radiológica de estos pacientes, así como su evolución en el tiempo y pronóstico. Planteamos el diagnóstico diferencial con la luxación congénita de cadera. Se realiza además una revisión de la literatura, y se expone las posibles etiologías, signos clínicos y radiológicos, así como tipos de tratamientos y pronóstico.Congenital abduction contracture of the hip is an entity that we are evaluating and treating frequently in our Paediatric Clinic. This pathology appears to have received little attention in the Paediatric Orthopaedics literature. Although it has not been referred by many authors, we think it's very important. We evaluated and treated 4 infants. The clinical and radiology stud, the follow-up and the prognosis are described. The findings in these patients were markedly similar to those commonly seen in patients with congenital dislocation of the hip. We have done a literature review, demonstrating that two different types exist, with different treatment and result. We explain the etiology and other factors that have also been shown to be associated with this entity

    Biodegradation of 2-ethylhexyl nitrate (2-EHN) by Mycobacterium austroafricanum IFP 2173

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    2-Ethyhexyl nitrate (2-EHN) is a major additive of fuel which is used to comply with the cetane number of diesel. Because of its wide use and possible accidental release, 2-EHN is a potential pollutant of the environment. In this study, Mycobacterium austroafricanum IFP 2173 was selected among several strains as the best 2-EHN degrader. The 2-EHN biodegradation rate was increased in biphasic cultures where the hydrocarbon was dissolved in an inert non-aqueous phase liquid (NAPL), suggesting that the transfer of the hydrophobic substrate to the cells was a growth-limiting factor. Carbon balance calculation as well as organic carbon measurement indicated a release of metabolites in the culture medium. Further analysis by gas chromatography revealed that a single metabolite accumulated during growth. This metabolite had a molecular mass of 114 Da as determined by GC/MS and was provisionally identified as 4-ethyldihydrofuran-2(3H)-one by LC-MS/MS analysis. Identification was confirmed by analysis of the chemically synthesized lactone. Based on these results, a plausible catabolic pathway is proposed whereby 2-EHN is converted to 4-ethyldihydrofuran-2(3H)-one, which cannot be metabolised further by strain IFP 2173. This putative pathway provides an explanation for the low energetic efficiency of 2-EHN degradation and its poor biodegradability

    Typing performance of blind users:an analysis of touch behaviors, learning effect, and in-situ usage

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    Non-visual text-entry for people with visual impairments has focused mostly on the comparison of input techniques reporting on performance measures, such as accuracy and speed. While researchers have been able to establish that non-visual input is slow and error prone, there is little understanding on how to improve it. To develop a richer characterization of typing performance, we conducted a longitudinal study with five novice blind users. For eight weeks, we collected in-situ usage data and conducted weekly laboratory assessment sessions. This paper presents a thorough analysis of typing performance that goes beyond traditional aggregated measures of text-entry and reports on character-level errors and touch measures. Our findings show that users improve over time, even though it is at a slow rate (0.3 WPM per week). Substitutions are the most common type of error and have a significant impact on entry rates. In addition to text input data, we analyzed touch behaviors, looking at touch contact points, exploration movements, and lift positions. We provide insights on why and how performance improvements and errors occur. Finally, we derive some implications that should inform the design of future virtual keyboards for non-visual input. Categories and Subject Descriptors H.5.2 [Information Interfaces and Presentation]: User Interfaces- Input devices and strategies. K4.2 [Computers an

    The effect of bovine milk lactoferrin on human breast cancer cell lines

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    The evidence that biologically active food components are key environmental factors affecting the incidence of many chronic diseases is overwhelming. However, the full extent of such components in our diet is unknown, as well as our understanding of their mechanisms of action. Beyond their interaction with the gut and intestinal immune functions, more benefits are being tested for whey proteins such as lactoferrin, namely as anti-cancer agents. Lactoferrin is an iron-binding protein that has been reported to inhibit several types of cancer. In the present work, the effects of bovine milk lactoferrin on human breast cancer HS578T and T47D cells were studied. The cells were either untreated or submitted to lactoferrin concentrations ranging from 0. 125 to 125 μM. Lactoferrin decreased 47% and 54% the cell viability of HS578T and T47D, respectively, and increased apoptosis about twofold for both cell lines. Proliferation rates decreased between 40.3 and 63.9% for HS578T and T47D, respectively. T47D cell migration decreased in the presence of the protein. Although the mechanisms of action have still not been unrevealed, the results gathered in this work suggest that lactoferrin interferes with some of the most important steps involved in cancer development.(undefined