18 research outputs found

    Технологическая адекватность продукции свеклосахарного производства, используемой в пищевой промышленности

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    Beet sugar production in Russia annually gives about 6 million tons of white sugar and 1.5 million tons of beet molasses, which must have technological adequacy, when used as raw materials. The purpose of the work was to substantiate the concept of technological adequacy of beet sugar production, its indicator markers and their threshold values, to assess the actual technological adequacy of white sugar and molasses, to verify the hypothesis about the relationship between individual indicators of white sugar and empirical knowledge about an increase in the content of micronutrients with a decrease in the category. The objects of the study were terminology related to the characteristics of food products and raw materials in terms of consumer expectations and indicators of their assessment. Technological adequacy was evaluated for 230 samples of white sugar and 134 samples of beet molasses. Indicator markers were determined according to standardized and known methods. Technological adequacy of white sugar and beet molasses is the compliance of their specific functional properties with the requirements of the production of a particular food product, in which they are raw ingredients. A measure of compliance is indicator markers in the form of physicochemical parameters of the composition. Indicators of white sugar for three food technologies and indicators of beet molasses for two technologies and storage were substantiated; their technological adequacy was assessed. Empirical knowledge about an increase in the content of micronutrients with a decrease in the category and the hypothesis about the relationship between individual indicators of white sugar were confirmed. It is shown that all white sugar of extra and TC1 categories has technological adequacy for the use in food production, while only 62% of TC2 sugar and some batches of beet molasses have the necessary technological suitability. The results obtained will be a tool for regulating the production of competitive products and developing a control scheme for the technological flow of sugar production.Свеклосахарное производство России ежегодно вырабатывает около 6 млн т белого сахара и 1,5 млн т свекловичной мелассы, которые при потреблении в качестве сырья должны обладать технологической адекватностью. Цель работы — обоснование понятия технологической адекватности продукции свеклосахарного производства, ее индикаторных показателей и их пороговых значений, оценка фактической технологической адекватности белого сахара и мелассы; проверка гипотезы о взаимосвязи отдельных показателей белого сахара и эмпирических знаний о повышении содержания микронутриентов при понижении категории. Объектами исследования являлась терминология, относящаяся к характеристикам пищевых продуктов и сырья с точки зрения ожидания потребителей и показатели их оценки. Технологическую адекватность оценивали для 230 образцов белого сахара и 134 образцов свекловичной мелассы, индикаторные показатели определяли по стандартизованным и известным методикам. Технологическая адекватность белого сахара и свекловичной мелассы — соответствие определенных их функциональных свойств требованиям производства конкретного пищевого продукта, в котором они являются сырьевым ингредиентом. Мерой соответствия служат индикаторные показатели в виде физико-химических параметров состава. Обоснованы индикаторные показатели белого сахара для 3 технологий пищевых продуктов; свекловичной мелассы — для 2 технологий и хранения; выполнена оценка их технологической адекватности. Подтверждены эмпирические знания о повышении содержания микронутриентов при понижении категории, а также гипотеза о взаимосвязи отдельных показателей белого сахара. Показано, что весь белый сахар категорий экстра и ТС1 обладает технологической адекватностью для использования в производстве пищевой продукции, в то время как только 62% сахара категории ТС2 и некоторые партии свекловичной мелассы обладают необходимой технологической пригодностью. Полученные результаты будут являться инструментом регулирования выпуска конкурентоспособной продукции и развития схемы контроля технологического потока производства сахара


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    Правове регулювання безпеки господарської діяльності в Україні : [кол.] моногр. / за заг. ред. О. П. Гетманець; Харків. нац. ун-т внутр. справ, Каф. прав. забезп. госп. діяльності. – Харків : Константа, 2019. – 296 с. - ISBN 978-617-7771-20-2.У монографії розкриваються правові основи, стан та перспективи законодавчого врегулювання безпеки господарської діяльності в Україні, досліджуються сутність фінансової, екологічної, хімічної, науково-технічної безпеки господарської діяльності, повноваження органів державної влади та місцевого самоврядування, викривачів та інших суб’єктів щодо забезпечення безпеки господарювання в Україні. Сформульовані правові принципи безпеки господарювання в Україні та підстави притягнення порушників законодавства щодо забезпечення стабільності та безпеки діяльності суб’єктів господорювання до юридичної відповідальності.The monograph reveals the legal foundations, state and prospects of the legislative regulation of the safety of economic activity in Ukraine, examines the essence of financial, environmental, chemical, scientific and technical safety of economic activities, the powers of state and local authorities, whistleblowers and other entities to ensure the safety of business in Ukraine. The legal principles of business safety in Ukraine and the grounds for bringing violators of legislation to ensure the stability and safety of the activities of state entities to legal responsibility have been formulated.В монографии раскрываются правовые основы, состояние и перспективы законодательного урегулирования безопасности хозяйственной деятельности в Украине, исследуются сущность финансовой, экологической, химической, научно-технической безопасности хозяйственной деятельности, полномочия органов государственной власти и местного самоуправления, обличителей и других субъектов по обеспечению безопасности хозяйствования в Украине. Сформулированы правовые принципы безопасности хозяйствования в Украине и основания привлечения нарушителей законодательства по обеспечению стабильности и безопасности деятельности субъектов господорювання к юридической ответственности

    Methodological aspects of system forming of control methods of technological flow of sugar production

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    Under conditions of increasing of industrial consumption of sugar in Russia and applying specific requirements for sugar as primary commodity, issues of flexibility and readjustment of process lines for production of sugar of prescribed properties become relevant. Maintaining the quality and safety of products in this case can be ensured by the transition of the process control system to a new paradigm, including the improvement of tools in the form of measurement methods. As a basis for the methodology of forming the system of control methods, three principles have been proposed: the package principle, the acquisition of standard and extended case methods, and the unification of methods presentation. The package principle as a tool of the rule-making methodology, with its detailed elaboration in standardization, has been considered in detail. It is shown that in order to ensure the compatibility of operational control methods, it makes sense to provide unified approaches to their development, essential content, construction and presentation, which is possible by adopting the package principle used in standardization. The necessity of expanding the nomenclature of control parameters of the technological flow of sugar production was considered in detail; the existing prerequisites were shown. It was proposed to provide the implementation of nomenclature variations of control parameters on the basis of the formation of two case methods, differentiated according to the destination of the sugar produced - for population or industrial consumers. It is noted that control parameters of the technological flow of sugar production are the quantities related to the subject of quantitative chemical analysis, the practical side of which is reflected by analytical methods. Due to the current variety of attributes of methods presentation, their harmonization is required both by means of the unification of the presentation of measurement methods of the same parameters for different control objects according to their substantive essence, and by means of the unification of the text presentation of the methodology. The principles considered together constitute the essence of the methodological approach to the formation of the system of control methods of the technological sugar production flow

    The relationship of risk factors and heart remodeling in patients with metabolic syndrome and arterial hypertension

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    Introduction. Arterial hypertension (AH) is a widespread disease in the population of the world. It also acts as one of the constituent components of metabolic syndrome (MS), which is a global “epidemic” of our time. Target organs in such patients are affected much earlier and their changes are more pronounced than in hypertensive patients without metabolic disorders. It is important to study the contribution of risk factors to the progression of cardiac dysfunction in this category of patients.Purpose of the study. To study the influence of risk factors on heart remodeling in patients with hypertension, burdened and not burdened by metabolic disorders, selected for clinical analysis from the cardiology department of the Republican Clinical Hospital № 4, Saransk in 2016-2019.Materials and methods. For clinical analysis, 139 patients were selected from the cardiology department of the Republican Clinical Hospital No. 4, Saransk. Depending on the presence of metabolic disorders, the following groups were identified: Group I (n = 72) – patients with MS and AH; Group II (n = 67) – AH patients without metabolic disorders. The study evaluated the morphological and functional state of the myocardium and risk factors in the analyzed groups.Results. In the group of patients with hypertension, aggravated by metabolic disorders, more pronounced processes of cardiac remodeling were revealed. It has been shown that patients with MS develop both eccentric and concentric models of left ventricular hypertrophy. The influence of the level of blood pressure and body mass index is differently reflected on the type of restructuring of the geometry of the myocardium. Patients with hypertension combined with metabolic disorders have a wider prevalence of risk factors. The burden of risk factors is higher in patients with concentric left ventricular hypertrophy and MS.Conclusions. The role of metabolic disorders in the mechanism of cardiac remodeling development in patients with hypertension in combination with MS was determined

    Robustness and Informativeness of Systemic Risk Measures

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    Recent literature has proposed new methods for measuring the systemic risk of financial institutions based on observed stock returns. In this paper we examine the reliability and robustness of such risk measures, focusing on CoVaR, marginal expected shortfall, and option-based tail risk estimates. We show that CoVaR exhibits undesired characteristics in the way it responds to idiosyncratic risk. In the presence of contagion, the risk measures provide conflicting signals on the systemic risk of infectious and infected banks. Finally, we explore how limited data availability typical of practical applications may limit the measures' performance. We generate systemic tail risk through positions in standard index options and describe situations in which systemic risk is misestimated by the three measures. The observations raise doubts about the informativeness of the proposed measures. In particular, a direct application to regulatory capital surcharges for systemic risk could create wrong incentives for banks