36 research outputs found

    Rethinking and Recontextualizing Glosses: New Perspectives in the Study of Late Anglo-Saxon Glossography

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    Glossing was a scribal practice in use since antiquity, but it was in the Middle Ages that it acquired a wider meaning and a different role, becoming one of the most widespread forms of literacy in the Germanic West, including the British Isles. Most of the essays collected in this volume focus on the late Anglo-Saxon period, that is a well-identified time-frame spanning from the Benedictine Reform to the eleventh century. As recent scholarship has convincingly established, the second half of the tenth century and the beginning of the eleventh saw the blooming of Anglo-Saxon scholarship and a remarkable advance in educational practices. Within this cultural resurgence, glossing undoubtedly played no small role and was particularly vital in centres such as Abingdon, Canterbury, and Winchester. In the contributions to the present volume, the relationship between glosses and the text they accompany is always explored on the basis of their manuscript context. The essays are devoted to both Latin and Old English apparatuses of glosses as well as to specific items of the Old Norse and Old Saxon glossarial production

    Hagiography in Anglo-Saxon England: Adopting and Adapting Saints\u2019 Lives into Old English Prose (c. 950-1150)

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    This volume gathers fourteen new essays devoted to Old English prose saints' lives from the late Anglo-Saxon period. Moving from diverse methodological approaches and building on the most recent developments in primary and sceondary scholarship, the contributions comprehensively consider the texts and contexts of the vernacular hagiographic output both by Aelfric, the major hagiographer of his day, and by anonymous authors. By means of a comprehensive scrutiny of the Latin source-texts, including the often neglected Vitas Patrum, as well as of both the historical and manuscript contexts, this collection contributes to outline the late Anglo-Saxon sanctorale and to advance our knowledge of the literary culture and intellectual history of pre-Conquest England and beyond

    Hagiography in Anglo-Saxon England: Adopting and Adapting Saints’ Lives into Old English Prose (Textes et Études du Moyen Âge, 73)

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    This volume gathers fourteen new essays devoted to Old English prose saints’ lives from the late Anglo-Saxon period. Moving from diverse methodological approaches and building on the most recent developments in primary and secondary scholarship, the contributions comprehensively consider the texts and contexts of the vernacular hagiographic output both by Ælfric, the major hagiographer of his day, and by anonymous authors. Attention is devoted also to the post-Conquest legacy of Anglo-Saxon hagiography, as Ælfric’s Lives of Saints continued to be read, copied, edited, and readapted throughout the eleventh and twelfth centuries. In the new stress on the Latin source-texts, among which the long-neglected Vitas Patrum, on the historical background underlying the hagiographical production, this collection contributes to define the sanctorale in use in late Anglo-Saxon England and thereby advances our knowledge of the literary culture and intellectual history of the late Anglo-Saxon period and beyond

    'Preface' al volume Hagiography in Anglo-Saxon Egland

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    The Preface to the volume Hagiography in Anglo-Saxon England: Adopting and Adapting Saints’ Lives into Old English Prose describes the contents of the essays within the aims of the larger project on Anglo-Saxon and early Middle English hagiograph

    Rethinking and Recontextualizing Glosses: New Perspectives in the Study of Late Anglo-Saxon Glossography,

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    Il volume raccoglie 21 contributi dedicati a glosse e glossari composti in Inghilterra (e in Scandinavia), come pure a problematiche specifiche della produzione glossografica medievale, come il rapporto tra lemma e interpretamentum, la portata dell'influsso delle Etymologiae di Isidoro, la tipologia dei glossari, l'impiego di glosse e glossari per l'istruzione privata e la didattic

    'Filologia germanica- Germanic Philology' 5 (2013)

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    Un volume monografico della rivista dedicato alla Prosa anglosasson

    La Prosa Anglosassone / Old English Prose

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    Old English Prose is the fifth issue of the journal Germanic Philology, sponsored by the Italian Association of Germamic Philology (AIFG) and edited by P. Lendinara, C. Di Sciacca, J. Hill, L. Lazzari, and L. Vezzosi. The multifaceted volume consists of eleven original contributions by both established scholars and emerging Anglo-Saxonists, ranging from the \u2018Alfredian\u2019 translations to encyclopedic notes, from the anonymous Blickling and Vercelli homilies to \uc6lfric, from source-studies to Old English word-formation and syntax. Contents: M. Cesario, \u2018Romancing the wind: The role of gales in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle\u2019; R. Cioffi, \u2018Ne opige nan man to \uf0issere leasunge: Un controverso caso di intercessione mariana al momento del giudizio\u2019; G. Cocco, \u2018From wea to wela: Shipwreck as a foreshadowing of Christian salvation in the Old English Apollonius of Tyre\u2019; G.D. De Bonis, \u2018Le Omelie Blickling nella produzione omiletica anglosassone\u2019; K. Dekker, \u2018The organisation and structure of Old English encyclopaedic notes\u2019; M. Godden, \u2018Alfredian prose: Myth and reality\u2019; J. Hill, \u2018Augustine\u2019s tractates on John and the homilies of \uc6lfric\u2019; O. Khalaf, \u2018A study on the translator\u2019s omissions and instances of adaptation in the Old English Orosius: The case of Alexander the Great\u2019; L. Pezzarossa, \u2018Reading Orosius in the Viking Age: An influential yet problematic model\u2019; H. Sauer, \u2018Vercelli Homilies and word-formation\u2019; L. Vezzosi, \u2018Relative clauses in Old English prose: A stylistic choice\u2019

    Filologia Germanica - Germanic Philology 5 (2013)

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    Journal containing articles in Italian and English, with English abstracts. The present issue is devoted to the subject "Old English Prose"