92 research outputs found

    Stabilization of grid frequency through dynamic demand control

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    Frequency stability in electricity networks is essential to the maintenance of supply quality and security. This paper investigates whether a degree of built-in frequency stability could be provided by incorporating dynamic demand control into certain consumer appliances. Such devices would monitor system frequency (a universally available indicator of supply-demand imbalance) and switch the appliance on or off accordingly, striking a compromise between the needs of the appliance and the grid. A simplified computer model of a power grid was created incorporating aggregate generator inertia, governor action and load-frequency dependence plus refrigerators with dynamic demand controllers. Simulation modelling studies were carried out to investigate the system's response to a sudden loss of generation, and to fluctuating wind power. The studies indicated a significant delay in frequency-fall and a reduced dependence on rapidly deployable backup generation

    CFD modelling of double-skin facades with venetian blinds

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    This paper describes CFD modelling of Double Skin Façades (DSF) with venetian blinds inside the façade cavity. The 2-D modelling work investigates the coupled convective, conductive and radiative heat transfer through the DSF system. The angles of the venetian blind can be adjusted and a series of angles (0, 30, 45, 60 and 80 degrees) has been modelled. The modelling results are compared with the measurements from a section of façade tested within a solar simulator and with predictions from a component based nodal model. Agreement between the three methods is generally good. Discrepancies in the results are generally caused by the simplification of the CFD model resulting less turbulence mixing within the façade cavity. The CFD simulation output suggests that the presence of the venetian blinds has led up to 35 percent enhancement in natural ventilation flow for the façade cavity and 75 percent reduction in heat loads for the internal environment. It was also found that little changes of the convective heat transfer coefficients on the glazing surfaces have been caused by the venetian blinds with different angles

    FRW Universe Models in Conformally Flat Spacetime Coordinates. II: Universe models with negative and vanishing spatial curvature

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    We deduce general expressions for the line element of universe models with negative and vanishing spatial curvature described by conformally flat spacetime coordinates. The empty Milne universe model and models with dust, radiation and vacuum energy are exhibited. Discussing the existence of particle horizons we show that there is continual creation of space, matter and energy when conformal time is used in Friedmann-Robertson-Walker models with negative spatial curvature.Comment: 25 pages, 12 figure

    New hydrogen-like potentials

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    Using the modified factorization method introduced by Mielnik, we construct a new class of radial potentials whose spectrum for l=0 coincides exactly with that of the hydrogen atom. A limiting case of our family coincides with the potentials previously derived by Abraham and MosesComment: 6 pages, latex, 2 Postscript figure

    FRW Universe Models in Conformally Flat Spacetime Coordinates. I: General Formalism

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    The 3-space of a universe model is defined at a certain simultaneity. Hence space depends on which time is used. We find a general formula generating all known and also some new transformations to conformally flat spacetime coordinates. A general formula for the recession velocity is deduced.Comment: 12 page

    Teaching across disciplines: a case study of a project-based short course to teach holistic coastal adaptation design

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    Climate change has led to the need for innovation in resilient infrastructure and the social policies which will support those. This requires greater interdisciplinary interactions and knowledge building among emerging professionals. This paper presents a case study of a pilot short course intended to immerse graduate students in the design of resilient infrastructure using place-based and interdisciplinary active team learning. This course helps graduate students bridge the gap between research and practice on the social science and engineering of resilient infrastructure for coastal adaptation. The intellectual framework for the course (the Adaptive Gradients Framework) provides a holistic evaluation of adaptation design proposals and was used to recognize the complexity of social, ecological and engineering aspects and varied social benefits. The course provides a model to move outside rigid boundaries of institutions and disciplines to begin to build, in both students and instructors, the ability to work more effectively on complex social-ecological-engineering problems. Finally, this paper presents a summary of lessons learned from this pilot short course

    ASAP: a resource for annotating, curating, comparing, and disseminating genomic data

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    ASAP is a comprehensive web-based system for community genome annotation and analysis. ASAP is being used for a large-scale effort to augment and curate annotations for genomes of enterobacterial pathogens and for additional genome sequences. New tools, such as the genome alignment program Mauve, have been incorporated into ASAP in order to improve display and analysis of related genomes. Recent improvements to the database and challenges for future development of the system are discussed. ASAP is available on the web at

    Protected areas: a resource or constraint for local people?

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    We investigated local people’s perceptions, knowledge, and attitudes toward conservation planning and management in Chitral Gol National Park in North West Frontier Province (NWFP) of Pakistan. A literature review was undertaken to unravel the historic drivers behind the formation of this protected area. Key informant interviews and questionnaire surveys were conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of current governance approaches adopted by the park management authorities. Community-based questionnaire surveys and key-informant interviews focused on local communities’ knowledge and awareness of the objectives of the park, people’s role in decision-making, social characteristics, and resource use structures. The information from these surveys was evaluated within the context of good governance and sustainability of park management. Results show a lack of awareness and a low level of participation in protected area management, but a high degree of willingness in the communities to participate in conservation activities. An analysis of the survey data suggests that the park authorities enforce strict protection measures within the park, but this approach lacks a strong vision of sustainability. The surveys reveal that the local people have a very strong sense of belonging to the place and are willing to contribute to the protection of the PA. A large majority of the respondents rely on electronic media as their main source of information, which could potentially form the best medium for conservation campaigning in the region. With these findings in mind, we propose changes to the current governance model for effective and sustainable management of the park in the future
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