4 research outputs found

    Sparticle Spectrum Constraints

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    The supersymmetric standard model with supergravity-inspired soft breaking terms predicts a rich pectrum of sparticles to be discovered at the SSC, LHC and NLC. Because there are more supersymmetric particles than unknown parameters, one can write down sum rules relating their masses. We discuss the pectrum of sparticles from this point of view. Some of the sum rules do not depend on the input parameters and can be used to test the consistency of the model, while others are useful in determining the input parameters of the theory. If supersymmetry is discovered but the sum rules turn out to be violated, it will be evidence of new physics beyond the minimal supersymmetric standard model with universal soft supersymmetry-breaking terms.Comment: 25 pages. NUB-3067-93TH, UFIFT-HEP-93-16, SSCL-Preprint-439, June 199

    Experimental aspects of SU(5)xU(1) supergravity

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    We study various aspects of SU(5)×U(1)SU(5)\times U(1) supergravity as they relate to the experimental verification or falsification of this model. We consider two string-inspired, universal, one-parameter, no-scale soft-supersymmetry-breaking scenarios, driven by the FF-terms of the moduli and dilaton fields. The model is described in terms of the supersymmetry mass scale (\ie, the chargino mass mχ1±m_{\chi^\pm_1}), tanβ\tan\beta, and the top-quark mass. We first determine the combined effect on the parameter space of all presently available direct and indirect experimental constraints, including the LEP lower bounds on sparticle and Higgs-boson masses, the bsγb\to s\gamma rate, the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon, the high-precision electroweak parameters ϵ1,ϵb\epsilon_1,\epsilon_b (which imply m_t\lsim180\GeV), and the muon fluxes in underground detectors (neutrino telescopes). For the still-allowed points in (mχ1±,tanβ)(m_{\chi^\pm_1},\tan\beta) parameter space, we re-evaluate the experimental situation at the Tevatron, LEPII, and HERA. In the 1994 run, the Tevatron could probe chargino masses as high as 100 GeV. At LEPII the parameter space could be explored with probes of different resolutions: Higgs boson searches, selectron searches, and chargino searches. Moreover, for m_t\lsim150\GeV, these Higgs-boson searches could explore all of the allowed parameter space with \sqrt{s}\lsim210\GeV.Comment: latex, 36 pages, 25 figures (not included). Figures are available via anonymous ftp from hplaa02.cern.ch (/pub/lopez) as either 33 ps files (Easpects*.ps, 8.1MB) or one uuencoded file (AllFigures.uu, 3.7MB

    Uncertainties in Coupling Constant Unification

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    The status of coupling constant unification in the standard model and its supersymmetric extension are discussed. Uncertainties associated with the input coupling constants, mtm_{t}, threshold corrections at the low and high scales, and possible nonrenormalizable operators are parametrized and estimated. A simple parametrization of a general supersymmetric new particle spectrum is given. It is shown that an effective scale MSUSYM_{SUSY} can be defined, but for a realistic spectrum it may differ considerably from the typical new particle masses. The implications of the lower (higher) values of αs(MZ)\alpha_{s}(M_{Z}) suggested by low-energy (ZZ-pole) experiments are discussed.Comment: LaTex, 51 pages, 6 figures (available upon request), UPR-0513

    Hypercharge and the Cosmological Baryon Asymmetry

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    Stringent bounds on baryon and lepton number violating interactions have been derived from the requirement that such interactions, together with electroweak instantons, do not destroy a cosmological baryon asymmetry produced at an extremely high temperature in the big bang. While these bounds apply in specific models, we find that they are generically evaded. In particular, the only requirement for a theory to avoid these bounds is that it contain charged particles which, during a certain cosmological epoch, carry a non-zero hypercharge asymmetry. Hypercharge neutrality of the universe then dictates that the remaining particles must carry a compensating hypercharge density, which is necessarily shared amongst them so as to give a baryon asymmetry. Hence the generation of a hypercharge density in a sector of the theory forces the universe to have a baryon asymmetry.Comment: 12 pages plus 1 Postscript figure available upon request. LBL 3482