9 research outputs found


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    Ritter’s reaction of pulegone with a number of both aliphatic and aromatic nitriles in the presence of catalytic amount of concentrated sulfuric acid proceeding through formation of a tertiary carbocation with the subsequent addition of nitrile molecule and formation of ketoamides, has been performed.Осуществлена реакция Риттера пулегона с рядом как алифатических, так и ароматических нитрилов в присутствии каталитического количества концентрированной серной кислоты, которая протекает через образование третичного карбокатиона с последующим присоединением к нему молекулы нитрила и образованием кетоамида.

    Синтез и свойства новых азотсодержащих производных зерумбона

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    A series of potential bioactive nitrogen zerumbone derivatives by carbonyl group containing terpene ring, has been synthesized. For the first time, microwave irradiation method has been used for their preparation. The structures of the obtained compounds have been determined by 1Н NMR and IR spectroscopy.Синтезирован ряд потенциальных биологически активных азотсодержащих производных зерумбона по карбонильной группе с сохранением терпенового цикла. Впервые такой синтез проведен с использованием метода микроволнового излучения. Методами ЯМР1Н и ИК спектроскопии установлено строение полученных соединений

    Composition and Ecology of the Insect Community and Microbiota in Galls on a Hawkweed Hieracium × robustum Fries, 1848

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    The gall wasp Aulacidea hieracii L., 1758 (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) forms a stem gall on the hawkweed Hieracium × robustum Fries, 1848 (Asteraceae), a weedy herb that grows in the steppe biotopes of Eurasia. In its turn, gall former serves as food for a large number of parasitoids and predators, which also live and develop inside and outside the gall. Moreover, the inhabitants of the galls are consumed by birds. In addition, a specific microbiota develops inside the gall, which includes representatives of Gram-negative bacteria Pseudomonas rhizosphaerae, Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens, Pantoea agglomerans and fungi Alternaria alternata. The authors found out the composition of parasitoids, predators, inquilines and microorganisms for a gall on the hawkweed. For the first time, studies were carried out on the development of the moth caterpillars Oxyptilus chrysodactyla (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) on the hawkweed H. robustum. We found that the caterpillars of the moths cohabit on their fodder plant on the surface of the gall together with the larvae of gall wasps. Notably, the gall wasp larvae are the first to inhabit the plant. Thus, gall on the plant is a complex ecosystem, which balances and increases diversity of living organisms


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    The results of radiological investigations (in 2001-2002) conducted near sites of the underground nuclear explosions Crystal and Kraton-3 in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) are presented. The sum of the current effective internal doses from 137Cs and 90Sr (from consumption of natural products) and the external dose from 137Cs deposition was about 21 μSv y-1 for adult residents of the urban settlements Aihal and Udachny. Intake of 137Cs and 90Sr (originating from global fallout) with reindeer meat contributes ~87% to the internal dose determined. At present, the consequences of the underground nuclear explosions, conducted in the 1970s, have no influence on the technogenic exposure of the local population


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    oai:oai.radhyd.elpub.ru:article/460The results of radiological investigations (in 2001-2002) conducted near sites of the underground nuclear explosions Crystal and Kraton-3 in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) are presented. The sum of the current effective internal doses from 137Cs and 90Sr (from consumption of natural products) and the external dose from 137Cs deposition was about 21 μSv y-1 for adult residents of the urban settlements Aihal and Udachny. Intake of 137Cs and 90Sr (originating from global fallout) with reindeer meat contributes ~87% to the internal dose determined. At present, the consequences of the underground nuclear explosions, conducted in the 1970s, have no influence on the technogenic exposure of the local population.В статье приведены результаты радиационно-гигиенического обследования (2001-2002 гг.) региона проведения подземных ядерных взрывов «Кратон-3» и «Кристалл» на территории Республики Саха (Якутия). Текущие средние дозы облучения взрослых жителей населенных пунктов Удачный и Айхал от радионуклидов 137Cs и 90Sr, поступающих в организм за счет потребления местных продуктов природного происхождения, и внешнего облучения от 137Cs составляет около 21 μЗв/год. Основная часть дозы облучения (87%) связана с потреблением оленины, загрязненной 137Cs и 90Sr  от глобальных выпадений. Подземные ядерные взрывы, проведенные в регионе в 70-ые годы прошлого века, не оказывают сколько-нибудь значимого влияния на техногенное облучение населения в настоящее время