281 research outputs found

    Heritability enrichment implicates microglia in Parkinson's disease pathogenesis

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    OBJECTIVE: Understanding how different parts of the immune system contribute to pathogenesis in Parkinson's disease is a burning challenge with important therapeutic implications. We studied enrichment of common variant heritability for Parkinson's disease stratified by immune and brain cell types. METHODS: We used summary statistics from the most recent meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies in Parkinson's disease and partitioned heritability using linkage disequilibrium score regression, stratified for specific cell types as defined by open chromatin regions. We also validated enrichment results using a polygenic risk score approach and intersected disease-associated variants with epigenetic data and expression quantitative loci to nominate and explore a putative microglial locus. RESULTS: We found significant enrichment of Parkinson's disease risk heritability in open chromatin regions of microglia and monocytes. Genomic annotations overlapped substantially between these two cell types, and only the enrichment signal for microglia remained significant in a joint model. We present evidence suggesting P2RY12, a key microglial gene and target for the anti-thrombotic agent clopidogrel, as the likely driver of a significant Parkinson's disease association signal on chromosome 3. INTERPRETATION: Our results provide further support for the importance of immune mechanisms in PD pathogenesis, highlight microglial dysregulation as a contributing etiological factor and nominate a targetable microglial gene candidate as a pathogenic player. Immune processes can be modulated by therapy, with potentially important clinical implications for future treatment in Parkinson's disease

    Diagnostic accuracy of positron emission tomography tracers for the differentiation of tumor progression from treatment-related changes in high-grade glioma:a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: Post-treatment high-grade gliomas are usually monitored with contrast-enhanced MRI, but its diagnostic accuracy is limited as it cannot adequately distinguish between true tumor progression and treatment-related changes. According to recent response assessment in neuro-oncology (RANO) recommendations PET overcomes this limitation. However, it is currently unknown which tracer yields the best results. Therefore, a systematic review and meta-analysis were performed to compare the diagnostic accuracy of the different PET tracers in differentiating tumor progression from treatment-related changes in high-grade glioma patients. Methods: Pubmed, Web of Science and Embase were searched systematically. Study selection, data extraction and quality assessment were performed independently by two authors. Meta-analysis was performed using a bivariate random effects model when ≥ 5 studies were included. Results: 39 studies (11 tracers) were included in the systematic review. 18F-FDG (12 studies, 171 lesions) showed a pooled sensitivity and specificity of 84% (95%CI 72-92) and 84% (69-93), respectively. 18F-FET (7 studies, 172 lesions) demonstrated a sensitivity of 90% (81-95) and specificity of 85% (71-93). 11C-MET (8 studies, 151 lesions) sensitivity was 93% (80-98) and specificity was 82% (68-91). The number of included studies for the other tracers were too low to combine, but sensitivity and specificity ranged between 93-100% and 0-100% for 18F-FLT, 85-100% and 72-100% for 18F-FDOPA and 100% and 70-88% for 11C-CHO, respectively. Conclusion:18F-FET and 11C-MET, both amino-acid tracers, showed a comparable higher sensitivity than 18F-FDG in the differentiation between tumor progression and treatment-related changes in high-grade glioma patients. The evidence for other tracers is limited, thus 18F-FET and 11C-MET are preferred when available. Our results support the incorporation of amino-acid PET tracers for the treatment evaluation of high-grade gliomas

    Disentangling the heterogeneity of multiple sclerosis through identification of independent neuropathological dimensions

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a heterogeneous neurological disorder with regards to clinical presentation and pathophysiology. Here, we investigated the heterogeneity of MS by performing an exploratory factor analysis on quantitative and qualitative neuropathology data collected for 226 MS donors in the Netherlands Brain Bank autopsy cohort. Three promising dimensions were identified and subsequently validated with clinical, neuropathological, and genetic data. Dimension 1 ranged from a predominance of remyelinated and inactive lesions to extensive pathological changes, higher proportions of active and mixed lesions, and foamy microglia morphology. This pattern was positively correlated with more severe disease, the presence of B and T cells, and neuroaxonal damage. Scoring high on dimension 2 was associated with active lesions, reactive sites, and the presence of nodules. These donors had less severe disease, a specific pattern of cortical lesions, and MS risk variants in the human leukocyte antigen region, the latter indicating a connection between disease onset and this neuropathological dimension. Donors scoring high on dimension 3 showed increased lesional pathology with relatively more mixed and inactive lesions and ramified microglia morphology. This pattern was associated with longer disease duration, subpial cortical lesions, less involvement of the adaptive immune system, and less axonal damage. Taken together, the three dimensions may represent (1) demyelination and immune cell activity associated with pathological and clinical progression, (2) microglia (re)activity and possibly lesion initiation, and (3) loss of lesion activity and scar formation. Our findings highlight that a thorough understanding of the interplay between multiple pathological characteristics is crucial to understand the heterogeneity of MS pathology, as well as its association with genetic predictors and disease outcomes. The scores of donors on the dimensions can serve as an important starting point for further disentanglement of MS heterogeneity and translation into observations and interventions in living cohorts with MS.</p

    Type I interferon-activated microglia are critical for neuromyelitis optica pathology

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    Neuromyelitis optica (NMO) is an inflammatory disease of the central nervous system (CNS) most frequently mediated by serum autoantibodies against the water channel aquaporin 4, expressed on CNS astrocytes, resulting in primary astrocytopathy. There is no cure for NMO, and treatment with Type I interferon (IFNI)-IFN beta is ineffective or even detrimental. We have previously shown that both NMO lesions and associated microglial activation were reduced in mice lacking the receptor for IFN beta. However, the role of microglia in NMO is not well understood. In this study, we clarify the pathomechanism for IFNI dependence of and the role of microglia in experimental NMO. Transcriptome analysis showed a strong IFNI footprint in affected CNS tissue as well as in microglial subpopulations. Treatment with IFN beta led to exacerbated pathology and further microglial activation as evidenced by expansion of a CD11c(+) subset of microglia. Importantly, depletion of microglia led to suppression of pathology and decrease of IFNI signature genes. Our data show a pro-pathologic role for IFNI-activated microglia in NMO and open new perspectives for microglia-targeted therapies

    Disentangling the heterogeneity of multiple sclerosis through identification of independent neuropathological dimensions

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a heterogeneous neurological disorder with regards to clinical presentation and pathophysiology. Here, we investigated the heterogeneity of MS by performing an exploratory factor analysis on quantitative and qualitative neuropathology data collected for 226 MS donors in the Netherlands Brain Bank autopsy cohort. Three promising dimensions were identified and subsequently validated with clinical, neuropathological, and genetic data. Dimension 1 ranged from a predominance of remyelinated and inactive lesions to extensive pathological changes, higher proportions of active and mixed lesions, and foamy microglia morphology. This pattern was positively correlated with more severe disease, the presence of B and T cells, and neuroaxonal damage. Scoring high on dimension 2 was associated with active lesions, reactive sites, and the presence of nodules. These donors had less severe disease, a specific pattern of cortical lesions, and MS risk variants in the human leukocyte antigen region, the latter indicating a connection between disease onset and this neuropathological dimension. Donors scoring high on dimension 3 showed increased lesional pathology with relatively more mixed and inactive lesions and ramified microglia morphology. This pattern was associated with longer disease duration, subpial cortical lesions, less involvement of the adaptive immune system, and less axonal damage. Taken together, the three dimensions may represent (1) demyelination and immune cell activity associated with pathological and clinical progression, (2) microglia (re)activity and possibly lesion initiation, and (3) loss of lesion activity and scar formation. Our findings highlight that a thorough understanding of the interplay between multiple pathological characteristics is crucial to understand the heterogeneity of MS pathology, as well as its association with genetic predictors and disease outcomes. The scores of donors on the dimensions can serve as an important starting point for further disentanglement of MS heterogeneity and translation into observations and interventions in living cohorts with MS.</p

    Lymphocryptovirus infection of nonhuman primate b cells converts destructive into productive processing of the pathogenic CD8 T Cell epitope in myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein

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    Copyright © 2016 by The American Association of Immunologists, Inc. EBVis the major infectious environmental risk factor for multiple sclerosis (MS), but the underlying mechanisms remain obscure. Patient studies do not allow manipulation in vivo. We used the experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) models in the common marmoset and rhesus monkey to model the association of EBVand MS.We report that B cells infected with EBV-related lymphocryptovirus (LCV) are requisite APCs for MHC-E-restricted autoaggressive effector memory CTLs specific for the immunodominant epitope 40-48 of myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG). These T cells drive the EAE pathogenesis to irreversible neurologic deficit. The aim of this study was to determine why LCV infection is important for this pathogenic role of B cells. Transcriptome comparison of LCV-infected B cells and CD20+ spleen cells from rhesus monkeys shows increased expression of genes encoding elements of the Ag cross-presentation machinery (i.e., of proteasome maturation protein and immunoproteasome subunits) and enhanced expression of MHC-E and of costimulatory molecules (CD70 and CD80, but not CD86). It was also shown that altered expression of endolysosomal proteases (cathepsins) mitigates the fast endolysosomal degradation of the MOG40-48 core epitope. Finally, LCV infection also induced expression of LC3-II+ cytosolic structures resembling autophagosomes, which seem to form an intracellular compartment where theMOG40-48 epitope is protected against proteolytic degradation by the endolysosomal serine protease cathepsin G. In conclusion, LCV infection induces a variety of changes in B cells that underlies the conversion of destructive processing of the immunodominant MOG40-48 epitope into productive processing and cross-presentation to strongly autoaggressive CTLs

    Increased White Matter Inflammation in Aging- and Alzheimer's Disease Brain

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    Chronic neuroinflammation, which is primarily mediated by microglia, plays an essential role in aging and neurodegeneration. It is still unclear whether this microglia-induced neuroinflammation occurs globally or is confined to distinct brain regions. In this study, we investigated microglia activity in various brain regions upon healthy aging and Alzheimer's disease (AD)-related pathology in both human and mouse samples. In purified microglia isolated from aging mouse brains, we found a profound gene expression pattern related to pro-inflammatory processes, phagocytosis, and lipid homeostasis. Particularly in white matter microglia of 24-month-old mice, abundant expression of phagocytic markers including Mac-2, Axl, CD16/32, Dectin1, CD11c, and CD36 was detected. Interestingly, in white matter of human brain tissue the first signs of inflammatory activity were already detected during middle age. Thus quantification of microglial proteins, such as CD68 (commonly associated with phagocytosis) and HLA-DR (associated with antigen presentation), in postmortem human white matter brain tissue showed an age-dependent increase in immunoreactivity already in middle-aged people (53.2 +/- 2.0 years). This early inflammation was also detectable by non-invasive positron emission tomography imaging using [C-11]-(R)-PK11195, a ligand that binds to activated microglia. Increased microglia activity was also prominently present in the white matter of human postmortem early-onset AD (EOAD) brain tissue. Interestingly, microglia activity in the white matter of late-onset AD (LOAD) CNS was similar to that of the aged clinically silent AD cases. These data indicate that microglia-induced neuroinflammation is predominant in the white matter of aging mice and humans as well as in EOAD brains. This white matter inflammation may contribute to the progression of neurodegeneration, and have prognostic value for detecting the onset and progression of aging and neurodegeneration

    Use of Laboratory Markers in Addition to Symptoms for Diagnosis of Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Children:A Meta-analysis of Individual Patient Data

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    IMPORTANCE: Blood markers and fecal calprotectin are used in the diagnostic workup for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in pediatric patients. Any added diagnostic value of these laboratory markers remains unclear.OBJECTIVE: To determine whether adding laboratory markers to evaluation of signs and symptoms improves accuracy when diagnosing pediatric IBD.DATA SOURCES: A literature search of MEDLINE and EMBASE from inception through September 26, 2016. Studies were identified using indexing terms and free-text words related to child, target condition IBD, and diagnostic accuracy.STUDY SELECTION: Two reviewers independently selected studies evaluating the diagnostic accuracy of more than 1 blood marker or fecal calprotectin for IBD, confirmed by endoscopy and histopathology or clinical follow-up, in pediatric patients with chronic gastrointestinal symptoms. Studies that included healthy controls and/or patients with known IBD were excluded.DATA EXTRACTION AND SYNTHESIS: Individual patient data from each eligible study were requested from the authors. In addition, 2 reviewers independently assessed quality with Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies-2.MEAN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: Laboratory markers were added as a single test to a basic prediction model based on symptoms. Outcome measures were improvement of discrimination by adding markers as a single test and improvement of risk classification of pediatric patients by adding the best marker.RESULTS: Of the 16 eligible studies, authors of 8 studies (n = 1120 patients) provided their data sets. All blood markers and fecal calprotectin individually significantly improved the discrimination between pediatric patients with and those without IBD, when added to evaluation of symptoms. The best marker-fecal calprotectin-improved the area under the curve of symptoms by 0.26 (95% CI, 0.21-0.31). The second best marker-erythrocyte sedimentation rate-improved the area under the curve of symptoms by 0.16 (95% CI, 0.11-0.21). When fecal calprotectin was added to the model, the proportion of patients without IBD correctly classified as low risk of IBD increased from 33% to 91%. The proportion of patients with IBD incorrectly classified as low risk of IBD decreased from 16% to 9%. The proportion of the total number of patients assigned to the intermediate-risk category decreased from 55% to 6%.CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: In a hospital setting, fecal calprotectin added the most diagnostic value to symptoms compared with blood markers. Adding fecal calprotectin to the diagnostic workup of pediatric patients with symptoms suggestive of IBD considerably decreased the number of patients in the group in whom challenges in clinical decision making are most prevalent.</p
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