9 research outputs found

    Модель процесса вертикальной направленной кристаллизации монокристаллов Cd(1-x)ZnxTe

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    The growth process and properties of CdZnTe single crystals of solid solutions was considered. A mathematical model of the process was built taking into account radiative heat transfer. An analytic form for calculating the view factor in different geometric configurations with axial symmetry was obtained.Рассмотрены процесс выращивания и свойства монокристаллов твердых растворов Cd1-xZnxTe. Построена математическая модель процесса с учетом радиационного теплообмена. Получено аналитическое выражение для расчета угловых коэффициентов в различных геометрических конфигурациях с осевой симметрией

    Численный расчет радиационного теплообмена для процесса направленной кристаллизации CdZnTe

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    A method for the computation of radiative heat transfer was suggested. It is based on numeric computation of heat flows from the muffle walls with a specified temperature to the ampoule walls with a temperature that needs to be estimated. The computation was realized in two steps. At the first step the form of view factors was determined with the use of analytic formulas. At the second step the heat flows were computed in the array of points on the ampoule and rod walls. Computations carried out for the CdZnTe system with the use of our algorithmПредложен метод расчета радиационного теплообмена для процесса направленной кристаллизации. Метод основан на численном расчете тепловых потоков от стенок муфеля с заданной температурой к стенкам ампулы с определяемой температурой. Расчет проводили в два этапа: на первом этапе с помощью аналитических формул определяли вид угловых коэффициентов, на втором − рассчитывали тепловые потоки во множестве точек на стенках ампулы и штоке. Расчеты, проведенные для системы CdZnTe по предложенному нами алгоритму, хорошо согласуются с расчетами в интегральной среде разработки COMSOL Multiphysics 3.5

    Численное исследование влияния свободной конвекции для процесса направленной кристаллизации CdZnTe

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    Computation method of the radiative heattransfer and free convection in the growth ampoule was suggested. It is based on numeric computation of two phase problem with unknown shape of interface. Computation was realized in two steps: on the first step heat transfer problem was solved, in which crystal/melt region was considered as one phase region with variable thermo physical properties, on the second step two phase problem was solved, in which thermal problem was solved in solid phase and thermal problem together with free convection problem in melt phase. Computations were carried out in the integrated development environment COMSOL Multiphysics 3.5.Предложен метод расчета теплообмена с учетом конвекции для процесса направленной кристаллизации в ростовой ампуле. Метод основан на численном расчете двухфазной задачи с неизвестной границей раздела фаз. Расчет проводили в два этапа: на первом этапе решали тепловую задачу, в которой область ампулы кристалл/расплав рассматривается как однофазная область с переменными теплофизическими параметрами, на втором этапе - как двухфазную задачу, в которой в твердой фазе рассматривали тепловую задачу, а в жидкой фазе - тепловую задачу совместно с задачей расчета свободной конвекции. Расчеты проводили в интегральной среде разработки COMSOL Multiphysics 3.5

    Numeric computation of the radiative heat transfer for vertical crystal growth of CdZnTe single-crystals

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    A method for the computation of radiative heat transfer was suggested. It is based on numeric computation of heat flows from the muffle walls with a specified temperature to the ampoule walls with a temperature that needs to be estimated. The computation was realized in two steps. At the first step the form of view factors was determined with the use of analytic formulas. At the second step the heat flows were computed in the array of points on the ampoule and rod walls. Computations carried out for the CdZnTe system with the use of our algorith

    Numerical study of free convection effect for directional crystal growth of CdZnTe single-crystals

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    Computation method of the radiative heattransfer and free convection in the growth ampoule was suggested. It is based on numeric computation of two phase problem with unknown shape of interface. Computation was realized in two steps: on the first step heat transfer problem was solved, in which crystal/melt region was considered as one phase region with variable thermo physical properties, on the second step two phase problem was solved, in which thermal problem was solved in solid phase and thermal problem together with free convection problem in melt phase. Computations were carried out in the integrated development environment COMSOL Multiphysics 3.5


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