61 research outputs found

    Evolution of spin entanglement and an entanglement witness in multiple-quantum NMR experiments

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    We investigate the evolution of entanglement in multiple-quantum (MQ) NMR experiments in crystals with pairs of close nuclear spins-1/2. The initial thermodynamic equilibrium state of the system in a strong external magnetic field evolves under the non-secular part of the dipolar Hamiltonian. As a result, MQ coherences of the zeroth and plus/minus second orders appear. A simple condition for the emergence of entanglement is obtained. We show that the measure of the spin pair entanglement, concurrence, coincides qualitatively with the intensity of MQ coherences of the plus/minus second order and hence the entanglement can be studied with MQ NMR methods. We introduce an Entanglement Witness using MQ NMR coherences of the plus/minus second order.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Multiple Quantum NMR and Entanglement Dynamics in Dipolar Coupling Spin

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    We investigate numerically the time dependence of the multiple quantum coherences and entanglement in linear chains up to nine nuclear spins of 1/2 coupled by the dipole-dipole interactions. Two models are considered: (1) a spin chain with nearest-neighbor dipole -dipole interactions; (2) a more realistic model with interactions between all spins. It is shown that the entangled states appear between remote particles which do not interact directly (model 1), while the interaction between all spins (model 2) not always results in entanglement between remote spins.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures. accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Exact results on spin dynamics and multiple quantum dynamics in alternating spin-1/2 chains with XY-Hamiltonian at high temperatures

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    We extend the picture of a transfer of nuclear spin-1/2 polarization along a homogeneous one-dimensional chain with the XY-Hamiltonian to the inhomogeneous chain with alternating nearest neighbour couplings and alternating Larmor frequencies. To this end, we calculate exactly the spectrum of the spin-1/2 XY-Hamiltonian of the alternating chain with an odd number of sites. The exact spectrum of the XY-Hamiltonian is also applied to study the multiple quantum (MQ) NMR dynamics of the alternating spin-1/2 chain. MQ NMR spectra are shown to have the MQ coherences of zero and ±\pm second orders just as in the case of a homogeneous chain. The intensities of the MQ coherences are calculated.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    The multiple quantum NMR dynamics in systems of equivalent spins with the dipolar ordered initial state

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    The multiple quantum (MQ) NMR dynamics in the system of equivalent spins with the dipolar ordered initial state is considered. The high symmetry of the MQ Hamiltonian is used in order to develop the analytical and numerical methods for an investigation of the MQ NMR dynamics in the systems consisting of hundreds of spins from "the first principles". We obtain the dependence of the intensities of the MQ NMR coherences on their orders (profiles of the MQ NMR coherences) for the systems of 200−600200 - 600 spins. It is shown that these profiles may be well approximated by the exponential distribution functions. We also compare the MQ NMR dynamics in the systems of equivalent spins having two different initial states, namely the dipolar ordered state and the thermal equilibrium state in the strong external magnetic field.Comment: 11 pages 4 figure

    Non-Ergodic Nuclear Depolarization in Nano-Cavities

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    Recently, it has been observed that the effective dipolar interactions between nuclear spins of spin-carrying molecules of a gas in a closed nano-cavities are independent of the spacing between all spins. We derive exact time-dependent polarization for all spins in spin-1/2 ensemble with spatially independent effective dipolar interactions. If the initial polarization is on a single (first) spin,P1(0)=1P_1(0)= 1 then the exact spin dynamics of the model is shown to exhibit a periodical short pulses of the polarization of the first spin, the effect being typical of the systems having a large number, NN, of spins. If N≫1N \gg 1, then within the period 4π/g4\pi/g (2π/g2\pi/g) for odd (even) NN-spin clusters, with gg standing for spin coupling, the polarization of spin 1 switches quickly from unity to the time independent value, 1/3, over the time interval about (gN)−1(g\sqrt{N})^{-1}, thus, almost all the time, the spin 1 spends in the time independent condition P1(t)=1/3P_1(t)= 1/3. The period and the width of the pulses determine the volume and the form-factor of the ellipsoidal cavity. The formalism is adopted to the case of time varying nano-fluctuations of the volume of the cavitation nano-bubbles. If the volume V(t)V(t) is varied by the Gaussian-in-time random noise then the envelope of the polarization peaks goes irreversibly to 1/3. The polarization dynamics of the single spin exhibits the Gaussian (or exponential) time dependence when the correlation time of the fluctuations of the nano-volume is larger (or smaller) than the <(δg)2>−1/2<(\delta g)^2 >^{-1/2} , where the is the variance of the g(V(t))g(V(t)) coupling. Finally, we report the exact calculations of the NMR line shape for the NN-spin gaseous aggregate.Comment: 26 pages, 3 figure

    Fluctuations of Quantum Entanglement

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    It is emphasized that quantum entanglement determined in terms of the von Neumann entropy operator is a stochastic quantity and, therefore, can fluctuate. The rms fluctuations of the entanglement entropy of two-qubit systems in both pure and mixed states have been obtained. It has been found that entanglement fluctuations in the maximally entangled states are absent. Regions where the entanglement fluctuations are larger than the entanglement itself (strong fluctuation regions) have been revealed. It has been found that the magnitude of the relative entanglement fluctuations is divergent at the points of the transition of systems from an entangled state to a separable state. It has been shown that entanglement fluctuations vanish in the separable states.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Asymmetry of bipartite quantum discord

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    It is known from the analysis of the density matrix for bipartite systems that the quantum discord (as a measure of quantum correlations) depends on the particular subsystem chosen for the projective measurements. We study asymmetry of the discord in a simple physical model of two spin-1/2 particles with the dipole-dipole interaction governed by the XY Hamiltonian in the inhomogeneous magnetic field. The dependence of the above discord asymmetry on the Larmour frequencies at both T=0 (the ground state) and T>0T>0 has been investigated. It is demonstrated, in particular, that the asymmetry is negligible for high temperatures but it may become significant with the decrease in temperature.Comment: 5 pages 3 figure

    NMR Simulation of an Eight-State Quantum System

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    The propagation of excitation along a one-dimensional chain of atoms is simulated by means of NMR. The physical system used as an analog quantum computer is a nucleus of 133-Cs (spin 7/2) in a liquid crystalline matrix. The Hamiltonian of migration is simulated by using a special 7-frequency pulse, and the dynamics is monitored by following the transfer of population from one of the 8 spin energy levels to the other.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Entanglement in nuclear quadrupole resonance

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    Entangled quantum states are an important element of quantum information techniques. We determine the requirements for states of quadrupolar nuclei with spins >1/2 to be entangled. It was shown that entanglement is achieved at low temperature by applying a magnetic field to a quadrupolar nuclei possess quadrupole moments, which interacts with the electricfield gradient produced by the charge distribution in their surroundings.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Multiple-Quantum Spin Dynamics of Entanglement

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    Dynamics of entanglement is investigated on the basis of exactly solvable models of multiple-quantum (MQ) NMR spin dynamics. It is shown that the time evolution of MQ coherences of systems of coupled nuclear spins in solids is directly connected with dynamics of the quantum entanglement. We studied analytically dynamics of entangled states for two- and three-spin systems coupled by the dipole-dipole interaction. In this case dynamics of the quantum entanglement is uniquely determined by the time evolution of MQ coherences of the second order. The real part of the density matrix describing MQ dynamics in solids is responsible for MQ coherences of the zeroth order while its imaginary part is responsible for the second order. Thus, one can conclude that dynamics of the entanglement is connected with transitions from the real part of the density matrix to the imaginary one and vice versa. A pure state which generalizes the GHZ and W states is found. Different measures of the entanglement of this state are analyzed for three-partite systems.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure
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