507 research outputs found

    Gravitational Radiation from First-Order Phase Transitions

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    It is believed that first-order phase transitions at or around the GUT scale will produce high-frequency gravitational radiation. This radiation is a consequence of the collisions and coalescence of multiple bubbles during the transition. We employ high-resolution lattice simulations to numerically evolve a system of bubbles using only scalar fields, track the anisotropic stress during the process and evolve the metric perturbations associated with gravitational radiation. Although the radiation produced during the bubble collisions has previously been estimated, we find that the coalescence phase enhances this radiation even in the absence of a coupled fluid or turbulence. We comment on how these simulations scale and propose that the same enhancement should be found at the Electroweak scale; this modification should make direct detection of a first-order electroweak phase transition easier.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Researching the Aftermath of Slavery in Mainland East Africa: Methodological, Ethical, and Practical Challenges

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    This article examines ethical, practical, and methodological challenges in researching the aftermath of slavery in continental East Africa away from the coastal plantation belt. Interest in post-slavery there is recent and inspired by the apparent contrast with West Africa, where the issue is much more salient. The article explains this silence by highlighting politically-motivated avoidance of the issue in colonial sources and the preference of post-colonial historians for ‘useful’ pasts. Further, it questions the balance of successful integration and continuing marginalization reflected in the apparent obsolescence of slavery. It argues that tracing the trajectories of ex-slaves requires attention to all forms of social inequality and dependency, to the potential status implications for informants of speaking about slavery, and to the variety of terms and fields of meaning relevant to freedom, unfreedom and dependency. Recent research in this vein shows that slave antecedents remain a matter of aibu, shame, and that ex-slaves’ disappearance as a social category took lifelong efforts on their part. While the social valence of slave antecedents is relatively limited in mainland East Africa, slavery remains a problematic and painful heritage that demands great circumspection by researchers

    Homological Error Correction: Classical and Quantum Codes

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    We prove several theorems characterizing the existence of homological error correction codes both classically and quantumly. Not every classical code is homological, but we find a family of classical homological codes saturating the Hamming bound. In the quantum case, we show that for non-orientable surfaces it is impossible to construct homological codes based on qudits of dimension D>2D>2, while for orientable surfaces with boundaries it is possible to construct them for arbitrary dimension DD. We give a method to obtain planar homological codes based on the construction of quantum codes on compact surfaces without boundaries. We show how the original Shor's 9-qubit code can be visualized as a homological quantum code. We study the problem of constructing quantum codes with optimal encoding rate. In the particular case of toric codes we construct an optimal family and give an explicit proof of its optimality. For homological quantum codes on surfaces of arbitrary genus we also construct a family of codes asymptotically attaining the maximum possible encoding rate. We provide the tools of homology group theory for graphs embedded on surfaces in a self-contained manner.Comment: Revtex4 fil

    Assessment of Differentiation States of Hematopoietic Stem Cells Following in Vitro Culture Using Side and Forward Scatter of Flow Cytometry

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    Hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) are defined by the International Society of Hematotherapy and Graft Engineering (ISHAGE) as those at low side scatter, positive for CD34 and CD45dim for their numeration with flow cytometry. However, we found that these CD34+ cells increase their granularity and size following in vitro culture, which was exhibited in flow cytometry as more events at higher side scatter and forward scatter. To further determine whether such a change in the cell event distribution is related to HSC differentiation, HSC markers and differentiation markers of in vitro-cultured HSC were detected by flow cytometry at different side scatter and forward scatter levels using modified ISHAGE gating strategies.nbsp The results revealed that cultured HSC with higher side scatter have a lower percentage of cells positive for HSC markers and a higher percentage of differentiation makers, while those with higher forward scatter have a higher percentage of differentiation makers but a slightly higher percentage of stem cell markers, suggesting that side scatter and forward scatter levels of cultured HSC correlate with the differentiation level of these cells

    The discovery of polarization in the afterglow of GRB 990510 with the ESO Very Large Telescope

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    Following a BeppoSAX alert (Piro 1999a) and the discovery of the OT at SAAO (Vreeswijk et al. 1999a), we observed GRB 990510 with the FORS instrument on ESO's VLT Unit 1 (`Antu'). The burst is unremarkable in gamma rays, but in optical is the first one to show good evidence for jet-like outflow (Stanek et al. 1999, Harrison et al. 1999). We report the detection of significant linear polarization in the afterglow: it is (1.6 +/- 0.2)% 0.86 days after trigger, and after 1.81 days is consistent with that same value, but much more uncertain. The polarization angle is constant on a time scale of hours, and may be constant over one day. We conclude that the polarization is intrinsic to the source and due to the synchrotron nature of the emission, and discuss the random and ordered field geometries that may be responsible for it.Comment: submitted to ApJ Lett., 5 pages including 2 figures, uses emulateapj.st

    Effect of the CRADLE vital signs alert device intervention on referrals for obstetric haemorrhage in low-middle income countries: a secondary analysis of a stepped- wedge cluster-randomised control trial.

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    BACKGROUND: Obstetric haemorrhage is the leading cause of maternal death worldwide, 99% of which occur in low and middle income countries. The majority of deaths and adverse events are associated with delays in identifying compromise and escalating care. Management of severely compromised pregnant women may require transfer to tertiary centres for specialised treatment, therefore early recognition is vital for efficient management. The CRADLE vital signs alert device accurately measures blood pressure and heart rate, calculates the shock index (heart rate divided by systolic blood pressure) and alerts the user to compromise through a traffic light system reflecting previously validated shock index thresholds. METHODS: This is a planned secondary analysis of data from the CRADLE-3 trial from ten clusters across Africa, India and Haiti where the device and training package were randomly introduced. Referral data were prospectively collected for a 4-week period before, and a 4-week period 3 months after implementation. Referrals from primary or secondary care facilities to higher level care for any cause were recorded. The denominator was the number of women seen for maternity care in these facilities. RESULTS: Between April 1 2016 and Nov 30th, 2017 536,223 women attended maternity care facilities. Overall, 3.7% (n = 2784/74,828) of women seen in peripheral maternity facilities were referred to higher level care in the control period compared to 4.4% (n = 3212/73,371) in the intervention period (OR 0.89; 0.39-2.05) (data for nine sites that were able to collect denominator). Of these 0.29% (n = 212) pre-intervention and 0.16% (n = 120) post-intervention were referred to higher-level facilities for maternal haemorrhage. Although overall referrals did not significantly reduce there was a significant reduction in referrals for obstetric haemorrhage (OR 0.56 (0.39-0.65) following introduction of the device with homogeneity (i-squared 26.1) between sites. There was no increase in any bleeding-related morbidity (maternal death or emergency hysterectomy). CONCLUSIONS: Referrals for obstetric haemorrhage reduced following implementation of the CRADLE Vital Signs Alert Device, occurring without an increase in maternal death or emergency hysterectomy. This demonstrates the potential benefit of shock index in management pathways for obstetric haemorrhage and targeting limited resources in low- middle- income settings. TRIAL REGISTRATION: This study is registered with the ISRCTN registry, number ISRCTN41244132 (02/02/2016)

    Cosmology From Random Multifield Potentials

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    We consider the statistical properties of vacua and inflationary trajectories associated with a random multifield potential. Our underlying motivation is the string landscape, but our calculations apply to general potentials. Using random matrix theory, we analyze the Hessian matrices associated with the extrema of this potential. These potentials generically have a vast number of extrema. If the cross-couplings (off-diagonal terms) are of the same order as the self-couplings (diagonal terms) we show that essentially all extrema are saddles, and the number of minima is effectively zero. Avoiding this requires the same separation of scales needed to ensure that Newton's constant is stable against radiative corrections in a string landscape. Using the central limit theorem we find that even if the number of extrema is enormous, the typical distance between extrema is still substantial -- with challenging implications for inflationary models that depend on the existence of a complicated path inside the landscape.Comment: revtex, 3 figures, 10 pages v2 refs adde

    Partitioning of on-demand electron pairs

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    We demonstrate the high fidelity splitting of electron pairs emitted on demand from a dynamic quantum dot by an electronic beam splitter. The fidelity of pair splitting is inferred from the coincidence of arrival in two detector paths probed by a measurement of the partitioning noise. The emission characteristic of the on-demand electron source is tunable from electrons being partitioned equally and independently to electron pairs being split with a fidelity of 90%. For low beam splitter transmittance we further find evidence of pair bunching violating statistical expectations for independent fermions

    New High-quality Strong Lens Candidates with Deep Learning in the Kilo-Degree Survey

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    We report new high-quality galaxy scale strong lens candidates found in the Kilo Degree Survey data release 4 using Machine Learning. We have developed a new Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) classifier to search for gravitational arcs, following the prescription by \cite{2019MNRAS.484.3879P} and using only rr-band images. We have applied the CNN to two "predictive samples": a Luminous red galaxy (LRG) and a "bright galaxy" (BG) sample (r<21r<21). We have found 286 new high probability candidates, 133 from the LRG sample and 153 from the BG sample. We have then ranked these candidates based on a value that combines the CNN likelihood to be a lens and the human score resulting from visual inspection (P-value) and we present here the highest 82 ranked candidates with P-values 0.5\ge 0.5. All these high-quality candidates have obvious arc or point-like features around the central red defector. Moreover, we define the best 26 objects, all with scores P-values 0.7\ge 0.7 as a "golden sample" of candidates. This sample is expected to contain very few false positives and thus it is suitable for follow-up observations. The new lens candidates come partially from the the more extended footprint adopted here with respect to the previous analyses, partially from a larger predictive sample (also including the BG sample). These results show that machine learning tools are very promising to find strong lenses in large surveys and more candidates that can be found by enlarging the predictive samples beyond the standard assumption of LRGs. In the future, we plan to apply our CNN to the data from next-generation surveys such as the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope, Euclid, and the Chinese Space Station Optical Survey.Comment: Accepted by AP