3,573 research outputs found

    Kondo correlation and spin-flip scattering in spin-dependent transport through a quantum dot coupled to ferromagnetic leads

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    We investigate the linear and nonlinear dc transport through an interacting quantum dot connected to two ferromagnetic electrodes around Kondo regime with spin-flip scattering in the dot. Using a slave-boson mean field approach for the Anderson Hamiltonian having finite on-site Coulomb repulsion, we find that a spin-flip scattering always depresses the Kondo correlation at arbitrary polarization strength in both parallel and antiparallel alignment of the lead magnetization and that it effectively reinforces the tunneling related conductance in the antiparallel configuration. For systems deep in the Kondo regime, the zero-bias single Kondo peak in the differential conductance is split into two peaks by the intradot spin-flip scattering; while for systems somewhat further from the Kondo center, the spin-flip process in the dot may turn the zero-bias anomaly into a three-peak structure.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Spin interference and Fano effect in electron transport through a mesoscopic ring side-coupled with a quantum dot

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    We investigate the electron transport through a mesoscopic ring side-coupled with a quantum dot(QD) in the presence of Rashba spin-orbit(SO) interaction. It is shown that both the Fano resonance and the spin interference effects play important roles in the electron transport properties. As the QD level is around the Fermi energy, the total conductance shows typical Fano resonance line shape. By applying an electrical gate voltage to the QD, the total transmission through the system can be strongly modulated. By threading the mesoscopic ring with a magnetic flux, the time-reversal symmetry of the system is broken, and a spin polarized current can be obtained even though the incident current is unpolarized.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Quantum Manifestations of Graphene Edge Stress and Edge Instability: A First-Principles Study

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    We have performed first-principles calculations of graphene edge stresses, which display two interesting quantum manifestations absent from the classical interpretation: the armchair edge stress oscillates with a nanoribbon width, and the zigzag edge stress is noticeably reduced by spin polarization. Such quantum stress effects in turn manifest in mechanical edge twisting and warping instability, showing features not captured by empirical potentials or continuum theory. Edge adsorption of H and Stone-Wales reconstruction are shown to provide alternative mechanisms in relieving the edge compression and hence to stabilize the planar edge structure.Comment: 5figure

    Universality and properties of neutron star type I critical collapses

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    We study the neutron star axisymmetric critical solution previously found in the numerical studies of neutron star mergers. Using neutron star-like initial data and performing similar merger simulations, we demonstrate that the solution is indeed a semi-attractor on the threshold plane separating the basin of a neutron star and the basin of a black hole in the solution space of the Einstein equations. In order to explore the extent of the attraction basin of the neutron star semiattractor, we construct initial data phase spaces for these neutron star-like initial data. From these phase spaces, we also observe several interesting dynamical scenarios where the merged object is supported from prompt collapse. The properties of the critical index of the solution, in particular, its dependence on conserved quantities, are then studied. From the study, it is found that a family of neutron star semi-attractors exist that can be classified by both their rest masses and ADM masses.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures, 1 new reference adde

    Earth Matter Effects in Detection of Supernova Neutrinos

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    We calculated the matter effect, including both the Earth and supernova, on the detection of neutrinos from type II supernovae at the proposed Daya Bay reactor neutrino experiment. It is found that apart from the dependence on the flip probability P_H inside the supernova and the mass hierarchy of neutrinos, the amount of the Earth matter effect depends on the direction of the incoming supernova neutrinos, and reaches the biggest value when the incident angle of neutrinos is around 93^\circ. In the reaction channel \bar{\nu}_e + p --> e^+ + n the Earth matter effect can be as big as about 12%. For other detection processes the amount of the Earth matter effect is a few per cent.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Inelastic cotunneling induced decoherence and relaxation, charge and spin currents in an interacting quantum dot under a magnetic field

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    We present a theoretical analysis of several aspects of nonequilibirum cotunneling through a strong Coulomb-blockaded quantum dot (QD) subject to a finite magnetic field in the weak coupling limit. We carry this out by developing a generic quantum Heisenberg-Langevin equation approach leading to a set of Bloch dynamical equations which describe the nonequilibrium cotunneling in a convenient and compact way. These equations describe the time evolution of the spin variables of the QD explicitly in terms of the response and correlation functions of the free reservoir variables. This scheme not only provides analytical expressions for the relaxation and decoherence of the localized spin induced by cotunneling, but it also facilitates evaluations of the nonequilibrium magnetization, the charge current, and the spin current at arbitrary bias-voltage, magnetic field, and temperature. We find that all cotunneling events produce decoherence, but relaxation stems only from {\em inelastic} spin-flip cotunneling processes. Moreover, our specific calculations show that cotunneling processes involving electron transfer (both spin-flip and non-spin-flip) contribute to charge current, while spin-flip cotunneling processes are required to produce a net spin current in the asymmetric coupling case. We also point out that under the influence of a nonzero magnetic field, spin-flip cotunneling is an energy-consuming process requiring a sufficiently strong external bias-voltage for activation, explaining the behavior of differential conductance at low temperature: in particular, the splitting of the zero-bias anomaly in the charge current and a broad zero-magnitude "window" of differential conductance for the spin current near zero-bias-voltage.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, published version, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Probing neutrino oscillations jointly in long and very long baseline experiments

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    We examine the prospects of making a joint analysis of neutrino oscillation at two baselines with neutrino superbeams. Assuming narrow band superbeams and a 100 kt water Cerenkov calorimeter, we calculate the event rates and sensitivities to the matter effect, the signs of the neutrino mass differences, the CP phase and the mixing angle \theta_{13}. Taking into account all possible experimental errors under general consideration, we explored the optimum cases of narrow band beam to measure the matter effect and the CP violation effect at all baselines up to 3000 km. We then focus on two specific baselines, a long baseline of 300 km and a very long baseline of 2100 km, and analyze their joint capabilities. We found that the joint analysis can offer extra leverage to resolve some of the ambiguities that are associated with the measurement at a single baseline.Comment: 23 pages, 11 figure
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