48 research outputs found

    Multi-Orbital Hubbard Model in Infinite Dimensions: Quantum Monte Carlo Calculation

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    Using Quantum Monte Carlo we compute thermodynamics and spectra for the orbitally degenerate Hubbard model in infinite spatial dimensions. With increasing orbital degeneracy we find in the one-particle spectra: broader Hubbard bands (consistent with increased kinetic energy), a narrowing Mott gap, and increasing quasi-particle spectral weight. In opposition, Hund's rule exchange coupling decreases the critical on-site Coulomb energy for the Mott transition. The metallic regime resistivity for two-fold degeneracy is quadratic-in-temperature at low temperatures.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to be published in PR

    Continuous Time Quantum Monte Carlo Method for Fermions: Beyond Auxiliary Field Framework

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    Numerically exact continuous-time Quantum Monte Carlo algorithm for finite fermionic systems with non-local interactions is proposed. The scheme is particularly applicable for general multi-band time-dependent correlations since it does not invoke Hubbard-Stratonovich transformation. The present determinantal grand-canonical method is based on a stochastic series expansion for the partition function in the interaction representation. The results for the Green function and for the time-dependent susceptibility of multi-orbital super-symmetric impurity model with a spin-flip interaction are presented