226 research outputs found

    The Behavior of Kasner Cosmologies with Induced Matter

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    We extend the induced matter model, previously applied to a variety of isotropic cases, to a generalization of Bianchi type-I anisotropic cosmologies. The induced matter model is a 5D Kaluza-Klein approach in which assumptions of compactness are relaxed for the fifth coordinate, leading to extra geometric terms. One interpretation of these extra terms is to identify them as an ``induced matter'' contribution to the stress-energy tensor. In similar spirit, we construct a five dimensional metric in which the spatial slices possess Bianchi type-I geometry. We find a set of solutions for the five dimensional Einstein equations, and determine the pressure and density of induced matter. We comment on the long-term dynamics of the model, showing that the assumption of positive density leads to the contraction over time of the fifth scale factor.Comment: 14 page

    Supergravity Black Holes and Billiards and Liouville integrable structure of dual Borel algebras

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    In this paper we show that the supergravity equations describing both cosmic billiards and a large class of black-holes are, generically, both Liouville integrable as a consequence of the same universal mechanism. This latter is provided by the Liouville integrable Poissonian structure existing on the dual Borel algebra B_N of the simple Lie algebra A_{N-1}. As a by product we derive the explicit integration algorithm associated with all symmetric spaces U/H^{*} relevant to the description of time-like and space-like p-branes. The most important consequence of our approach is the explicit construction of a complete set of conserved involutive hamiltonians h_{\alpha} that are responsible for integrability and provide a new tool to classify flows and orbits. We believe that these will prove a very important new tool in the analysis of supergravity black holes and billiards.Comment: 48 pages, 7 figures, LaTex; V1: misprints corrected, two references adde

    O(d,d)-invariance in inhomogeneous string cosmologies with perfect fluid

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    In the first part of the present paper, we show that O(d,d)-invariance usually known in a homogeneous cosmological background written in terms of proper time can be extended to backgrounds depending on one or several coordinates (which may be any space-like or time-like coordinate(s)). In all cases, the presence of a perfect fluid is taken into account and the equivalent duality transformation in Einstein frame is explicitly given. In the second part, we present several concrete applications to some four-dimensional metrics, including inhomogeneous ones, which illustrate the different duality transformations discussed in the first part. Note that most of the dual solutions given here do not seem to be known in the literature.Comment: 25 pages, no figures, Latex. Accepted for publication in General Relativity and Gravitatio

    Adiabatic invariants and Mixmaster catastrophes

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    We present a rigorous analysis of the role and uses of the adiabatic invariant in the Mixmaster dynamical system. We propose a new invariant for the global dynamics which in some respects has an improved behaviour over the commonly used one. We illustrate its behaviour in a number of numerical results. We also present a new formulation of the dynamics via Catastrophe Theory. We find that the change from one era to the next corresponds to a fold catastrophe, during the Kasner shifts the potential is an Implicit Function Form whereas, as the anisotropy dissipates, the Mixmaster potential must become a Morse 0--saddle. We compare and contrast our results to many known works on the Mixmaster problem and indicate how extensions could be achieved. Further exploitation of this formulation may lead to a clearer understanding of the global Mixmaster dynamics.Comment: 24 pages, LaTeX, 5 figures (which can be obtained by sending a message to the first author), submitted to Phys.Rev.

    Essential Constants for Spatially Homogeneous Ricci-flat manifolds of dimension 4+1

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    The present work considers (4+1)-dimensional spatially homogeneous vacuum cosmological models. Exact solutions -- some already existing in the literature, and others believed to be new -- are exhibited. Some of them are the most general for the corresponding Lie group with which each homogeneous slice is endowed, and some others are quite general. The characterization ``general'' is given based on the counting of the essential constants, the line-element of each model must contain; indeed, this is the basic contribution of the work. We give two different ways of calculating the number of essential constants for the simply transitive spatially homogeneous (4+1)-dimensional models. The first uses the initial value theorem; the second uses, through Peano's theorem, the so-called time-dependent automorphism inducing diffeomorphismsComment: 26 Pages, 2 Tables, latex2

    Kasner and Mixmaster behavior in universes with equation of state w \ge 1

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    We consider cosmological models with a scalar field with equation of state w1w\ge 1 that contract towards a big crunch singularity, as in recent cyclic and ekpyrotic scenarios. We show that chaotic mixmaster oscillations due to anisotropy and curvature are suppressed, and the contraction is described by a homogeneous and isotropic Friedmann equation if w>1w>1. We generalize the results to theories where the scalar field couples to p-forms and show that there exists a finite value of ww, depending on the p-forms, such that chaotic oscillations are suppressed. We show that Z2Z_2 orbifold compactification also contributes to suppressing chaotic behavior. In particular, chaos is avoided in contracting heterotic M-theory models if w>1w>1 at the crunch.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figures, minor changes, references adde

    Cosmological dynamics of exponential gravity

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    We present a detailed investigation of the cosmological dynamics based on exp(R/Λ)\exp (-R/{\Lambda}) gravity. We apply the dynamical system approach to both the vacuum and matter cases and obtain exact solutions and their stability in the finite and asymptotic regimes. The results show that cosmic histories exist which admit a double de-Sitter phase which could be useful for describing the early and the late-time accelerating universe.Comment: 17 pages LaTeX, 3 figure

    Spacelike Singularities and Hidden Symmetries of Gravity

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    We review the intimate connection between (super-)gravity close to a spacelike singularity (the "BKL-limit") and the theory of Lorentzian Kac-Moody algebras. We show that in this limit the gravitational theory can be reformulated in terms of billiard motion in a region of hyperbolic space, revealing that the dynamics is completely determined by a (possibly infinite) sequence of reflections, which are elements of a Lorentzian Coxeter group. Such Coxeter groups are the Weyl groups of infinite-dimensional Kac-Moody algebras, suggesting that these algebras yield symmetries of gravitational theories. Our presentation is aimed to be a self-contained and comprehensive treatment of the subject, with all the relevant mathematical background material introduced and explained in detail. We also review attempts at making the infinite-dimensional symmetries manifest, through the construction of a geodesic sigma model based on a Lorentzian Kac-Moody algebra. An explicit example is provided for the case of the hyperbolic algebra E10, which is conjectured to be an underlying symmetry of M-theory. Illustrations of this conjecture are also discussed in the context of cosmological solutions to eleven-dimensional supergravity.Comment: 228 pages. Typos corrected. References added. Subject index added. Published versio