3 research outputs found

    Study of the maxillary yaw on cone beam computed tomography: a preliminary report and comparison between two different dento‐skeletal malocclusions

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    Objectives: To assess the skeletal and dental maxillary transverse compensation (yaw) on the cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) three-dimensional reconstructed image of the skull in two groups of patients, both clinically affected by a class III malocclusion with deviation of the lower midline.Materials and Methods: An observational retrospective study was designed to analyse differences in two groups of patients, the first one was composed by patients affected by horizontal condylar hyperplasia, the second one by patients affected by dento-skeletal asymmetric class III malocclusion. Each group was composed by 15 patients. Transverse analysis was performed by measuring five landmarks (three bilateral and two uneven) with respect to a mid-sagittal plane; sagittal analysis was performed by measuring the sagittal distance on the mid-sagittal plane between bilateral points. Means were compared through inferential analysis.Results: In the condylar hyperplasia group, all differences between the two sides were not statistically significant, nor for canines' difference (P = .0817), for molars (P = .1105) or for jugular points (.05871). In the class III group, the differences between the two sides were statistically significant for molars (P = .0019) and jugular points (P = .0031) but not for canines (P = .1158). Comparing the two groups, significant differences were found only for incisors' midline deviation (P = .0343) and canine (P = .0177).Conclusion: The study of the yaw on CBCT should be integrated into three-dimensional cephalometry and could help in differentiating the various malocclusion patterns

    Valorizzazione del geosito «Sezione Coquand», miniera del Temperino (Parco Archeominerario di San Silvestro , Campiglia Marittima)

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    il patrimonio geologico della Toscana è uno dei più vari, più studiati e ricchi di storia (industriale e scientifica) di tutto il territorio nazionale, rappresentando un’area di ricerca e formazione didattica non solo per gli atenei toscani ma anche per altre strutture accademiche italiane e straniere. a partire dagli anni ’90 del secolo scorso, la riconversione da regione a vocazione mineraria a regione a indirizzo prevalentemente turi- stico ha portato ad una più attenta gestione del bene ambientale- paesaggistico precludendo però l’accesso a importanti affiora- menti geologici di interesse scientifico e didattico (per chiusura delle miniere o per ripristini ambientali). La creazione di Parchi per la tutela del ricco patrimonio naturalistico, storico e arche- ologico toscano costituisce un’occasione per sviluppare delle sinergie tra queste strutture e la comunità degli scienziati della Terra tese all’individuazione, conservazione e valorizzazione di geositi di particolare pregio scientifico-didattico. La colla- borazione tra il personale della Parchi Val di Cornia S.p.a., e dell’Università e CNR di Pisa ha permesso di recuperare e valorizzare un geosito toscano di notevole interesse, la «Sezio- ne Coquand»: un anfiteatro di circa 10 metri di raggio che espone la sezione tipo degli skarn a solfuri di Cu-Fe-Pb-zn coltivati un tempo dalla miniera del Temperino, attualmente nel Parco archeominerario di San Silvestro, Campiglia Marittima. il rilevamento topografico e geologico di dettaglio ha permesso di ricostruire la complessa storia di questo sistema magmatico- idrotermale e di confrontarla con i numerosi lavori scientifici pubblicati a partire dalla prima metà del XiX secolo.The geological heritage of Tuscany is one of the most varied, studied and history-rich (from the industrial and scientific stand point) of italy, represent- ing an area of active research and educational training not only for Tuscan Universities but also for other italian and foreign academic institutions. Since the 90’s of last century, Tuscany changed its economic strategy from mining-directed to mainly touristic, starting a more careful management of the environment and landscape. Backfilling of former quarries, stabilization of road cuts and closure of underground works in mining areas represent a correct environmental practice but in turn it precludes the access at important geological outcrops of high scientific and educational interest. The creation of parks for the protection of the rich Tuscan natural, historical and archaeological heritage is an opportunity to develop syn- ergies between conservation institutions and the community of Earth scientists aimed to the identification, preservation and improvement of geosites of special scientific and edu- cational value. The collaboration between the Parchi Val di Cornia S.p.a, University of Pisa and CNR allowed recovering and development of a Tuscan geosite of great interest, the «Coquand Section»: a 20 meter large amphitheater where the type-section of a Cu-Fe-Pb-zn sulfide bearing skarn body is exposed (exploited in the past by the Temperino mine; now in the archaeological and Mining Park of San Silvestro). The detailed topographic and geological survey provided new data for the reconstruction of the complex genetic history of this magmatic-hydrothermal system. Comparison with the numer- ous scientific papers published since the early nineteenth cen- tury on this geological outcrop allows to follow the evolution of scientific thought about relationships between magmatism, release of hydrothermal fluids and metasomatic processes