19 research outputs found


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    21 parasite species have been found in structure of variety of parasite species from hybrid sheep (mouflon × domestic sheep hybrids) contained within limited grazing territories of foothill zones of Armenia. These included 9 species of nematodes, 4 of cestodes, 3 of trematodes, 3 of ixodid ticks and larvae of nasopharyngeal gadfly Oestrus ovis and sheep ked Melophagus ovinus. An analysis of paths of circulation of larvae of some biohelminthes, particularly Dicrocoelidae and Protostrongylidae, realized through invertebrate intermediate hosts (land snails) have shown that mean infection of the latter varied from 2,5 to 8,0 %.У гибридных с муфлоном овец, содержащихся в условиях ограниченных пастбищных территорий предгорной зоны Армении, выявлен 21 вид паразитов, из которых большая часть гельминты (16 видов). Нематоды представлены 9 видами, цестоды – 4 и трематоды – 3 видами. Установлено паразитирование также 3 видов иксодовых клещей и 2 видов насекомых. Исследования путей циркуляции личиночных стадий дикроцелий и протостронгилид, осуществляемых при участии беспозвоночных животных, в частности, наземных моллюсков показали их естественную зараженность от 2,5 до 8,0%


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    Protostrongyloses are widely-spread in small cattle all over the world and may cause a significant economic damage manifested in decrease in livestock productivity as well as death of animals.Based on our studies, the infestation of sheep and goats with protostrongylides was detected in all landscape zones of the republic of Armenia and in animals of all ages. As a rule, the protostrongylide invasion rate of goats is higher than of sheep.  Within the republic, the average invasion extensity in goats of different age groups ranges between 20,4 and 44,1%, and in sheep – between  16,5 and 37,0%.In some stationary invasion foci, more than a half of livestock suffers through protostrongyloses. The highest protostrongylide invasion was found in animals older than 3 years of age, and the lowest – in animals of the first year of life, it means that the invasion increases with the age.The invasion of animals in mountains is higher in comparison with animals from plain areas. The peak of invasion falls on autumn and winter seasons.Taking into account a high level of protostrongylide invasion in small cattle in the republic of Armenia, and the unavailability of guidelines on this infectious disease, we have developed (based on the long term investigation of more than 3000 head of animals) methodical recommendations for the struggle against protostrongyloses.The implementation of these measurements proved their high efficacy and contributed to the significant reduction in morbidity of small cattle due to protostrongyloses.Протостронгилидозы широко распространены среди мелкого рогатого скота во всем мире и являются причиной существенного экономического ущерба, складываемого как от значительного уменьшения продуктивности животных, так и от их гибели.Согласно нашим исследованиям, зараженность овец и коз протостронгилидами установлена во всех природно-ландшафтных поясах республики и у животных всех возрастов. Как правило, зараженность коз протостронгилидами большая, чем у овец. В среднем по республике, экстенсивность инвазированности коз различных возрастных групп колеблется в пределах 20,4-44,1%, а овец от 16,5 до 37,0%. В некоторых стационарных очагах этих инвазий более половины поголовья животных переболевает протостронгилидозами. Наибольшая зараженность протостронгилидами установлена у животных старше трехлетнего возраста, а наименьшая у животных текущего   года рождения, т.е. с возрастом животных инвазированность повышается. Зараженность животных горных поясов, по сравнению с животными низменных поясов, более высокая. Пик зараженности животных приходится на осенне-зимний период.Учитывая высокую инвазированность мелкого рогатого скота в Республике Армения протостронгилидами и отсутствие нормативных рекомендаций против вызываемых ими заболеваний, нами на основании многолетних исследований, проведенных на более чем 3 тыс. голов животных, было разработано методическое наставление по борьбе с протостронгилидозами. Испытания этих мероприятий свидетельствовали о высокой их эффективности и способствовали значительному сокращению заболеваемости мелкого рогатого скота протостронгилидозами

    Сосудистые кальцинаты молочной железы как проявление системного атеросклероза

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    Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are socially significant diseases and one of the main causes of death among women. There are no effective and uniform screening methods to prevent the prevalence and mortality of CVD. Breast artery calcifications may be one of the available tools for CVD risk stratification. The pathogenesis of calcification of the middle vessel wall, known as Mönckeberg's arteriosclerosis, is different from the pathogenesis of coronary atherosclerosis that coronary arteries. However, research data supports a correlation between breast artery calcifications and risk factors for CVD. These factors include coronary atherosclerosis, detected by CT-coronarography.Purpose. To assess the prevalence of breast arterial calcification and to determine the association with cardiovascular risk factors, coronary artery calcification, atherosclerosis of brachiocephalic arteries and visceral branches of the abdominal aorta.Material and methods. 21 patients were hospitalized in the cardiology department. The patients underwent digital mammography to detect breast arterial calcifications. All patients also underwent CT coronary angiography with angiography of the abdominal aorta.Results. The use of the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney W-test with an abnormal distribution showed a correlation between the breast arterial calcifications and the calcium index (p = 0.0028), coronary artery stenosis (p = 0.040), calcification of the thoracic aorta wall (p = 0.035) and stenosis of the visceral branches of the abdominal aorta (p = 0.037).Conclusions. The breast arterial calcifications correlates with a more frequent detection of calcifications in the walls of the coronary arteries and a higher calcium index.Сердечно-сосудистые заболевания (ССЗ) относятся к социально значимым заболеваниям и являются одной из основных причин смертности среди женщин. Отсутствие эффективных и унифицированных методов скрининга препятствует уменьшению заболеваемости и распространенности ССЗ и смертности от них. Сосудистые кальцинаты в молочной железе могут стать одним из доступных инструментов страти фикации риска ССЗ. Патогенез кальциноза средней оболочки артерий, известный как артериокальциноз Менкеберга, отличается от патогенеза атеросклероза интимы, возникающего в коронарных артериях. Тем не менее исследования подтверждают корреляцию между сосудистыми кальцинатами в молочной железе и факторами риска ССЗ. К таким факторам относится атеросклероз коронарных артерий, выявляемый с помощью КТ-коронарографии.Цель работы: изучение связи сосудистых кальцинатов в молочной железе с факторами риска сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний, атеросклерозом коронарных артерий, брахиоцефальных артерий и висцеральных ветвей брюшной аорты.Материал и методы. 21 пациентка, находящаяся на стационарном лечении в отделении кардиологии, была обследована на наличие сосудистых кальцинатов в молочных железах с помощью цифровой маммографии. Также всем пациенткам была выполнена КТ-коронарография с ангиографией брюшной аорты.Результаты. Применение W-критерия Уилкоксона–Манна–Уитни при ненормальном распределении показало взаимосвязь между наличием сосудистых кальцинатов в молочной железе и кальциевым индексом (р = 0,0028), стенозами коронарных артерий (р = 0,040), кальцинозом стенки грудной аорты (р = 0,035) и стенозами висцеральных ветвей брюшной аорты (р = 0,037).Заключение. Наличие кальцинатов в стенках сосудов молочных желез коррелирует с более частым выявлением кальцинатов в стенках коронарных артерий и более высоким кальциевым индексом

    Testis-specific glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase: origin and evolution

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPD) catalyses one of the glycolytic reactions and is also involved in a number of non-glycolytic processes, such as endocytosis, DNA excision repair, and induction of apoptosis. Mammals are known to possess two homologous GAPD isoenzymes: GAPD-1, a well-studied protein found in all somatic cells, and GAPD-2, which is expressed solely in testis. GAPD-2 supplies energy required for the movement of spermatozoa and is tightly bound to the sperm tail cytoskeleton by the additional N-terminal proline-rich domain absent in GAPD-1. In this study we investigate the evolutionary history of GAPD and gain some insights into specialization of GAPD-2 as a testis-specific protein.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A dataset of GAPD sequences was assembled from public databases and used for phylogeny reconstruction by means of the Bayesian method. Since resolution in some clades of the obtained tree was too low, syntenic analysis was carried out to define the evolutionary history of GAPD more precisely. The performed selection tests showed that selective pressure varies across lineages and isoenzymes, as well as across different regions of the same sequences.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The obtained results suggest that GAPD-1 and GAPD-2 emerged after duplication during the early evolution of chordates. GAPD-2 was subsequently lost by most lineages except lizards, mammals, as well as cartilaginous and bony fishes. In reptilians and mammals, GAPD-2 specialized to a testis-specific protein and acquired the novel N-terminal proline-rich domain anchoring the protein in the sperm tail cytoskeleton. This domain is likely to have originated by exonization of a microsatellite genomic region. Recognition of the proline-rich domain by cytoskeletal proteins seems to be unspecific. Besides testis, GAPD-2 of lizards was also found in some regenerating tissues, but it lacks the proline-rich domain due to tissue-specific alternative splicing.</p

    Composition of parasite fauna of sheep contained within limited territories in the foothill zones of Armenia

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    21 parasite species have been found in structure of variety of parasite species from hybrid sheep (mouflon × domestic sheep hybrids) contained within limited grazing territories of foothill zones of Armenia. These included 9 species of nematodes, 4 of cestodes, 3 of trematodes, 3 of ixodid ticks and larvae of nasopharyngeal gadfly Oestrus ovis and sheep ked Melophagus ovinus. An analysis of paths of circulation of larvae of some biohelminthes, particularly Dicrocoelidae and Protostrongylidae, realized through invertebrate intermediate hosts (land snails) have shown that mean infection of the latter varied from 2,5 to 8,0 %


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    Protostrongyloses are widely-spread in small cattle all over the world and may cause a significant economic damage manifested in decrease in livestock productivity as well as death of animals.Based on our studies, the infestation of sheep and goats with protostrongylides was detected in all landscape zones of the republic of Armenia and in animals of all ages. As a rule, the protostrongylide invasion rate of goats is higher than of sheep.  Within the republic, the average invasion extensity in goats of different age groups ranges between 20,4 and 44,1%, and in sheep – between  16,5 and 37,0%.In some stationary invasion foci, more than a half of livestock suffers through protostrongyloses. The highest protostrongylide invasion was found in animals older than 3 years of age, and the lowest – in animals of the first year of life, it means that the invasion increases with the age.The invasion of animals in mountains is higher in comparison with animals from plain areas. The peak of invasion falls on autumn and winter seasons.Taking into account a high level of protostrongylide invasion in small cattle in the republic of Armenia, and the unavailability of guidelines on this infectious disease, we have developed (based on the long term investigation of more than 3000 head of animals) methodical recommendations for the struggle against protostrongyloses.The implementation of these measurements proved their high efficacy and contributed to the significant reduction in morbidity of small cattle due to protostrongyloses

    WDG (148Â225mm) TimesM J-1534 Semiotica, 161 PMU: S(R) 12/05

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    Abstract The article aspires to present a systematized view on the contemporary understanding of metaphor essence and structure, reviews various classifications of metaphor, and discusses cognate &apos;similarity-based&apos; phenomena in natural language. The opposing views on metaphor as a three-and twocomponent structure are reconciled in the article through the analysis of di¤erent kinds of metaphors. Three types of classifications of metaphorsemantic, structural and functional -are specified and reviewed. Finally, the article examines the cognate phenomena, viz. metaphoric personification (prosopopoeia, pathetic fallacy, apostrophe), animalification, metaphoric antonomasia, metaphoric allusion, metaphoric periphrasis, synesthesia, allegory, and metaphoric symbolism. Possibly no other complex semiotic phenomenon has received such a broad theoretic coverage as metaphor. Aristotle, Rousseau, Lomonosov, Hegel, Nietzsche, Cassirer, Ortega-y-Gasset, Ricouer and other prominent thinkers have tapped at the ontological roots of metaphor; in philology and linguistics (including theory of literature, etymology, linguistic pragmatics, and cognitive linguistics) the concept of metaphor has been developed by such deceased and living scholars as A. Despite the variety of approaches to metaphor as a phenomenon the views on its nature and structure are essentially alike. Aristotle in his On the Art of Poetry wrote that one should see similarities in order to create a good metaphor (Aristotle 1984: 669). His definition of metaphor as a Semiotic