67 research outputs found

    Starch and oil in the donor cow diet and starch in substrate differently affect the in vitro ruminal biohydrogenation of linoleic and linolenic acids

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    Trans isomers of fatty acids exhibit different health properties. Among them, trans-10,cis-12 conjugated linoleic acid has negative effects on milk fat production and can affect human health. A shift from the trans-11 to the trans-10 pathway of biohydrogenation (BH) can occur in the rumen of dairy cows receiving high-concentrate diets, especially when the diet is supplemented with highly unsaturated fat sources. The differences of BH patterns between linoleic acid (LeA) and linolenic acid (LnA) in such ruminal conditions remain unknown; thus, the aim of this work was to investigate in vitro the effects of starch and sunflower oil in the diet of the donor cows and starch level in the incubates on the BH patterns and efficiencies of LeA and LnA. The design was a 4 × 4 Latin square design with 4 cows, 4 periods, and 4 diets with combinations of 21 or 34% starch and 0 or 5% sunflower oil. The rumen content of each cow during each period was incubated with 4 substrates, combining 2 starch levels and either LeA or LnA addition. Capillary electrophoresis single-strand conformation polymorphism of incubates showed that dietary starch decreased the diversity of the bacterial community and the high-starch plus oil diet modified its structure. High-starch diets poorly affected isomerization and first reduction of LeA and LnA, but decreased the efficiencies of trans-11,cis-15-C18:2 and trans C18:1 reduction. Dietary sunflower oil increased the efficiency of LeA isomerization but decreased the efficiency of trans C18:1 reduction. An interaction between dietary starch and dietary oil resulted in the highest trans-10 isomers production in incubates when the donor cow received the high-starch plus oil diet. The partition between trans-10 and trans-11 isomers was also affected by an interaction between starch level and the fatty acid added to the incubates, showing that the trans-10 shift only occurred with LeA, whereas LnA was mainly hydrogenated via the more usual trans-11 pathway, whatever the starch level in the substrate, although the bacterial communities were not different between LeA and LnA incubates. In LeA incubates, trans-10 isomer production was significantly related to the structure of the bacterial community

    Analysis of autonomic outcomes in APOLLO, a phase III trial of the RNAi therapeutic patisiran in patients with hereditary transthyretin-mediated amyloidosis

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    Hereditary transthyretin-mediated (hATTR) amyloidosis is a progressive, debilitating disease often resulting in early-onset, life-impacting autonomic dysfunction. The effect of the RNAi therapeutic, patisiran, on autonomic neuropathy manifestations in patients with hATTR amyloidosis with polyneuropathy in the phase III APOLLO study is reported. Patients received patisiran 0.3 mg/kg intravenously (n = 148) or placebo (n = 77) once every 3 weeks for 18 months. Patisiran halted or reversed polyneuropathy and improved quality of life from baseline in the majority of patients. At baseline, patients in APOLLO had notable autonomic impairment, as demonstrated by the Composite Autonomic Symptom Score-31 (COMPASS-31) questionnaire and Norfolk Quality of Life-Diabetic Neuropathy (Norfolk QOL-DN) questionnaire autonomic neuropathy domain. At 18 months, patisiran improved autonomic neuropathy symptoms compared with placebo [COMPASS-31, least squares (LS) mean difference, - 7.5; 95% CI: - 11.9, - 3.2; Norfolk QOL-DN autonomic neuropathy domain, LS mean difference, - 1.1; - 1.8, - 0.5], nutritional status (modified body mass index, LS mean difference, 115.7; - 82.4, 149.0), and vasomotor function (postural blood pressure, LS mean difference, - 0.3; - 0.5, - 0.1). Patisiran treatment also led to improvement from baseline at 18 months for COMPASS-31 (LS mean change from baseline, - 5.3; 95% CI: - 7.9, - 2.7) and individual domains, orthostatic intolerance (- 4.6; - 6.3, - 2.9) and gastrointestinal symptoms (- 0.8; - 1.5, - 0.2). Rapid worsening of all study measures was observed with placebo, while patisiran treatment resulted in stable or improved scores compared with baseline. Patisiran demonstrates benefit across a range of burdensome autonomic neuropathy manifestations that deteriorate rapidly without early and continued treatment.The study was funded by Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Medical writing services provided by Kristen Brown (PhD) of Adelphi Communications Ltd, Macclesfeld, UK were funded by Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Inc. in accordance with Good Publication Practice (GPP3) guidelines. We would like to thank Anastasia McManus (Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Inc.) for her assistance during preparation of this manuscript.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The human semicircular canal model of galvanic vestibular stimulation

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    A vector summation model of the action of galvanic stimuli on the semicircular canals has been shown to explain empirical balance and perceptual responses to binaural-bipolar stimuli. However, published data suggest binaural-monopolar stimuli evoke responses that are in the reverse direction of the model prediction. Here, we confirm this by measuring balance responses to binaural-monopolar stimulation as movements of the upper trunk. One explanation for the discrepancy is that the galvanic stimulus might evoke an oppositely directed balance response from the otolith organs that sums with and overrides the semicircular canal response. We tested this hypothesis by measuring sway responses across the full range of head pitch. The results showed some modulation of sway with pitch such that the maximal response occurred with the head in the primary position. However, the effect fell a long way short of that required to reverse the canal sway response. This indicates that the model is incomplete. Here, we examine alterations to the model that could explain both the bipolar and monopolar-evoked behavioural responses. An explanation was sought by remodelling the canal response with more recent data on the orientation of the individual canals. This improved matters but did not reverse the model prediction. However, the model response could be reversed by either rotating the entire labyrinth in the skull or by altering the gains of the individual canals. The most parsimonious solution was to use the more recent canal orientation data coupled with a small increase in posterior canal gain

    Best standards for data collection and reporting requirements on FOBs: towards a science-based FOB fishery management.

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    A major concern for tropical tunas, on these last years, has been the worldwide increasing use of drifting FOBs by purse seiners, which are equipped with satellite buoys and echo-sounders. The use of these floating objects has contributed to increase the catch of skipjack tuna, but also of juveniles of yellowfin and bigeye tunas. Moreover, it has increased the amount of by-catch (including some species classified as vulnerable or endangered) and has likely resulted in adverse effects on the ecology of fish and on vulnerable areas (e.g. beaching events on coral reef areas). Despite the increasing FOB use and concerns, little information is available on FOB use worldwide for an appropriate monitoring and management. Thus, FOB monitoring has become a priority in all tuna t-RFMOs. However, the data collection and reporting requirements around FOBs are not standardized and there are significant data gaps. The aim of this document is to review current requirements and procedures in place and propose standards for data collection and submission on FOBs to tRFMOs. The proposals included in this document are the result of a collaborative work between scientists and the fishing industry

    Cerebellar ataxia, neuropathy, vestibular areflexia syndrome due to RFC1 repeat expansion

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    Ataxia, causing imbalance, dizziness and falls, is a leading cause of neurological disability. We have recently identified a biallelic intronic AAGGG repeat expansion in replication factor complex subunit 1 (RFC1) as the cause of cerebellar ataxia, neuropathy, vestibular areflexia syndrome (CANVAS) and a major cause of late onset ataxia. Here we describe the full spectrum of the disease phenotype in our first 100 genetically confirmed carriers of biallelic repeat expansions in RFC1 and identify the sensory neuropathy as a common feature in all cases to date. All patients were Caucasian and half were sporadic. Patients typically reported progressive unsteadiness starting in the sixth decade. A dry spasmodic cough was also frequently associated and often preceded by decades the onset of walking difficulty. Sensory symptoms, oscillopsia, dysautonomia and dysarthria were also variably associated. The disease seems to follow a pattern of spatial progression from the early involvement of sensory neurons, to the later appearance of vestibular and cerebellar dysfunction. Half of the patients needed walking aids after 10 years of disease duration and a quarter were wheelchair dependent after 15 years. Overall, two-thirds of cases had full CANVAS. Sensory neuropathy was the only manifestation in 15 patients. Sixteen patients additionally showed cerebellar involvement, and six showed vestibular involvement. The disease is very likely to be underdiagnosed. Repeat expansion in RFC1 should be considered in all cases of sensory ataxic neuropathy, particularly, but not only, if cerebellar dysfunction, vestibular involvement and cough coexist

    Top-down and bottom-up modulation in processing bimodal face/voice stimuli

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Processing of multimodal information is a critical capacity of the human brain, with classic studies showing bimodal stimulation either facilitating or interfering in perceptual processing. Comparing activity to congruent and incongruent bimodal stimuli can reveal sensory dominance in particular cognitive tasks.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We investigated audiovisual interactions driven by stimulus properties (bottom-up influences) or by task (top-down influences) on congruent and incongruent simultaneously presented faces and voices while ERPs were recorded. Subjects performed gender categorisation, directing attention either to faces or to voices and also judged whether the face/voice stimuli were congruent in terms of gender. Behaviourally, the unattended modality affected processing in the attended modality: the disruption was greater for attended voices. ERPs revealed top-down modulations of early brain processing (30-100 ms) over unisensory cortices. No effects were found on N170 or VPP, but from 180-230 ms larger right frontal activity was seen for incongruent than congruent stimuli.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our data demonstrates that in a gender categorisation task the processing of faces dominate over the processing of voices. Brain activity showed different modulation by top-down and bottom-up information. Top-down influences modulated early brain activity whereas bottom-up interactions occurred relatively late.</p

    Impact of Vutrisiran on Quality of Life and Physical Function in Patients with Hereditary Transthyretin-Mediated Amyloidosis with Polyneuropathy

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    INTRODUCTION: Hereditary transthyretin (ATTRv; v for variant) amyloidosis, also known as hATTR amyloidosis, is a progressive and fatal disease associated with rapid deterioration of physical function and patients' quality of life (QOL). Vutrisiran, a subcutaneously administered RNA interference (RNAi) therapeutic that reduces hepatic production of transthyretin, was assessed in patients with ATTRv amyloidosis with polyneuropathy in the pivotal HELIOS-A study. METHODS: The phase 3 open-label HELIOS-A study investigated the efficacy and safety of vutrisiran in patients with ATTRv amyloidosis with polyneuropathy, compared with an external placebo group from the APOLLO study of the RNAi therapeutic patisiran. Measures of QOL and physical function were assessed. RESULTS: At month 18, vutrisiran improved Norfolk Quality of Life-Diabetic Neuropathy (Norfolk QOL-DN) total score (least squares mean difference [LSMD] in change from baseline [CFB]: –21.0; p = 1.84 × 10–10) and Norfolk QOL-DN domain scores, compared with external placebo. This benefit relative to external placebo was evident across all baseline polyneuropathy disability (PND) scores and most pronounced in patients with baseline PND scores I–II. Compared with external placebo, vutrisiran also demonstrated benefit in EuroQoL-Visual Analog Scale (EQ-VAS) score (LSMD in CFB: 13.7; nominal p = 2.21 × 10–7), 10-m walk test (LSMD in CFB: 0.239 m/s; p = 1.21 × 10–7), Rasch-built Overall Disability Score (LSMD in CFB: 8.4; p = 3.54 × 10–15), and modified body mass index (mBMI) (LSMD in CFB: 140.7; p = 4.16 × 10–15) at month 18. Overall, Norfolk QOL-DN, EQ-VAS, and mBMI improved from pretreatment baseline with vutrisiran, whereas all measures worsened from baseline in the external placebo group. At month 18, Karnofsky Performance Status was stable/improved from baseline in 58.2/13.1% with vutrisiran versus 34.7/8.1% with external placebo. CONCLUSION: Vutrisiran treatment provided significant clinical benefits in multiple measures of QOL and physical function in patients with ATTRv amyloidosis with polyneuropathy. Benefits were most pronounced in patients with earlier-stage disease, highlighting the importance of early diagnosis and treatment

    Resistance of cattle tick <em>Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus</em> (Canestrini) to deltamethrin, amitraz and moxidectin in New Caledonia: Review of the situation and perspectives for tick control

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    Cattle tick Rhipicephalus microplus, introduced in New Cal­edonia in 1942, has a significant impact on cattle health and farm profitability. The control of this parasite, based to date on the use of acaricides, led to the development of resist­ance to the chemicals successively available on the market. To assess the status of resistance to the latest products, a sur­vey based on resistance tests to deltamethrin, amitraz and moxidectin was implemented between October 2013 and September 2014. The aims were to establish the efficiency of amitraz which had been in use for 18 years in New Caledo­nia, to assess a possible re-use of deltamethrin 10 years after discontinuing its distribution, and to monitor the emergence of a possible resistance to macrocyclic lactone whose use is currently restricted. According to the selected resistance cri­teria, the resistance prevalence, or an intermediate status, to deltamethrin and amitraz was 25.8 and 23.0 %, respectively. No resistance to moxidectin was found. In the context of the progressive development of resistance to amitraz, tick-con­trol management was transferred to a health defense associa­tion (Groupement de défense sanitaire), which was expected among other missions to develop integrated parasite-control programs. Based on the observed results, this article presents the possible change in tick-control management in New Cal­edonia, which has to evolve from an exclusive and intensive use of chemicals to a set of complementary measures within the framework of an integrated control led by professionals