117 research outputs found

    Evolution models for mass transportation problems

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    We present a survey on several mass transportation problems, in which a given mass dynamically moves from an initial configuration to a final one. The approach we consider is the one introduced by Benamou and Brenier in [5], where a suitable cost functional F(ρ,v)F(\rho,v), depending on the density ρ\rho and on the velocity vv (which fulfill the continuity equation), has to be minimized. Acting on the functional FF various forms of mass transportation problems can be modeled, as for instance those presenting congestion effects, occurring in traffic simulations and in crowd motions, or concentration effects, which give rise to branched structures.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figures; Milan J. Math., (2012

    Improved energy bounds for Schrödinger operators

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    Given a potential VV and the associated Schrödinger operator -Δ+VV, we consider the problem of providing sharp upper and lower bound on the energy of the operator. It is known that if for example VV or V1V^{-1} enjoys suitable summability properties, the problem has a positive answer. In this paper we show that the corresponding isoperimetric-like inequalities can be improved by means of quantitative stability estimates

    The location of the hot spot in a grounded convex conductor

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    Abstract. We investigate the location of the (unique) hot spot in a convex heat conductor with unitary initial temperature and with boundary grounded at zero temperature. We present two methods to locate the hot spot: the for-mer is based on ideas related to the Alexandrov-Bakelmann-Pucci maximum principle and Monge-Ampère equations; the latter relies on Alexandrov’s re-flection principle. We then show how such a problem can be simplified in case the conductor is a polyhedron. Finally, we present some numerical computa-tions. 1

    A Benamou-Brenier approach to branched transport

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    The problem of branched transportation aims to describe the movement of masses when, due to concavity effects, they have the interest to travel together as much as possible, because the cost for a path of length \ell covered by a mass mm is proportional to mαm^\alpha\ell with 0<α<10<\alpha<1. The optimization of this criterion let branched structures appear and is suitable to applications like road systems, blood vessels, river networks\dots Several models have been employed in the literature to present this transport problem, and the present paper looks at a dynamical one, similar to the celebrated Benamou-Brenier formulation of Kantorovitch optimal transport. The movement is represented by a path ρt\rho_t of probabilities, connecting an initial state μ0\mu_0 to a final state μ1\mu_1, satisfying the continuity equation \partial_t\rho+\dive_xq=0 together with a velocity field vv (with q=ρvq=\rho v being the momentum). The transportation cost to be minimized is non-convex and finite on atomic measures: 01(Ωρα1qd#(x))dt\int_0^1\big(\int_\Omega\rho^{\alpha-1}|q|\,d\#(x)\big)\,dt

    Global compactness results for nonlocal problems

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    International audienceWe obtain a Struwe type global compactness result for a class of nonlinear nonlocal problems involving the fractional pp-Laplacian operator and nonlinearities at critical growth

    The heart of a convex body

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    We investigate some basic properties of the {\it heart} (K)\heartsuit(\mathcal{K}) of a convex set K.\mathcal{K}. It is a subset of K,\mathcal{K}, whose definition is based on mirror reflections of euclidean space, and is a non-local object. The main motivation of our interest for (K)\heartsuit(\mathcal{K}) is that this gives an estimate of the location of the hot spot in a convex heat conductor with boundary temperature grounded at zero. Here, we investigate on the relation between (K)\heartsuit(\mathcal{K}) and the mirror symmetries of K;\mathcal{K}; we show that (K)\heartsuit(\mathcal{K}) contains many (geometrically and phisically) relevant points of K;\mathcal{K}; we prove a simple geometrical lower estimate for the diameter of (K);\heartsuit(\mathcal{K}); we also prove an upper estimate for the area of (K),\heartsuit(\mathcal{K}), when K\mathcal{K} is a triangle.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures. appears as "Geometric Properties for Parabolic and Elliptic PDE's", Springer INdAM Series Volume 2, 2013, pp 49-6

    Congested traffic equilibria and degenerate anisotropic PDEs

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    Congested traffic problems on very dense networks lead, at the limit, to minimization problems posed on measures on curves as shown in Baillon and Carlier (Netw. Heterogenous Media 7: 219--241, 2012). Here, we go one step further by showing that these problems can be reformulated in terms of the minimization of an integral functional over a set of vector fields with prescribed divergence. We prove a Sobolev regularity result for their minimizers despite the fact that the Euler-Lagrange equation of the dual is highly degenerate and anisotropic. This somehow extends the analysis of Brasco et al. (J. Math. Pures Appl. 93: 652--671, 2010) to the anisotropic case

    Fractional De Giorgi classes and applications to nonlocal regularity theory

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    We present some recent results obtained by the author on the regularity of solutions to nonlocal variational problems. In particular, we review the notion of fractional De Giorgi class, explain its role in nonlocal regularity theory, and propose some open questions in the subject.Comment: Short note based on a talk given by the author at a conference held in Bari on May 29-30, 2017, as part of the INdAM intensive period "Contemporary research in elliptic PDEs and related topics

    Developing realistic exposure scenarios for environmental risk rssessment of pesticides in Brazil: surface water

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    Standard scenarios increase the consistency of the regulatory evaluation process by minimizing the subjective influence when performing the pesticide environmental concentration - PEC calculation, also make interpretation much easier, and enable the adoption of a consistent scientific process for a Tier 1 evaluation (FOCUS, 2000). The Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA) adopts the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) methodology (IBAMA, 2016), using the ?standard farm pond? scenario (Parker et al., 1995) for surface water in the Tier 1 evaluation, and, therefore, it may lead to the registration of pesticides without considering Brazilian agricultural scenarios in environmental risk assessment - ERA