7 research outputs found
0–3 éves korú csecsemők és kisdedek táplálkozási szokásainak felmérése, különös tekintettel a makro- és mikronutriens-bevitelre = Nutrition assessment of 0–3-year-old infants and toddlers with particular focus on macro- and micronutrient intake
Bevezetés: Az elmúlt időszakban megjelent kutatási eredmények
alátámasztják azt a feltételezést, hogy a felnőttkori krónikus betegségek
kialakulását jelentősen befolyásolja a méhen belüli tápanyag-ellátottság és a
kisdedkorban folytatott táplálás és táplálkozás. Célkitűzés: A
vizsgálat célja a hazai 0–3 éves csecsemők, kisdedek táplálkozási szokásainak
felmérése, illetve a csecsemő- és kisdedkorú gyermekek táplálkozását a leginkább
jellemző problémák feltárása, a táplálási/táplálkozási ajánlások módosításához,
korszerűsítéséhez szükséges adatok megismerése, szolgáltatása volt.
Módszer: A vizsgálat a Magyar Dietetikusok Országos
Szövetségének szakmai koordinálásával, iparági kutatás keretében valósult meg
2015. június és augusztus között, Budapest, Debrecen, Győr, Szeged és Pécs
városainak 0–3 éves populációja körében. A felmérés antropometriai mérésekkel és
validált háromnapos táplálkozási naplóval történt. Eredmények:
A 4–12 hónapos (n = 220) csecsemők 18,6%-a 10 percentilis alatti értékkel
rendelkezett, 10% 85–97 percentilis közé esett, míg 3% meghaladta a 97
percentilist. A 12–24 hónapos (n = 227) gyermekek 15%-a 10 percentilis alatti
testtömegindexszel (BMI) rendelkezett (sovány), 14% BMI-je 85–97 percentilis
közé esett (túlsúlyos), és 2,6% a 97 percentilist meghaladó BMI-vel rendelkezett
(elhízott). A 25–36 hónapos gyermekek (n = 184) 70%-ának normál-BMI-je volt,
4%-uk túlsúlyos, 2%-uk elhízott, 24%-uk sovány volt. Míg a hazai referenciaérték
alapján a felmérésben részt vevő 4–12 hónapos gyerekek 10,9%-a, az 1–2 évesek
20%-a, a 2–3 évesek 47%-a a magas fehérjebeviteli tartományba esett, addig a
2013-ban kiadott EFSA- (Európai Élelmiszerbiztonsági Hatóság) ajánlás
referenciaértékeihez viszonyítva viszont a vizsgált gyerekek 100%-a a magas
fehérjebeviteli csoportba tartozik minden korcsoportban.
Következtetés: Bár a makro- és mikronutrienseknek a
WHO/FAO/UNU által 2007-ben megadott beviteli értékein alapuló, 2013-as
EFSA-ajánlás meghatározza az ajánlott beviteli mennyiségeket, a mintában felmért
eredmények annak teljes körű megbízhatóságát nem támasztották alá. Orv Hetil.
2019; 160(50): 1990–1998.
Introduction: Recent research findings support the assumption
that the development of chronic diseases in adults is greatly influenced by the
supply of nutrients in the uterus and the nutrition, nourishment of the early,
toddler ages. Aim: The aim of the present study was to evaluate
the nutritional habits of infants and toddlers aged 0–3 in Hungary, and to
identify the most typical problems of their nutrition, to get to know and
provide the necessary data for the modification and modernization of
feeding/nutrition recommendations for infants and young children in Hungary.
Method: The study was carried out with the professional
coordination of the Hungarian Dietetic Association (MDOSZ) in the framework of
industry research between June and August 2015, in the 0–3-year-old population,
in the cities Budapest, Debrecen, Győr, Szeged and Pécs. The survey was
conducted with anthropometric measurements and validated by three-day dietary
log templates. Results: 18.6% of infants aged 4 to 12 months (n
= 220) had values below 10th percentile, 10% were between 85–97th percentiles
and 3% were above 97th percentile. 15% of children aged 12–24 months (n = 227)
had a body mass index (BMI) below 10th percentile (underweight), 14% were
between 85–97th percentile (overweight) and 2.6% had BMI over the 97th
percentile (obese). 70% of 25–36-month-old children (n = 184) had normal BMI, 4%
were overweight, 2% obese, 24% underweight. Based on the Hungarian reference
value, 10.9% of the 4–12-month-old children, 20% of the 1–2-year-olds, 47% of
the 2–3-year-olds were in high protein intake group. However, compared to the
2013’s reference values of the EFSA (European Food Safety Authority)
recommendation, 100% of the children belong to the high protein intake group in
all age groups. Conclusion: Although the EFSA recommendation –
based on the WHO/FAO/UNU macro- and micronutrient intake values in 2007 –
defines the recommended intake quantities, the results in the sample did not
support its overall reliability. Orv Hetil. 2019; 160(50): 1990–1998
Reszinkronizációs készülékkel élő betegek fizikai aktivitásának összehasonlító vizsgálata telemetriás adatok alapján
Bevezetés: A rendszeres fizikai aktivitás egészségre vonatkozó
hatása közismert, azonban több kutatás leírta, hogy szívbetegek számára is
nélkülözhetetlen, továbbá az ülő életmódot folytató szívbetegek számára
szekunder prevenciós hatását is kimutatták. Célkitűzés: Jelen
tanulmányunk célja annak meghatározása volt, hogy a szívelégtelen betegek
esetében telemetriás úton kapott physical activity százalékos érték miként
alakítható át MET-értékre, amellyel az egyén fizikai aktivitás során mért
oxigénfogyasztása jellemezhető. Módszer: A kutatásban 17
szívelégtelen beteg vett részt, akik közül 3 nő és 14 férfi; életkor 57,35 ±
9,54 év; testtömeg 98,71 ± 9,89 kg; átlagos BMI 36,69 ± 3,67 volt. A fizikai
aktivitást jellemző két adatsor felhasználásával lineáris regressziót végeztünk,
amelynek során egy matematikai egyenletet kaptunk, így a physical activity
százalékérték MET-értékké volt konvertálható. Eredmények: A
hatperces sétateszt alatt átlag 416,6 ± 48,2 m-t tettek meg a betegek és a mért
MET értékek átlaga 1,85 ± 0,18, a MET heti átlaga 1,12 ± 0,06 volt. Jól kivehető
hogy a betegek számára még a 6MWT is egy emelkedett aktivitást jelent a
mindennapok aktivitási szintjéhez képest. Következtetés:
Módszerünk alkalmazásával a betegek állapotváltozása a reszinkronizációs
készülékekbe beépített, fizikai aktivitást mérő mozgásérzékelő adatai alapján,
magával az implantált elektronikus eszközzel telemetriásan monitorozható. Orv
Hetil. 2017; 158(19): 748–753.
Introduction: The effect of regular physical activity on health
is widely recognized, but several studies have shown its key importance for
heart patients. Aim: The present study aimed to define the PA %
values, and to convert them into metabolic equivalent values (MET), which
describes oxygen consumption during physical activity. Method:
A total of seventeen patients with heart disease; 3 females and 14 males; age:
57.35 yrs ± 9.54; body mass 98.71 ± 9.89 kg; average BMI 36.69 ± 3.67 were
recruited into the study. The measured values from Cardiac Resynchronisation
Therapy devices and outer accelerometers (ActiGraph GT3X+) were studied over a
7-day time period. Using the two sets of values describing physical performance,
linear regression was calculated providing a mathematical equation, thus, the
Physical Activity values in percentage were converted into MET values.
Results: During the 6-minute walk test the patients achieved an
average of 416.6 ± 48.2 m. During 6MWT the measured values averaged at 1.85 ±
0.18 MET’s, and MET values averaged at 1.12 ± 0.06 per week. It clearly shows
that this test is a challenge for the patients compared to their daily regular
physical activity levels. Conclusion: With our method, based on
the values received from the physical activity sensor implanted into the
resynchronisation devices, changes in patients’ health status could be monitored
telemetrically with the assistance from the implanted electronic device. Orv
Hetil. 2017; 158(17): 748–753
Regulatory activities of Warbugia ugandensis ethanolic extracts on colorectal cancer-specific genome expression dose-dependently
The evaluation of natural biomass sources is a promising strategy in accelerating the development of novel anti-cancer medications. Our study aimed to evaluate the activity of W. ugandensis ethanolic roots and stems extracts on the expression of five targeted genes (COX-2, CASPS-9, Bcl-xL, Bcl2 and 5-LOX) in colorectal cancer (CRC) cell lines (Caco-2). Plant extracts were obtained using serial exhaustive extraction and dissolved in Dimethyl sulfoxide appropriately for bioassay. Caco-2 cell lines were passaged, treated with plant extracts at varying concentrations and their RNA’s isolated for evaluation. Our unique study reports on W. ugandensis as efficient natural inhibitors of CRC growth, by directly linking its phytoconstituents to; downregulation of COX-2, 5-LOX, Bcl-xL, Bcl2 and upregulation of CASPS9 genes dose-dependently. We present W. ugandensis ethanolic roots and stems extracts as promising natural inhibitors for CRC carcinogenesis and recommend in vivo and subsequent clinical trials, with substantial clinical effects postulated. We further suggest studies on identification and characterization of the specific metabolites in W. ugandensis involved in the modulatory mechanisms, resulting to inhibition of CRC growth and possible metastases
Changes in miR-124-1, miR-212, miR-132, miR-134, and miR-155 Expression Patterns after 7,12-Dimethylbenz(a)anthracene Treatment in CBA/Ca Mice
Specific gene and miRNA expression patterns are potential early biomarkers of harmful environmental carcinogen exposures. The aim of our research was to develop an assay panel by using several miRNAs for the rapid screening of potential carcinogens. The expression changes of miR-124-1, miR-212, miR-132, miR-134, and miR-155 were examined in the spleen, liver, and kidneys of CBA/Ca mice, following the 20 mg/bwkg intraperitoneal 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA) treatment. After 24 h RNA was isolated, the miRNA expressions were analyzed by a real-time polymerase chain reaction and compared to a non-treated control. DMBA induced significant changes in the expression of miR-134, miR-132, and miR-124-1 in all examined organs in female mice. Thus, miR-134, miR-132, and miR-124-1 were found to be suitable biomarkers for the rapid screening of potential chemical carcinogens and presumably to monitor the protective effects of chemopreventive agents
The Chemopreventive Effects of Polyphenols and Coffee, Based upon a DMBA Mouse Model with microRNA and mTOR Gene Expression Biomarkers
Polyphenols are capable of decreasing cancer risk. We examined the chemopreventive effects of a green tea (Camellia sinensis) extract, polyphenol extract (a mixture of blackberry (Rubus fruticosus), blackcurrants (Ribes nigrum), and added resveratrol phytoalexin), Chinese bayberry (Myrica rubra) extract, and a coffee (Coffea arabica) extract on 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA) carcinogen-increased miR-134, miR-132, miR-124-1, miR-9-3, and mTOR gene expressions in the liver, spleen, and kidneys of CBA/Ca mice. The elevation was quenched significantly in the organs, except for miR-132 in the liver of the Chinese bayberry extract-consuming group, and miR-132 in the kidneys of the polyphenol-fed group. In the coffee extract-consuming group, only miR-9-3 and mTOR decreased significantly in the liver; also, miR-134 decreased significantly in the spleen, and, additionally, miR-124-1 decreased significantly in the kidney. Our results are supported by literature data, particularly the DMBA generated ROS-induced inflammatory and proliferative signal transducers, such as TNF, IL1, IL6, and NF-κB; as well as oncogenes, namely RAS and MYC. The examined chemopreventive agents, besides the obvious antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, mainly blocked the mentioned DMBA-activated factors and the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) as well, and, at the same time, induced PTEN as well as SIRT tumor suppressor genes
An empirical assessment of the factors infuencing acceptance of COVID‑19 vaccine uptake between Kenyan and Hungarian residing populations: A cross‑sectional study
The development of efective, safe, and acceptable vaccines is a long process. COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy continues to elicit mixed reactions among diferent quarters despite numerous evidence of their efectiveness. This study aimed to determine the availability and acceptance rates of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines, among Kenyan and Hungarian residing populations and the underlying reasons contributing to the hesitancy of uptake. A non-probability, snowball sampling design was employed, and a survey questionnaire tool link was expeditiously disseminated. Data were carefully analyzed descriptively. Demographic variables, COVID-19 awareness, possible exposure, reasons associated with hesitancy in taking up a vaccine, choice of a vaccine, and availability of vaccines among other important variables were tested to explore their associations with vaccine acceptance rates between the two distinct countries. A total of 1960 participants were successfully enrolled in the research study, while 67 participants were excluded based on the inclusion criterion set. There was, however, no signifcant diference in COVID-19 public awareness between the Kenyan and Hungarian-residing participants, p = 0.300. Of the respondents, 62.4% were willing and ready to receive vaccines against COVID-19 disease. There was a signifcant diference (p= 0.014) between the Kenyan and Hungarian-residing respondents concerning vaccine uptake and acceptance rates. The vaccine acceptance rates in Hungary were higher than in Kenya, with mean= 0.27, SD= 0.446, S. E= 0.045 for the Hungarian population sample and mean= 0.40, SD= 0.492, S. E= 0.026, for the Kenyan sample respectively. Concerning gender and vaccine acceptance, there was a notable signifcant diference between males and females, p = 0.001, where the mean for males and females were 0.29 and 0.46 respectively. Acceptance rates among males were higher than among females. The functions of One-Way ANOVA and Chi-square were used to establish any signifcant diferences and associations between means and variables respectively. Concerns regarding the safety, efcacy, and accuracy of information about the developed vaccines are signifcant factors that must be promptly addressed, to arrest crises revolving around COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy, especially in Kenya and among females in both populations, where acceptance rates were lower. Expansion of the screening program to incorporate antibody (serology) tests, is also highly recommended in the present circumstance. Equitable distribution of vaccines globally should be encouraged and promoted to adequately cover low- and middle-income countries. To enhance efective combat on vaccination hesitancy and apprehension in diferent countries, mitigation techniques unique to those countries must be adopted.</p