15 research outputs found

    Changing the color of tooth enamel in the process of orthodontic treatment

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    Teeth discoloration is a rare orthodontic complication during orthodontic treatment. We present 6-year clinical observation conducted from January 2010 till December 2016. The eighteen orthodontic patients with teeth discoloration took part in this observation. Four patients were excluded from the observation as their teeth discoloration were under orthodontic treatment. During clinical observation period, discovered discoloration was evaluated as «improved» in 4 out of 14 teeth (28.5 %), as «maintained» in 10 teeth (71.4 %). Electroodontodiagnosis conducted during the initial detection period of discoloration showed 14.3 % positivity, which improved to 21.4 % at the final follow-up. The radiological pictures of the teeth showed no abnormalities. Thus, we can assume that teeth with one wide long root canal are more prone to damage to the pulp blood supply. Discoloration is also more frequent in the maxillary teeth, possibly due to the overjet relationship, which may increase susceptibility to trauma in the maxillary teeth. We should keep dynamical observation in the orthodontic practice as teeth color could reverse to the initial without additional interference. 1f discoloration does not improve even after sufficient observation, it is necessary to start orthodontic treatment (endodontic, prosthetic) or bleaching. A patient should be informed that discoloration does not always indicate devitalization or pulp necrosis. Instead of "devitalization" or "pulp necrosis" we recommend to use the term "discoloration"


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    The status of vitamin D in the population of Irkutsk region has been determined by the contents of 25(OH)D3 in blood serum of268 people of different age. The highest rates were found in children - 37,78 ± 1,74 ng/ml. In men the level of activity of 25(OH)D3 was equal to 24,64 ± 2,33 ng/ml, in women up to 70years - 21,22 ± 0,85, older than 70 years -15,13 ± 2,24 ng/ml. The lowest rates are found in children with celiac disease -13,43 ± 2,14. More than 60 % of the population suffer from vitamin D deficiency. Yet wide-scale preventive measures are not possible due to limited range offortified food in the trade network

    Correction of micronutrient status of the Irkutsk region population as a means of lowering infant mortality

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    Aim: to establish a link between the level of folic acid, vitamin D and iodine consumption, and infant and perinatal mortality, morbidity of childhood tuberculosis in the Irkutsk region. Consumption of folate in the form of a single-agent preparation increased 3 times in 5 years. Consumption of folic acid in women at the stage of preconception and pregnancy affected the reduction of perinatal (R = -0.9; p = 0.016) and infant (R = -0.89; p = 0.04) mortality, including neonatal (R = -0.89; p = 0.039). Preventive supplementation of vitamin D of people in the region over the past 5years has increased by 70 %, and infant mortality fell by 35.5 %. Infant (R = -0.94; p = 0.01) and especially post-neonatal (R = -0.97; p = 0.004) mortality are controllable and depend on the prevention of hypovitaminosis D. The understanding of the role of vitamin D in triggering the synthesis of the antimicrobial peptide cathelicidin opens prospects for using it as a medicine for prevention and treatment of childhood tuberculosis. The incidence of pediatric tuberculosis in the region during this period decreased by 46 % (R = -0.95; p = 0.01). Correction of iodine deficiency in pregnant women and children caused the reduction of perinatal (R = -0.99; p = 0.07), early neonatal (R = -0.99; p = 0.05), neonatal (R = -0.98; p = 0.06) and post-neonatal (R = -0.99; p = 0.002) infant mortality

    Appropriate prevention of vitamin D deficiency in the population of the Irkutsk region

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    Purpose of the study. To determine the influence of climatic and geographical factors of the Irkutsk region on the risk of hypovitaminosis D in children and adults. Patients and methods. The contents of 25(OH)D-3 in the blood of children and adults (3261 samples) were evaluated. The materials were obtained in the Diagnostic Center of the region and the InVitro laboratory. Results of monitoring of ultraviolet radiation and precipitation in the Irkutsk region for 2014-2015 were analyzed according to ground and satellite measurements. Results. The Irkutsk region is in the zone of ultraviolet insufficiency during the period from September-October to March-May. The status of the metabolite of vitamin D - 25(oH)D3 in the population of the region is low, especially in adolescents and people older than 70 years. 68 % of children have vitamin D deficiency. Activity of 25(oH)D3 depends on meteorological factors, especially the level of precipitation and the intake of vitamin D. For each geographical area of the region, time intervals were calculated for the formation of vitamin D in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and time intervals for the intake of vitamin D preparations. The exposure time in the sun was calculated for the formation of vitamin D for individuals with different skin phototypes, depending on the degree of its openness

    The effect of antioxidants of vegetable origin on the change of qualitative characteristics of semi-finished fish products in the storage process

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    The article presents data on the study of the influence of spices - sage, rosemary and ginger, used as a prescription component on the quality indicators of semi-finished fish products. Physical, chemical and organoleptic indicators of the quality of experimental samples have been studied, and the positive effect of spices on the stability of semi-finished fish products during storage have been shown. The use of spices, in particular rosemary and sage, allows to slow down the oxidation process and increase the shelf life of chilled fish semi-products

    Soil monitoring using remote-sensed data

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    Problems of soil monitoring of the ground based on the analysis of polyzonal satellite images and mobile multispectral touch system information are considered. The technology of digital map creation of organic substances spatial distribution in ground is offered

    IA-PACS-CFS: a double-blinded, randomized, sham-controlled, exploratory trial of immunoadsorption in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) including patients with post-acute COVID-19 CFS (PACS-CFS)

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    BACKGROUND: Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is a severely debilitating condition which markedly restricts activity and function of affected people. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic ME/CFS related to post-acute COVID-19 syndrome (PACS) can be diagnosed in a subset of patients presenting with persistent fatigue 6 months after a mostly mild SARS-CoV-2 infection by fulfillment of the Canadian Consensus Criteria (CCC 2003). Induction of autoimmunity after viral infection is a mechanism under intensive investigation. In patients with ME/CFS, autoantibodies against thyreoperoxidase (TPO), beta-adrenergic receptors (ß2AR), and muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (MAR) are frequently found, and there is evidence for effectiveness of immunomodulation with B cell depleting therapy, cyclophosphamide, or intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIG). Preliminary studies on the treatment of ME/CFS patients with immunoadsorption (IA), an apheresis that removes antibodies from plasma, suggest clinical improvement. However, evidence from placebo-controlled trials is currently missing. METHODS: In this double-blinded, randomized, sham-controlled, exploratory trial the therapeutic effect of five cycles of IA every other day in patients with ME/CFS, including patients with post-acute COVID-19 chronic fatigue syndrome (PACS-CFS), will be evaluated using the validated Chalder Fatigue Scale, a patient-reported outcome measurement. A total of 66 patients will be randomized at a 2:1 ratio: 44 patients will receive IA (active treatment group) and 22 patients will receive a sham apheresis (control group). Moreover, safety, tolerability, and the effect of IA on patient-reported outcome parameters, biomarker-related objectives, cognitive outcome measurements, and physical parameters will be assessed. Patients will be hospitalized at the clinical site from day 1 to day 10 to receive five IA treatments and medical visits. Four follow-up visits (including two visits at site and two visits via telephone call) at month 1 (day 30), 2 (day 60), 4 (day 120), and 6 (day 180; EOS, end of study visit) will take place. DISCUSSION: Although ME/CFS including PACS-CFS causes an immense individual, social, and economic burden, we lack efficient therapeutic options. The present study aims to investigate the efficacy of immunoadsorption and to contribute to the etiological understanding and establishment of diagnostic tools for ME/CFS

    Lung endometriosis in the Phthisiatrician – practice

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    У статті представлений клінічний випадок діагностування ендометріозу легень у практиці лікаря-фтизіатра.Зазначено необхідність проведення диференціальної діагностики туберкульозу легень і ендометріозу легень у жінок репродуктивного віку; В статье представлен клинический случай диагностики эндометриоза легких в практике врача-фтизиатра. Отмечена необходимость проведения дифференциальной диагностики туберкулеза легких и эндометриоза легких у женщин репродуктивного возраста; The clinical there is noticed the necessity of a differential diagnostic between lung tuberculosis and lung endometriosis among reproductive-age women. case of lung endometriosis diagnostic in the phthisiatrician practice is presented in this articl