394 research outputs found

    A large-NcN_c PNJL model with explicit ZNc_{N_c} symmetry

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    A PNJL model is built, in which the Polyakov-loop potential is explicitly ZNc_{N_c}-symmetric in order to mimic a Yang-Mills theory with gauge group SU(NcN_c). The physically expected large-NcN_c and large-TT behaviours of the thermodynamic observables computed from the Polyakov-loop potential are used to constrain its free parameters. The effective potential is eventually U(1)-symmetric when NcN_c is infinite. Light quark flavours are added by using a Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model coupled to the Polyakov loop (the PNJL model), and the different phases of the resulting PNJL model are discussed in 't Hooft's large-NcN_c limit. Three phases are found, in agreement with previous large-NcN_c studies. When the temperature TT is larger than some deconfinement temperature TdT_d, the system is in a deconfined, chirally symmetric, phase for any quark chemical potential μ\mu. When T<TdT<T_d however, the system is in a confined phase in which chiral symmetry is either broken or not. The critical line Tχ(μ)T_\chi(\mu), signalling the restoration of chiral symmetry, has the same qualitative features than what can be obtained within a standard Nc=3N_c=3 PNJL model.Comment: To appear in Phys Rev

    QCD effective action with a most general homogeneous field background

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    We consider one-loop effective action of SU(3) QCD with a most general constant chromomagnetic (chromoelectric) background which has two independent Abelian field components. The effective potential with a pure magnetic background has a local minimum only when two Abelian components H_{\mu\nu}^3 and H_{\mu\nu}^8 of color magnetic field are orthogonal to each other. The non-trivial structure of the effective action has important implication in estimating quark-gluon production rate and p_T-distribution in quark-gluon plasma. In general the production rate depends on three independent Casimir invariants, in particular, it depends on the relative orientation between chromoelectric fields.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures (9 pages in published version

    CP violation in the two-Higgs-doublet model: an example

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    In a general two-scalar-doublet model without fermions, there is a unique source of CP violation, J1 J_1 , in the gauge interactions of the scalars. It arises in the mixing of the three neutral physical scalars X1 X_1 , X2 X_2 and X3 X_3 . CP violation may be observed via different decay rates for X1H+W X_1 \rightarrow H^+ W^- and X1HW+ X_1 \rightarrow H^- W^+ (or, alternatively, for H+X1W+ H^+ \rightarrow X_1 W^+ and HX1W H^- \rightarrow X_1 W^- --- depending on which decays are kinematically allowed). I compute the part of those CP-violating decay-rate differences which is proportional to J1 J_1 . The CP-invariant final-state-interaction phase is provided by the absorptive parts of the one-loop diagrams. I check the gauge invariance of the whole calculation.Comment: 13 pages LATEX, a bunch of figures that I can mail to you if you ask me as soon as you finish reading this (because afterwards I'll be in vacation

    Small-Recoil Approximation

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    In this review we discuss a technique to compute and to sum a class of Feynman diagrams, and some of its applications. These are diagrams containing one or more energetic particles that suffer very little recoil in their interactions. When recoil is completely neglected, a decomposition formula can be proven. This formula is a generalization of the well-known eikonal formula, to non-abelian interactions. It expresses the amplitude as a sum of products of irreducible amplitudes, with each irreducible amplitude being the amplitude to emit one, or several mutually interacting, quasi-particles. For abelian interaction a quasi-particle is nothing but the original boson, so this decomposition formula reduces to the eikonal formula. In non-abelian situations each quasi-particle can be made up of many bosons, though always with a total quantum number identical to that of a single boson. This decomposition enables certain amplitudes of all orders to be summed up into an exponential form, and it allows subleading contributions of a certain kind, which is difficult to reach in the usual way, to be computed. For bosonic emissions from a heavy source with many constituents, a quasi-particle amplitude turns out to be an amplitude in which all bosons are emitted from the same constituent. For high-energy parton-parton scattering in the near-forward direction, the quasi-particle turns out to be the Reggeon, and this formalism shows clearly why gluons reggeize but photons do not. The ablility to compute subleading terms in this formalism allows the BFKL-Pomeron amplitude to be extrapolated to asymptotic energies, in a unitary way preserving the Froissart bound. We also consider recoil corrections for abelian interactions in order to accommodate the Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal effect.Comment: 21 pages with 4 figure

    Heavy flavour production in DGLAP improved saturation model

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    The charm and beauty quark production in deep inelastic scattering at low values of the Bjorken variable x is considered in the DGLAP improved saturation model. After fitting parameters of the model to the structure function F_2, the heavy quark contributions Fc_2 and Fb_2 are predicted. A good description of the data is found. Predictions for the longitudinal structure function F_L and the diffractive structure function FD_2 are also presented.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures; typos corrected, references added, final Phys.Rev. D versio

    The model of particle production by strong external sources

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    Using some knowledge of multiplicity disributions for high energy reactions, it is possible to propose a simple analytical model of particle production by strong external sources. The model describes qualitatively most peculiar properties of the distributions. The generating function of the distribution varies so drastically as it can happen at phase transitions.Comment: 7 pages, no Figures, LATEX; Eq. (10) corrected, Eqs (25), (26) added, ref [20] corrected; Pisma v Zhetf 84, n5 (2006

    Prompt Quark Production by exploding Sphalerons

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    Following recent works on production and subsequent explosive decay of QCD sphaleron-like clusters, we discuss the mechanism of quark pair production in this process. We first show how the gauge field explosive solution of Luscher and Schechter can be achieved by non-central conformal mapping from the O(4)-symmetric solution. Our main result is a new solution to the Dirac equation in real time in this configuration, obtained by the same inversion of the fermion O(4) zero mode. It explicitly shows how the quark acceleration occurs, starting from the spherically O(3) symmetric zero energy chiral quark state to the final spectrum of non-zero energies. The sphaleron-like clusters with any Chern-Simons number always produce NFLˉR{\rm N_F} {\bar {\bf L}}{\bf R} quarks, and the antisphaleron-like clusters the chirality opposite. The result are relevant for hadron-hadron and nucleus-nucleus collisions at large s\sqrt{s}, wherein such clusters can be produced

    Interplay between soft and hard hadronic components for identified hadrons in relativistic heavy ion collisions

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    We investigate the transverse dynamics in Au+Au collisions at \sqrt{s_NN}=200 GeV by emphasis upon the interplay between soft and hard components through p_T dependences of particle spectra, ratios of yields, suppression factors, and elliptic flow for identified hadrons. From hydrodynamics combined with traversing minijets which go through jet quenching in the hot medium, we calculate interactions of hard jets with the soft hydrodynamic components. It is shown by the explicit dynamical calculations that the hydrodynamic radial flow and the jet quenching of hard jets are the keys to understand the differences among the hadron spectra for pions, kaons, and protons. This leads to the natural interpretation for N_p/N_\pi ~ 1, R_{AA} >~ 1 for protons, and v_2^p > v_2^\pi recently observed in the intermediate transverse momentum region at Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC).Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures; some references added; title changed, some data points included in figure

    Coherent gluon production in very high energy heavy ion collisions

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    The early stages of a relativistic heavy-ion collision are examined in the framework of an effective classical SU(3) Yang-Mills theory in the transverse plane. We compute the initial energy and number distributions, per unit rapidity, at mid-rapidity, of gluons produced in high energy heavy ion collisions. We discuss the phenomenological implications of our results in light of the recent RHIC data.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure