32,413 research outputs found

    Optical properties of TlNi2Se2: Observation of pseudogap formation

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    The quasi-two-dimensional nickel chalcogenides TlNi2Se2TlNi_2Se_2 is a newly discovered superconductor. We have performed optical spectroscopy study on TlNi2Se2TlNi_2Se_2 single crystals over a broad frequency range at various temperatures. The overall optical reflectance spectra are similar to those observed in its isostructure BaNi2As2BaNi_2As_2. Both the suppression in R(ω)R(\omega) and the peaklike feature in σ1(ω)\sigma_1(\omega) suggest the progressive formation of a pseudogap feature in the midinfrared range with decreasing temperatures, which might be originated from the dynamic local fluctuation of charge-density-wave (CDW) instability. We propose that the CDW instability in TlNi2Se2TlNi_2Se_2 is driven by the saddle points mechanism, due to the existence of van Hove singularity very close to the Fermi energy.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Inhomogeneity Induces Resonance Coherence Peaks in Superconducting BSCCO

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    In this paper we analyze, using scanning tunneling spectroscopy, the density of electronic states in nearly optimally doped BSCCO in zero field. Focusing on the superconducting gap, we find patches of what appear to be two different phases in a background of some average gap, one with a relatively small gap and sharp large coherence peaks and one characterized by a large gap with broad weak coherence peaks. We compare these spectra with calculations of the local density of states for a simple phenomenological model in which a 2 xi_0 * 2 xi_0 patch with an enhanced or supressed d-wave gap amplitude is embedded in a region with a uniform average d-wave gap.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Is the cosmic UV background fluctuating at redshift z ~ 6 ?

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    We study the Gunn-Peterson effect of the photo-ionized intergalactic medium(IGM) in the redshift range 5< z <6.4 using semi-analytic simulations based on the lognormal model. Assuming a rapidly evolved and spatially uniform ionizing background, the simulation can produce all the observed abnormal statistical features near redshift z ~ 6. They include: 1) rapidly increase of absorption depths; 2) large scatter in the optical depths; 3) long-tailed distributions of transmitted flux and 4) long dark gaps in spectra. These abnormal features are mainly due to rare events, which correspond to the long-tailed probability distribution of the IGM density field, and therefore, they may not imply significantly spatial fluctuations in the UV ionizing background at z ~ 6.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figs, accepted by ApJ

    The coexistence of superconductivity and ferromagnetism in nano-scale metallic grains

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    A nano-scale metallic grain in which the single-particle dynamics are chaotic is described by the so-called universal Hamiltonian. This Hamiltonian includes a superconducting pairing term and a ferromagnetic exchange term that compete with each other: pairing correlations favor minimal ground-state spin, while the exchange interaction favors maximal spin polarization. Of particular interest is the fluctuation-dominated regime where the bulk pairing gap is comparable to or smaller than the single-particle mean level spacing and the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer theory of superconductivity breaks down. Superconductivity and ferromagnetism can coexist in this regime. We identify signatures of the competition between superconductivity and ferromagnetism in a number of quantities: ground-state spin, conductance fluctuations when the grain is weakly coupled to external leads and the thermodynamic properties of the grain, such as heat capacity and spin susceptibility.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figures, Proceedings of the Conference on the Frontiers of Quantum and Mesoscopic Thermodynamics (FQMT11
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