28 research outputs found

    Placenta Increta With Uterus Didelphys Gravidity: Single Hospital Case Report

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     24 years old primigravida has started antenatal care in the TSMU First University Clinic with previously diagnosed uterus didelphys.  Normally progressive pregnancy in a right uterus has been confirmed with gestation age 9 week. Minimal symptom of suprapubic tingling feeling has been started from 28 weeks of gestation, ultrasound has revealed myometrium thinning behind placenta.  At 30 week of gestation abnormal placental lacunae and its abnormal Doppler has been revealed. Case followed by weekly checkup of the pregnant woman monitoring general condition of the woman and fetus. Caesarian section has been planned at 36 weeks of gestation as condition of patient was stable. Intraoperatively placenta increta has been confirmed in the upper 2/3 of the right gravid uterus with minimal presence of myometrium in this area.  Amputation of the right uterus has been performed without right sided salpingooforectomy. Left uterus has been preserved with left adnexa. Patient with her health neonate has been discharged from the hospital on the 5-th day after caesarian delivery

    Hysterosalpingography And Sonohysterosalpingoggraphy As A Radiology Method In The Assessment Of Tubal Patency

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    The most frequent reason of infertility during last year’s occurs to be azoospermia and bilateral tubal occlusion. Most clinicians and scientists believe that radiological methods are basic for the assessment of female reproductive tract and ultrasonography is a leader among others. Ultrasonography have no contraindications, possible to use in any phase of menstrual cycle and every trimester of pregnancy. Our study includes 50 patients with tubal infertility examined by contrast sonohysterosalpingoggraphy and 30 patient examined by HSG. Age of patients varied from 28 to 40 years old. All studies have been done based on patients informed consent proved by ethic committee of our hospital.   The results of our study reveals that sonohysterosalpingoggraphy and HSG are highly informative methods for the assessment of tubal patency in infertile woman. Use of these methods considers their positive and negative features will shorten the time of adequate diagnose and increases chance of pregnanc

    Alkylation of hexametapol

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    Bat Research Networks and Viral Surveillance: Gaps and Opportunities in Western Asia

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    Bat research networks and viral surveillance are assumed to be at odds due to seemingly conflicting research priorities. Yet human threats that contribute to declines in bat populations globally also lead to increased transmission and spread of bat-associated viruses, which may pose a threat to global health and food security. In this review, we discuss the importance of and opportunities for multidisciplinary collaborations between bat research networks and infectious disease experts to tackle shared threats that jeopardize bat conservation as well as human and animal health. Moreover, we assess research effort on bats and bat-associated viruses globally, and demonstrate that Western Asia has limited published research and represents a gap for coordinated bat research. The lack of bat research in Western Asia severely limits our capacity to identify and mitigate region-specific threats to bat populations and detect interactions between bats and incidental hosts that promote virus spillover. We detail a regional initiative to establish the first bat research network in Western Asia (i.e., the Western Asia Bat Research Network, WAB-Net), with the aim of integrating ecological research on bats with virus surveillance to find “win-win” solutions that promote bat conservation and safeguard public and animal health across the region