10 research outputs found

    A new approach to hardening mechanisms in the diffusion layer of gas nitrided ?-alloyed steels. Effects of chromium and aluminium: experimental and simulation studies

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    Hardening mechanisms in the diffusion layer of gas nitrided ?-iron and -steels have been investigatedthrough the study about effects of chromium (binary alloys and industrial steels) and aluminium(industrial steel). After nitriding (520°C 48h), nitrogen mass balance between total nitrogenconcentration located in the diffusion zone, experimentally determined, and the expected theoreticalnitrogen concentration, reveals for each alloy a “nitrogen excess”. Jack and Mittemeijer [1-3] suggestedthat the volume misfit between semi-coherent nitrides and matrix induces local matrix lattice distorsion,leading to a local increase of nitrogen solubility in the matrix.We propose a new approach, based on thermodynamical calculations (Thermo-Calc software), confirmedby different characterization methods (HRTEM, EDX and X-Ray). Indeed no significant solid solution “Nexcess” occurs, but the total nitrogen concentration is explained by complex MN nitrides precipitation,isomorph of CrN FCC, containing chromium, iron (up to 30at.% at 50?m from the surface), molybdenumand vanadium. During annealing (520°C 48h), atomic iron fraction in MN nitrides decreases and thecorresponding nitrogen atomic fraction diffuses to the core.Addition of aluminium in industrial steel strongly increases nitrogen concentration and hardening(?=HVx-HVinitial). Aluminium induces in the diffusion layer precipitation of Fe4N and Fe2-3N andprecipitates in complex MN FCC nitrides, containing chromium, iron and molybdenum