402 research outputs found


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    Magnetic behaviors of the metamagnetic and ferromagnetic phases of [Fe(C5Me5)2][TCNQ] (TCNQ = 7,7,8,8-tetracyano-p-quinodimethane). Determination of the phase diagram for the metamagnetic phase

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    Journal ArticleThe detailed magnetic behaviors of the ferro- (1FO) and metamagnetic (1MM) phases of [FeCp*2][TCNE] (Cp* = pentamethylcyclopentadienide; TCNE = tetracyanoethylene) aligned parallel to the applied magnetic field, H, were obtained using eicosane (E). The Tc for 1FO is 3.1 K from the maximum in the frequency independent x'(T) data and 3.0 K from the maximum in the Cp(T) data, and exhibits a hysteresis with a coercive field, Hcr,-50 Oe, a remanent magnetization of 1900 emu Oe mol-1 at 2 K, and saturation magnetization of 16 740 emu Oe mol-1. Significant differences were observed between aligned 1MM (1MM + E) and unaligned samples

    Latitudinal Adaptation of Switchgrass Populations

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    Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) is a widely adapted warm-season perennial that has considerable potential as a biofuel crop. Evolutionary processes and environmental factors have combined to create considerable ecotypic differentiation in switchgrass. The objective of this study was to determine the nature of population x location interaction for switchgrass, quantifying potential differences in latitudinal adaptation of switchgrass populations. Twenty populations were evaluated for biofuel and agronomic traits for 2 yr at five locations ranging from 36 to 46° N lat. Biomass yield, survival, and plant height had considerable population x location interaction, much of which (53-65%) could be attributed to the linear effect of latitude and to germplasm groups (Northern Upland, Southern Upland, Northern Lowland, and Southern Lowland). Differences among populations were consistent across locations for maturity, dry matter, and lodging. Increasingly later maturity and the more rapid stem elongation rate of more southern-origin ecotypes (mainly lowland cytotypes) resulted in high biomass yield potential, reduced dry matter concentration, and longer retention of photosynthetically active tissue at more southern locations. Conversely, increasing cold tolerance of more northern-origin ecotypes (mainly upland cytotypes) resulted in higher survival, stand longevity, and sustained biomass yields at more northern locations, allowing switchgrass to thrive at cold, northern latitudes. Although cytotype explained much of the variation among populations and the population x location interaction, ecotypic differentiation within cytotypes accounted for considerable variation in adaption of switchgrass populations

    Alfalfa variety tests

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    The Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service periodically issues revisions to its publications. The most current edition is made available. For access to an earlier edition, if available for this title, please contact the Oklahoma State University Library Archives by email at [email protected] or by phone at 405-744-6311

    Needs assessment of school and community physical activity opportunities in rural West Virginia: the McDowell CHOICES planning effort

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    Background McDowell CHOICES (Coordinated Health Opportunities Involving Communities, Environments, and Schools) Project is a county wide endeavor aimed at increasing opportunities for physical activity (PA) in McDowell County, West Virginia (WV). A comprehensive needs-assessment laid the foundation of the project. Methods During the 6 month needs assessment, multiple sources of data were collected in two Town Hall Meetings (n = 80); a student online PA interest survey (n = 465); a PA and nutrition survey among 5th (10–11 years) and 8th graders (13–14 years) with questions adapted from the CDC’s Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Survey (n = 442, response rate = 82.2%); six semi-structured school and community focus groups (n = 44); school site visits (n = 11); and BMI screening (n = 550, response rate = 69.7%). Results One third of children in McDowell County meet the national PA minimum of 60 minutes daily. At least 40% of 5th and 8th graders engage in electronic screen activity for 3 hours or more every day. The prevalence of obesity in 5th graders is higher in McDowell County than the rest of WV (~55% vs. 47% respectively). SWOT analyses of focus group data suggest an overall interest in PA but also highlight a need for increase in structured PA opportunities. Focus group data also suggested that a central communication (e.g. internet-based) platform would be beneficial to advertise and boost participation both in current and future programs. Schools were commonly mentioned as potential facilities for public PA participation throughout the county, both with regards to access and convenience. School site visits suggest that schools need more equipment and resources for before, during, and after school programs. Conclusions An overwhelming majority of participants in the McDowell CHOICES needs assessment were interested to participate in more PA programs throughout the county as well as to improve opportunities for the provision of such programs. Public schools were widely recognized as the hub of the communities and provide the best venue for PA promotion for both students and adult citizens, and can potentially serve as a platform for change in rural communities such as McDowell County

    Management of Bermudagrass for Seed Production in Oklahoma

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    The Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station periodically issues revisions to its publications. The most current edition is made available. For access to an earlier edition, if available for this title, please contact the Oklahoma State University Library Archives by email at [email protected] or by phone at 405-744-6311

    Fitness costs of disrupting circadian rhythms in malaria parasites

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    Circadian biology assumes that biological rhythms maximize fitness by enabling organisms to coordinate with their environment. Despite circadian clocks being such a widespread phenomenon, demonstrating the fitness benefits of temporal coordination is challenging and such studies are rare. Here, we tested the consequences—for parasites—of being temporally mismatched to host circadian rhythms using the rodent malaria parasite, Plasmodium chabaudi. The cyclical nature of malaria infections is well known, as the cell cycles across parasite species last a multiple of approximately 24 h, but the evolutionary explanations for periodicity are poorly understood. We demonstrate that perturbation of parasite rhythms results in a twofold cost to the production of replicating and transmission stages. Thus, synchronization with host rhythms influences in-host survival and between-host transmission potential, revealing a role for circadian rhythms in the evolution of host–parasite interactions. More generally, our results provide a demonstration of the adaptive value of circadian rhythms and the utility of using an evolutionary framework to understand parasite traits

    Latitudinal and Longitudinal Adaptation of Switchgrass Populations

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    Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) is a warmseason native grass, used for livestock feed, bioenergy, soil and wildlife conservation, and prairie restoration in a large portion of the USA. The objective of this research was to quantify the relative importance of latitude and longitude for adaptation and agronomic performance of a diverse group of switchgrass populations. Six populations, chosen to represent remnant prairie populations on two north–south transects, were evaluated for agronomic traits at 12 locations ranging from 36 to 47°N latitude and 88 to 101°W longitude. Although the population × location interactions accounted for only 10 to 31% of the variance among population means, many significant changes in ranking and adaptive responses were observed. Ground cover was greater for northern-origin populations evaluated in hardiness zones 3 and 4 and for southern-origin populations evaluated in hardiness zones 5 and 6. There were no adaptive responses related to longitude (ecoregion). Switchgrass populations for use in biomass production, conservation, or restoration should not be moved more than one hardiness zone north or south from their origin, but some can be moved east or west of their original ecoregion, if results from field tests support broad longitudinal adaptation

    Paleomagnetism of Jurassic Rocks in the Western Sierra Nevada Metamorphic Belt and its Bearing on the Structural Evolution of the Sierra Nevada Block

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    The western metamorphic belt of the Sierra Nevada consists of two eugeosynclinal terranes separated by the Melones and Sonora faults. Subvertical, bedded Mesozoic volcanic rocks metamorphosed to low greenschist facies predominate to the west, whereas Paleozoic metamorphic rocks of higher grade and greater structural complexity predominate to the east. In order to study the structural development of the faults, 121 samples of basalt and diabase were collected for paleomagnetic analysis from three Jurassic formations, the Logtown Ridge and Penon Blanco formations west of the Melones fault and the Sonora dike swarm to the east of the Sonora fault. A northwesterly, downward directed magnetization occurs in each unit. Three fold tests and a conglomerate test on the two formations west of the faults show that the magnetization is secondary, postdating Nevadan (Late Jurassic) folding and is probably coeval with peak metamorphism. An average of five paleomagnetic poles from the Sierra Nevada, three derived from the secondary magnetizations given herein and two previously published, all of probable Kimmeridgian age, yields λ′=67.2°N, ϕ′=161.2°E, and α95 =6.5°. Southeasterly magnetizations also occur in the Logtown Ridge Formation and Sonora dike swarm. Directions from the Sonora dikes are approximately antipodal to the secondary directions and are reversed; magnetizations from the Logtown Ridge Formation yield similar results only if corrected for the tilt of bedding. The Logtown Ridge magnetizations (tilt-corrected) yield a pole position near to that expected for North America. The data from the Sonora dikes require a tilt correction of 25°-30° toward the south-southwest about a horizontal axis parallel to the regional structure in order to yield a North American pole position. We conclude that the eastern wall rocks of the Melones and Sonora faults have been rotated 25°-30° in response to Nevadan deformation in contrast to the western wall rocks, which have been rotated about 90°