89 research outputs found

    Shifted critical threshold in the loop o(N) model at arbitrarily small n

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    In the loop O(n) model a collection of mutually-disjoint self-avoiding loops is drawn at random on a finite domain of a lattice with probability proportional to.where λ, n ∈ [0, ∞). Let µ be the connective constant of the lattice and, for any n ∈ [0, ∞), let λ c (n) be the largest value of λsuch that the loop length admits uniformly bounded exponential moments. It is not difficult to prove that λ c (n) = 1/µ when n = 0 (in this case the model corresponds to the self-avoiding walk) and that for any n ≥ 0, λ c (n) ≥ 1/µ. In this note we prove that,on Z d , with d ≥ 2, and on the hexagonal lattice, where c 0 > 0. This means that, when n is positive (even arbitrarily small), as a consequence of the mutual repulsion between the loops, a phase transition can only occur at a strictly larger critical threshold than in the self-avoiding walk

    Active phase for activated random walks on ℤd, d ≥ 3, with density less than one and arbitrary sleeping rate

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    It has been conjectured that the critical density of the Activated Random Walk model is strictly less than one for any value of the sleeping rate. We prove this conjecture on ℤd when d ≥ 3 and, more generally, on graphs where the random walk is transient. Moreover, we establish the occurrence of a phase transition on non-amenable graphs, extending previous results which require that the graph is amenable or a regular tree

    Scaling limit of ballistic self-avoiding walk interacting with spatial random permutations

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    We consider nearest neighbour spatial random permutations on Zd. In this case, the energy of the system is proportional to the sum of all cycle lengths, and the system can be interpreted as an ensemble of edge-weighted, mutually self-avoiding loops. The constant of proportionality, α, is the order parameter of the model. Our first result is that in a parameter regime of edge weights where it is known that a single self-avoiding loop is weakly space filling, long cycles of spatial random permutations are still exponentially unlikely. For our second result, we embed a self-avoiding walk into a background of spatial random permutations, and condition it to cover a macroscopic distance. For large values of α (where long cycles are very unlikely) we show that this walk collapses to a straight line in the scaling limit, and give bounds on the fluctuations that are almost sufficient for diffusive scaling. For proving our results, we develop the concepts of spatial strong Markov property and iterative sampling for spatial random permutations, which may be of independent interest. Among other things, we use them to show exponential decay of correlations for large values of α in great generality

    Abelian oil and water dynamics does not have an absorbing-state phase transition

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    The oil and water model is an interacting particle system with two types of particles and a dynamics that conserves the number of particles, which belongs to the so-called class of Abelian networks. Widely studied processes in this class are sandpiles models and activated random walks, which are known (at least for some choice of the underlying graph) to undergo an absorbing-state phase transition. This phase transition characterizes the existence of two regimes, depending on the particle density: a regime of fixation at low densities, where the dynamics converges towards an absorbing state and each particle jumps only finitely many times, and a regime of activity at large densities, where particles jump infinitely often and activity is sustained indefinitely. In this work we show that the oil and water model is substantially different than sandpiles models and activated random walks, in the sense that it does not undergo an absorbing-state phase transition and is in the regime of fixation at all densities. Our result works in great generality: for any graph that is vertex transitive and for a large class of initial configurations

    Interacting self-avoiding polygons

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    We consider a system of self-avoiding polygons interacting through a potential that penalizes or rewards the number of mutual touchings and we provide an exact computation of the critical curve separating a regime of long polygons from a regime of localized polygons. Moreover, we prove the existence of a sub-region of the phase diagram where the self-avoiding polygons are space filling and we provide a non-trivial characterization of the regime where the polygon length admits uniformly bounded exponential moments

    Muscarinic receptors modulate Nerve Growth Factor production in rat Schwann-like adipose-derived stem cells and in Schwann cells

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    Regenerative capability of the peripheral nervous system after injury is enhanced by Schwann cells (SCs) producing several growth factors. The clinical use of SCs in nerve regeneration strategies is hindered by the necessity of removing a healthy nerve to obtain the therapeutic cells. Adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs) can be chemically differentiated towards a SC-like phenotype (dASCs), and represent a promising alternative to SCs. Their physiology can be further modulated pharmacologically by targeting receptors for neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine (ACh). In this study, we compare the ability of rat dASCs and native SCs to produce NGF in vitro. We also evaluate the ability of muscarinic receptors, in particular the M2 subtype, to modulate NGF production and maturation from the precursor (proNGF) to the mature (mNGF) form. For the first time, we demonstrate that dASCs produce higher basal levels of proNGF and mature NGF compared to SCs. Moreover, muscarinic receptor activation, and in particular M2 subtype stimulation, modulates NGF production and maturation in both SCs and dASCs. Indeed, both cell types express both proNGF A and B isoforms, as well as mNGF. After M2 receptor stimulation, proNGF-B (25 kDa), which is involved in apoptotic processes, is strongly reduced at transcript and protein level. Thus, we demonstrate that dASCs possess a stronger neurotrophic potential compared to SCs. ACh, via M2 muscarinic receptors, contributes to the modulation and maturation of NGF, improving the regenerative properties of dASCs

    Risulti di una ricerca pilota per la messa a punto di un sistema di sorveglianza epidemiologica degli incidenti stradali mediante schede a immagini

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    Rapporti istisan, ISSN 0391-1675, 85/15Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Biblioteca Centrale, P.le Aldo Moro, 7, ROMA (Italia) / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal

    Risultati di una ricerca pilota per la messa a punto di un sistema di sorveglianza epidemiologica degli incidenti stradali mediante schede a immagini

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    Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Biblioteca Centrale, P.le Aldo Moro, 7, ROMA (Italia) / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal
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