10 research outputs found

    Total folate content and retention in rosehips (Rosa ssp.) after drying.

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    Folate concentrations in rosehips and commercial rosehip products and factors affecting folate retention during drying were investigated. On the basis of the raw material studied during 3 years, rosehips were shown to be a rich folate source, 400-600 g/100 g based on dry matter and 160-185 g/100 g based on the fresh weight (edible part). Rosehips are not often consumed fresh; therefore, drying to produce stable semimanufactures is a crucial step. The degradation of folate was shown to be dependent on the drying time until the water activity was below 0.75. The required drying time was reduced by cutting the rosehips in slices and to some extent also by increasing the temperature. Retention of folate and ascorbic acid was affected by the same factors, and high content of ascorbic acid could provide a possible protection for folate degradation

    Folate content in strawberries (Fragina x ananassa): Effects of cultivar, ripeness, year of harvest, storage, and commercial processing.

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    Folate concentrations in strawberries and folate retention during storage and commercial processing of strawberries were investigated. No previous study has focused on the effects of cultivar, ripeness, and year of harvest of strawberries with respect to the folate content. This study showed the folate concentration in strawberries to significantly depend on all of these different factors. Total folate was quantified using a modified and validated radioprotein-binding assay with external calibration (5-CH3-H4folate). Folate content in 13 different strawberry cultivars varied from 335 g/100 g of dry matter (DM) for cv. Senga Sengana to 644 g/100 g of DM for cv. Elsanta. Swedish harvests from 1999 and 2001 yielded higher folate concentrations than did the harvest from 2000, and the grade of ripeness affected the folate content in strawberries. This study indicated high folate retention in intact berries during storage until 3 or 9 days at 4 C (71-99%) and also in most tested commercial products (79-103%). On the basis of these data fresh strawberries as well as processed strawberry products are recommended to be good folate sources. For instance, 250 g (fresh weight) of strawberries (~125 g of folate) supplies ~50% of the recommended daily folate intake in various European countries (200-300 g/day) or 30% of the U.S. recommendation (400 g/day)

    Folic acid content and antioxidant activity of different types of beers available in Hungarian retail

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    In this study 40 Hungarian retail beers were evaluated for folic acid content, antioxidant profile and physicochemical parameters. The physicochemical parameters, folic acid content and antioxidant activity of alcohol-free beers were the lowest. Folic acid content of beers aged with sour cherries showed high values, more than 0.4 mg/l and an alcohol-free beer-based mixed drink made with lemon juice contained more than 0.2 mg/l of folic acid. Dark beers and beers aged with sour cherries had the highest antioxidant activity probably owing to their high extract content, components released from the fruits and special malts. These results highlight the possibility of achieving adequate folic acid and relevant antioxidant intake without excessive alcohol and energy consumption by selecting appropriate beer types