294 research outputs found

    Sport organizations as entrepreneurial structures: risks and development assessment

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    Development of the sport industry in Russia is quite difficult, although there are a large number of opportunities and prerequisites for the implementation of entrepreneurial initiatives in this area. This study examines the specifics of the development of sport organizations as entrepreneurial structures through the example of Russia. This is due to the fact that for a long time, sport in Russia was developing as a social phenomenon, and only a couple of decades ago entrepreneurial initiatives began to penetrate this area. The research is based on the works of researchers in the field of sport and sport management, risks, as well as analytical reports of leading consulting agencies. The methodological basis of the study is the theory of effectuation and risk theory. The aim of the study is to develop management mechanisms for sport organisations to increase their entrepreneurial activities and competitiveness. The object of the study is Russian sport organisations that can actually or potentially carry out entrepreneurial activities. The sports organizations entrepreneurial potential and the mechanisms for its formation and use are the subject of the study. The novelty of the study consists in the concept of entrepreneurial-oriented activity of sports organizations, including peculiarities of development of sports organizations as entrepreneurial structures, model of their life cycle and determination of entrepreneurial risks, main blocks of system of management. The authors’ study “Entrepreneurial activity in sports” made it possible to identify the main barriers and risks to the development of sports organizations, to determine entrepreneurship as an additional financial source for the activities of sports organizations. The main results of the study are the development of a risk-based approach to the development of entrepreneurial initiatives of sport organisations. The scope of application of the results obtained is determined by the opportunities for the development of entrepreneurship in the field of sport

    Analysis of measles incidence in the Poltava region

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    Целью исследования было проведение анализа заболеваемости корью, уровня охвата вакцинацией против данного заболевания в Полтавской области и прогноз тенденции развития эпидемии в регионе на период до 2020 года. Установлено, что заболеваемость корью в Полтавской области в 2013-2014 гг. регистрировалась на низком уровне (1,16 и 0,14 на 100 тыс. населения соответственно), в 2015 и 2016 гг. случаев заболевания выявлено не было, тогда как с 2017 и за первые 6 месяцев 2018 года данный показатель увеличился в 19,3 раза – с 1,34 до 25,9 на 100 тыс. населения, а абсолютное количество зарегистрированных случаев кори среди детей и взрослых увеличилось в 13,6 и 24 раза соответственно. Охват вакцинацией против кори в Полтавськой области за период 2012-2016 гг. имеет тенденцию к снижению: среди детей в возрасте 12 месяцев − в 3,3, 6 и старше 7 лет – в 2,4 и 5,5 раза соответственно. К 2020 году в регионе прогнозируется рост заболеваемости корью до 50,0 на 100 тыс. населения; Метою дослідження було проведення аналізу захворюваності на кір, рівня охоплення вакцинацією проти даного захворювання у Полтавській області та прогноз тенденції розвитку епідемії у регіоні на період до 2020 року. Встановлено, що захворюваність на кір у Полтавській області протягом 2013-2014 рр. реєструвалася на низькому рівні (1,16 та 0,14 на 100 тис. населення відповідно), у 2015 і 2016 рр. випадків захворювання виявлено не було, тоді як з 2017 і за перші 6 місяців 2018 року даний показник збільшився у 19,3 рази − з 1,34 до 25,9 на 100 тис. населення, а абсолютна кількість зареєстрованих випадків кору серед дітей та дорослих збільшилася у 13,6 і 24 рази відповідно. Охоплення вакцинацією проти кору в Полтавській області за період 2012-2016 рр. має тенденцію до зниження: серед дітей у віці 12 місяців − у 3,3, 6 і старше 7 років − у 2,4 і 5,5 рази відповідно. До 2020 року в регіоні прогнозується зростання захворюваності на кір до 50,0 на 100 тис. населення; Introduction. To date, the Global measles and rubella strategic plan is in effect, with the goal of eliminating measles by 2020. However, Ukraine is in the list of 9 countries of the European Region of endemic measles and over the past 15 years, 80 % of cases of this disease were registered among Ukrainians. Thus, the study of the epidemiological characteristics of measles in certain regions of Ukraine in order to strengthen preventive measures on this disease is an actual scientific and practical task. Purpose. The study was aimed to analysis the measles incidence and vaccination coverage against this disease in the Poltava region, as well as to prognosticate the epidemic trends in the region for the period until 2020. Materials and Methods. A retrospective epidemiological analysis of data from official statistical reporting documents approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine for the period from 2012 to 2018 (6 months) was carried out to analysis the measles incidence. Forecasting the incidence of measles was carried out by the linear regression method using the construction of a polynomial trend line. Results and Conclusions. Determined that measles incidence of the Poltava region during 2013-2016 registered at a low level (1.16 and 0.14 per 100 thousand population respectively), in 2015 and 2016 cases of the disease was not detected, whereas from 2017 and for the first 6 months of 2018 this indicator increased by 19.3 times − from 1.34 to 25.9 per 100 thousand population, the absolute number of reported cases of measles among children and adults increased by 13.6 and 24 times, respectively. The scope of vaccination against measles in the Poltava region for the period 2012-2016 has a tendency to decrease: among children aged 12 months − in 3.3, 6 and over 7 years − in 2.4 and 5.5 times, respectively. By 2020 a rapid measles incidence rate up to 50.0 per 100 thousand population is expected in the region. In order to reduce the risk of occurrence and spread of large epidemic outbreaks of measles in Ukraine, it is recommended to conduct additional immunization among epidemically significant age groups of the population, since preventive vaccinations are a priority task for the health care of Ukraine to overcome the risk of morbidity and mortality of the population from measles

    Synthesis, Self-Assembly and In Vitro Cellular Uptake Kinetics of Nanosized Drug Carriers Based on Aggregates of Amphiphilic Oligomers of N-Vinyl-2-pyrrolidone

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    Development of nanocarrier-based drug delivery systems is a major breakthrough in pharmacology, promising targeted delivery and reduction in drug toxicity. On the cellular level, encapsulation of a drug substantially affects the endocytic processes due to nanocarrier–membrane interaction. In this study we synthesized and characterized nanocarriers assembled from amphiphilic oligomers of N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone with a terminal thiooctadecyl group (PVP-OD). It was found that the dissolution free energy of PVP-OD depends linearly on the molecular mass of its hydrophilic part up to [Formula: see text] = 2 × 10(4), leading to an exponential dependence of critical aggregation concentration (CAC) on the molar mass. A model hydrophobic compound (DiI dye) was loaded into the nanocarriers and exhibited slow release into the aqueous phase on a scale of 18 h. Cellular uptake of the loaded nanocarriers and that of free DiI were compared in vitro using glioblastoma (U87) and fibroblast (CRL2429) cells. While the uptake of both DiI/PVP-OD nanocarriers and free DiI was inhibited by dynasore, indicating a dynamin-dependent endocytic pathway as a major mechanism, a decrease in the uptake rate of free DiI was observed in the presence of wortmannin. This suggests that while macropinocytosis plays a role in the uptake of low-molecular components, this pathway might be circumvented by incorporation of DiI into nanocarriers

    Heart failure and diabetes mellitus: insight into comorbidity

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    Diabetes mellitus (DM) and heart failure (HF) are frequent comorbidities with a bidirectional relationship. Patients with HF have increased risk of developing DM, and those with DM are at greater risk of developing HF. HF does not fit clearly into the microangiopathy and macroangiopathy groups. It is known that coronary artery disease and arterial hypertension are the major causes of HF; however, it has been shown that DM can trigger functional and structural abnormalities in the myocardium via diabetic cardiomyopathy, a condition with either restrictive or dilated phenotype. While HF treatment is equally effective and safe in patients with and without DM, this statement is not applicable for antidiabetic treatment. Several antidiabetic drugs, such as rosiglitazone, pioglitazone and saxagliptin increase the risk of hospitalisation for HF, therefore these antidiabetic drugs are contraindicated in patients with DM and HF or patients at risk of developing HF. Despite a large number of clinical evidence, uncertainty about the safety of antidiabetic drugs in patients with HF always exists. In this review, the issues of DM treatment in patients with HF are addressed in detail

    Methods of yeast genome editing

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    Yeasts are a convenient model eukaryote used for genome studies and genome editing. Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the species most widely employed in biotechnology, since it is easily cultivated in bioreactors and is absolutely safe. The last decade saw a significant development of methods of yeast genetic engineering and the creation of novel instruments adapted from other fields, which allowed one to significantly accelerate the construction of new strains. The most prominent examples are the proteins used for directed DNA editing. For a long time, yeast genome engineering was based on the yeasts’ system of homologous recombination. It was sufficient for several decades before the development of high­throughput methods. Many high­throughput methods were developed in the second decade of the XXI century, including those used in genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, interactomics, etc. Modern bioinformatic databases now allow one to rapidly process the increasing flow of information and model cellular processes. As a result, the rate of analysis and prediction of targets for genome editing is currently higher than the rate of genome editing, which led to the development of new methods of genetic engineering. This process was particularly pronounced for microorganisms. Modern tasks require tens, hundreds, sometimes even thousands of genome modifications, which made researchers to look for new techniques. As a result, the instruments used for more complex objects, such as animals, plants, and cell lines, were adapted for yeasts. Modern methods for yeast genome editing allow introducing several modifications into the genome in a single step. In this study, we review the methods of directed genome editing and their applications and perspectives for yeasts

    The impact of clinical and genetic factors on the effectiveness of antiviral therapy of chronic hepatitis C

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    The study demonstrates the significant association between certain factors (genotype 1 of HCV, age > 40 years, stage of liver fibrosis F3-F4 by METAVIR, leukopenia, elevated levels of gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase and alkaline phosphatase, rapidly progressive liver fibrosis, "mutant" genotype Asp299Gly of TLR4-gene) and low efficiency of dual antiviral therapy of chronic hepatitis C with pegylated interferon аnd ribavirin. However, the inclusion of sofosbuvir in therapeutic regimen eliminates the impact of these factors on the effectiveness of treatment

    Prognosis of rapidly progressive hepatic fibrosis in HIV-infected patients with chronic hepatitis C

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    В статье представлены данные обследования 104 ВИЧ-инфицированных пациентов с хроническим гепатитом С (ХГС). В результате анализа 41 потенциального фактора выявлены наиболее значимые предикторы быстрого прогрессирования фиброза печени: исходный уровень СD4 лимфоцитов меньше 350 кл/мкл (ОR=2,73 [95% СΙ 1,15-6,48], р=0,022), уровни общего билирубина (ОR=3,08 [95% СΙ 1,27-7,44], р=0,012), АСТ (ОR=2,37 [95% СΙ 1,03-5,47], р=0,041) и лимфоцитов (ОR=3,88 [95% СΙ 1,74-8,77], р=0,001) выше верхней границы нормы, нормальный генотип гена TLR7 (Gln11Gln, Gln/-) (ОR=4,56 [95% СΙ 1,57-13,22], р=0,001), на основании которых создана прогностическая модель быстрого прогрессирования фиброза печени с высокой статистической значимостью (<0,0001); The article demonstrates of data 104 HIV-infected patients with chronic hepatitis C. The study identified clinical and genetic predictors for rapid progression of hepatic fibrosis: nadir count of CD4cells <350 cells/ml (ОR=2,73 [95% СΙ 1,15-6,48], р=0,022), increased levels of bilirubin (ОR=3,08 [95% СΙ 1,27-7,44], р=0,012), aspartate aminotransferase (ОR=2,37 [95% СΙ 1,03-5,47], р=0,041) and lymphocytes (ОR=3,88 [95% СΙ 1,74-8,77], р=0,001), genotype of TLR7 gene (Gln11Gln, Gln/-) (ОR=4,56 [95% СΙ 1,57-13,22], р=0,001) and create the prognostic model of rapidly progressive hepatic fibrosis in fibrosis in HIV-infected patients with chronic hepatitis C with high statistical significance (<0,0001)

    К вопросу комплексной оценке здоровья детей, оперированных по поводу врожденных пороков сердца

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    Aim. To find out the problems in children health in long-time postoperative period after cardiosurgery using the comprehensive method for creating rehabilitation program.Methods. A prospective investigation of group of children was done before (n = 88) and in a year (n = 115), in 2 years (n = 90) and in 3 years (n = 58) after the surgical correction of congenital heart defects on the base of Kuzbass cardiological center. The anamnesis, clinical and hemodynamic aspects were studied as well as the postoperative period, residual problems after the correction, social status of the family and the comprehensive assessment was done in the both groups.Results. Before the correction the most part of children had low and very low levels of physical functioning, but there was a positive dynamic right after the surgery: the most part of children had high and middle levels (13% and 44% in a year), while the amount of children with low and very low data were reduced. Nevertheless, in 3 years after the surgery the amount of children with low and very low data was increased while the hemodynamic became better. Such tendency was mentioned with all aspects of the health.Conclusion. Despite of hemodynamic normalization the quality of life with all aspects still suffers. It predicts dangers in development and quality of life in general.Цель. Выявление отклонений в состоянии здоровья детей в отдаленном послеоперационном периоде, перенесших кардиохирургическое вмешательство по поводу врожденных пороков сердца с применением комплексного подхода для определения возникновения возможных рисков развития.Материалы и методы. Нами было проведено проспективное исследование группы детей до (n = 88) и через 1 (n = 115), 2 (n = 90) и 3 года (n = 58) после оперативного вмешательства по поводу врожденных пороков сердца на базе Кузбасского кардиологического центра. В обеих группа изучались анамнез, клинико-гемодинамические особенности, течение послеоперационного периода, остаточные явления после коррекции порока на момент выписки из стационара, оценивался социальный статус родителей, а также проводилась комплексная оценка здоровья.Результаты. До кардиохирургического вмешательства большинство детей имели низкое и очень низкое физическое функционирование, однако непосредственно после операции отмечалась положительная динамика: большая часть детей имели высокое и среднее физическое функционирование (13% и 44% соответственно через 1 год), в то время как количество детей с низкими и очень низкими показателями физического статуса уменьшалось. Тем не менее, на 3 году жизни после операции растет количество детей с низким функционированием и уменьшается высокое и среднее, что происходит на фоне нормализации гемодинамики. Подобная тенденция отмечается в отношении всех компонентов здоровья, включая психоэмоциональный и нейрокогнитивный статус.Заключение. Несмотря на исчезновение гемодинамических нарушений, качество здоровья, включая все аспекты – физическое, эмоциональное, социальное и умственное функционирование, продолжает страдать, что прогнозирует значительные риски и снижение качества жизни в целом

    Magnetostimulated Chandges of Microhardness in Potassium Acid Phthalate Crystals

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    A decrease in microhardness along the (010) cleavage in potassium acid phthalate single crystals by 15--18% after the application of a permanent magnetic field was revealed for the first time. It is shown that the effect revealed is of the volume character. The role of interlayer water in the processes stimulated by a magnetic field is studied., Interlayer water plays does not cause the observed changes it only plays the part of an indicator of these changes in potassium acid phthalate crystals in a magnetic field. It is established that microhardness in the (100) plane of the crystal in an applied a magnetic field first increases by 12--15% and then remains constant in time within the accuracy of the experiment. The possibility of varying the crystal structure of potassium acid phthalate crystals by applying magnetic fields inducing rearrangement in the system of hydrogen bonds or in the defect structure is discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure