351 research outputs found

    The physical origin of the electron-phonon vertex correction

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    The electron-phonon vertex correction has a complex structure both in momentum and frequency. We explain this structure on the basis of physical considerations and we show how the vertex correction can be decomposed into two terms with different physical origins. In particular, the first term describes the lattice polarization induced by the electrons and it is essentially a single-electron process whereas the second term is governed by the particle-hole excitations due to the exchange part of the phonon-mediated electron-electron interaction. We show that by weakening the influence of the exchange interaction the vertex takes mostly positive values giving rise to an enhanced effective coupling in the scattering with phonons. This weakening of the exchange interaction can be obtained by lowering the density of the electrons, or by considering only long-ranged (small q) electron-phonon couplings. These findings permit to understand why in the High-Tc materials the small carrier density and the long ranged electron-phonon interaction may play a positive role in enhancing Tc.Comment: 11 pages, 5 postscript figure

    Anomalous impurity effects in nonadiabatic superconductors

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    We show that, in contrast with the usual electron-phonon Migdal-Eliashberg theory, the critical temperature Tc of an isotropic s-wave nonadiabatic superconductor is strongly reduced by the presence of diluted non-magnetic impurities. Our results suggest that the recently observed Tc-suppression driven by disorder in K3C60 [Phys. Rev. B vol.55, 3866 (1997)] and in Nd(2-x)CexCuO(4-delta) [Phys. Rev. B vol.58, 8800 (1998)] could be explained in terms of a nonadiabatic electron-phonon coupling. Moreover, we predict that the isotope effect on Tc has an impurity dependence qualitatively different from the one expected for anisotropic superconductors.Comment: 10 pages, euromacr.tex, europhys.sty, 6 figures. Replaced with accepted version (Europhysics Letters

    Pauli susceptibility of nonadiabatic Fermi liquids

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    The nonadiabatic regime of the electron-phonon interaction leads to behaviors of some physical measurable quantities qualitatively different from those expected from the Migdal-Eliashberg theory. Here we identify in the Pauli paramagnetic susceptibility χ\chi one of such quantities and show that the nonadiabatic corrections reduce χ\chi with respect to its adiabatic limit. We show also that the nonadiabatic regime induces an isotope dependence of χ\chi, which in principle could be measured.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, euromacr.tex, europhys.sty. Replaced with accepted version (Europhysics Letters

    The endocannabinoid transport inhibitor AM404 differentially modulates recognition memory in rats depending on environmental aversiveness

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    Cannabinoid compounds may influence both emotional and cognitive processes depending on the level of environmental aversiveness at the time of drug administration. However, the mechanisms responsible for these responses remain to be elucidated. The present experiments investigated the effects induced by the endocannabinoid transport inhibitor AM404 (0.5–5 mg/kg, i.p.) on both emotional and cognitive performances of rats tested in a Spatial Open Field task and subjected to different experimental settings, named High Arousal (HA) and Low Arousal (LA) conditions. The two different experimental conditions influenced emotional reactivity independently of drug administration. Indeed, vehicle-treated rats exposed to the LA condition spent more time in the center of the arena than vehicle-treated rats exposed to the HA context. Conversely, the different arousal conditions did not affect the cognitive performances of vehicle-treated animals such as the capability to discriminate a spatial displacement of the objects or an object substitution. AM404 administration did not alter locomotor activity or emotional behavior of animals exposed to both environmental conditions. Interestingly, AM404 administration influenced the cognitive parameters depending on the level of emotional arousal: it impaired the capability of rats exposed to the HA condition to recognize a novel object while it did not induce any impairing effect in rats exposed to the LA condition. These findings suggest that drugs enhancing endocannabinoid signaling induce different effects on recognition memory performance depending on the level of emotional arousal induced by the environmental conditions

    Received Cradling Bias During the First Year of Life: A Retrospective Study on Children With Typical and Atypical Development

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    A population-level left cradling bias exists whereby 60–90% of mothers hold their infants on the left side. This left biased positioning appears to be mutually beneficial to both the mother and the baby's brain organization for processing of socio-emotional stimuli. Previous research connected cradling asymmetries and Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), entailing impairment in socio-communicative relationships and characterized by an early hypo-lateralization of brain functions. In this explorative study, we aimed to provide a contribution to the retrospective investigations by looking for early behavioral markers of neurodevelopmental disorders such as ASD. We hypothesized that an atypical trajectory in maternal cradling might be one of the possible signs of an interference in mother-infant socio-emotional communication, and thus of potential neurodevelopmental dysfunctions. To this aim, we examined photos depicting mother-child early cradling interactions by consulting family albums of 27 children later diagnosed with ASD and 63 typically developing children. As regards the first half of the first year of life, no differences were shown between maternal cradling-side preferences in typical and ASD groups, both exhibiting the left-cradling bias in the 0–3 months period, but not in the 3–6 months period. However, our results show dissimilar patterns of cradling preferences during the second half of the first year of life. In particular, the absence of left-cradling shown in typical mothers was not observed in ASD mothers, who exhibited a significant left-cradling bias in the 6–12 months age group. This difference might reflect the fact that mother-infant relationship involving children later diagnosed with ASD might remain “basic” because mothers experience a lack of social activity in such children. Alternatively, it may reflect the overstimulation in which mothers try to engage infants in response to their lack of responsiveness and social initiative. However, further investigations are needed both to distinguish between these two possibilities and to define the role of early typical and reversed cradling experiences on neurodevelopment

    Nonadiabatic Superconductivity and Vertex Corrections in Uncorrelated Systems

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    We investigate the issue of the nonadiabatic superconductivity in uncorrelated systems. A local approximation is employed coherently with the weak dependence on the involved momenta. Our results show that nonadiabatic vertex corrections are never negligible, but lead to a strong suppression of TcT_c with respect to the conventional theory. This feature is understood in terms of the momentum-frequency dependence of the vertex function. In contrast to strongly correlated systems, where the small q{\bf q}-selection probes the positive part of vertex function, vertex corrections in uncorrelated systems are essentially negative resulting in an effective reduction of the superconducting pairing. Our analysis shows that vertex corrections in nonadiabatic regime can be never disregarded independently of the degree of electronic correlation in the system.Comment: 4 pages, 3 eps fig

    Early motor signs of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: a systematic review

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    ADHD is a common neurodevelopmental disorder with onset of symptoms typically in early childhood. First signs of the disorder, including language delay, motor delay and temperament characteristics, may be evident as early as infancy. The present review describes published evidence about early motor signs of either children with later symptoms of ADHD or a later diagnosis of the disorder. Nine published cohort studies were included after a systematic search of related terms in PubMed and PsycInfo databases. Study eligibility criteria included: (1) report on early motor function or any motor-related signs; (2) the presence of a participants’ assessment by/at 12 months of age; (3) report of a later presence of ADHD symptoms. The limited number of reports included suggests an association between mild early neurological markers and later developmental coordination disorder and motor overflow movements. Unfortunately, due to their small sample sizes and focus on group reports rather than individuals, they have limited power to find strong associations. Early motor indicators of ADHD, if present, appear to be non-specific, and therefore not yet useful in clinical screening. Spontaneous motility seems to be a promising measure for early ADHD detection, although further studies with large cohorts are recommended to determine its clinical role in children at risk for ADHD

    Yield of array-CGH analysis in Tunisian children with autism spectrum disorder

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    Background: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder with strong genetic underpinnings. Microarray-based comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) technology has been proposed as a first-level test in the genetic diagnosis of ASD and of neurodevelopmental disorders in general. Methods: We performed aCGH on 98 Tunisian children (83 boys and 15 girls) diagnosed with ASD according to DSM-IV criteria. Results: “Pathogenic” or “likely pathogenic” copy number variants (CNVs) were detected in 11 (11.2%) patients, CNVs of “uncertain clinical significance” in 26 (26.5%), “likely benign” or “benign” CNVs were found in 37 (37.8%) and 24 (24.5%) patients, respectively. Gene set enrichment analysis involving genes spanning rare “pathogenic,” “likely pathogenic,” or “uncertain clinical significance” CNVs, as well as SFARI database “autism genes” in common CNVs, detected eight neuronal Gene Ontology classes among the top 10 most significant, including synapse, neuron differentiation, synaptic signaling, neurogenesis, and others. Similar results were obtained performing g: Profiler analysis. Neither transcriptional regulation nor immune pathways reached significance. Conclusions: aCGH confirms its sizable diagnostic yield in a novel sample of autistic children from North Africa. Recruitment of additional families is under way, to verify whether genetic contributions to ASD in the Tunisian population, differently from other ethnic groups, may involve primarily neuronal genes, more than transcriptional regulation and immune-related pathways

    Received cradling bias during the first year of life: A retrospective study on children with typical and atypical development

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    A population-level left cradling bias exists whereby 60-90% of mothers hold their infants on the left side. This left biased positioning appears to be mutually beneficial to both the mother and the baby’s brain organization for processing of socio-emotional stimuli. Previous research connected cradling asymmetries and Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), entailing impairment in socio- communicative relationships and characterized by an early hypo-lateralization of brain functions. In this explorative study, we aimed to provide a contribution to the retrospective investigations by looking for early behavioral markers of neurodevelopmental disorders such as ASD. We hypothesized that an atypical trajectory in maternal cradling might be one of the possible signs of an interference in mother-infant socio-emotional communication, and thus of potential neurodevelopmental dysfunctions. To this aim, we examined photos depicting mother-child early cradling interactions by consulting family albums of 27 children later diagnosed with autism and 63 typically developing children. As regards the first half of the first year of life, no differences were shown between maternal cradling-side preferences in typical and ASD groups, both exhibiting the left-cradling bias in the 0-3 months period, but not in the 3-6 months period. However, our results show dissimilar patterns of cradling preferences during the second half of the first year of life. In particular, the absence of left-cradling shown in typical mothers was not observed in ASD mothers, who exhibited a significant left-cradling bias in the 6-12 months age group. This difference might reflect the fact that mother-infant relationship involving children later diagnosed with ASD might remain “basic” because mothers experience a lack of social activity in such children. Alternatively, it may reflect the overstimulation in which mothers try to engage infants in response to their lack of responsiveness and social initiative. However, further investigations are needed both to distinguish between these two possibilities and to define the role of early typical and reversed cradling experiences on neurodevelopment