12 research outputs found
Assessing Blood-Based Biomarkers to Define a Therapeutic Window for Natalizumab
Natalizumab is a monoclonal antibody that binds CD49d. Although it is one of the most effective treatments for Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis (RRMS), a dosing regimen has not been optimized for safety and efficacy in individual patients. We aimed to identify biomarkers to monitor Natalizumab treatment and to establish a personalized dose utilizing an ongoing longitudinal study in 29 RRMS patients under Natalizumab with standard interval dose (SD) of 300 mg/4 wks or extended interval dose (EID) of 300 mg/6 wks. Blood samples were analyzed by flow cytometry to determine CD49d saturation and expression in several T and B lymphocytes subpopulations. Each patient was analyzed at two different timepoints separated by 3 Natalizumab administrations. Natalizumab and sVCAM-1 levels in serum were also analyzed using ELISA. To determine the reproducibility of various markers, two different timepoints were compared and no significant differences were observed for CD49d expression nor for saturation; SD patients had higher saturation levels (~80%) than EID patients (~60%). A positive correlation exists between CD49d saturation and Natalizumab serum levels. CD49d expression and saturation are stable parameters that could be used as biomarkers in the immunomonitoring of Natalizumab treatment. Moreover, Natalizumab and sVCAM-1 serum levels could be used to optimize an individual's dosing schedule
State recognition for ‘contested languages’: a comparative study of Sardinian and Asturian, 1992–2010
While the idea of a named language as a separate and discrete identity is a political and social construct, in the cases of Sardinian and Asturian doubts over their respective ‘languageness’ have real material consequences, particularly in relation to language policy decisions at the state level. The Asturian example highlights how its lack of official status means that it is either ignored or subjected to repeated challenges to its status as a language variety deserving of recognition and support, reflecting how ‘official language’ in the Spanish context is often understood in practice as synonymous with the theoretically broader category of ‘language’. In contrast, the recent state recognition of Sardinian speakers as a linguistic minority in Italy (Law 482/1999) illustrates how legal recognition served to overcome existing obstacles to the implementation of regional language policy measures. At the same time, the limited subsequent effects of this Law, particularly in the sphere of education, are a reminder of the shortcomings of top-down policies which fail to engage with the local language practices and attitudes of the communities of speakers recognized. The contrastive focus of this article thus acknowledges the continued material consequences of top-down language classification, while highlighting its inadequacies as a language policy mechanism which reinforces artificial distinctions between speech varieties and speakers deserving of recognition
Revista de Vertebrados de la Estación Biológica de Doñana
Página 298 con error de impresiónEstudio cariológico en dos especies de Serránidos del Mediterráneo (Peces: PerciformesRelaciones morfométricas de Atherina boyeri Risso (Pisces: Atherinidae) de la laguna de Zoñar (Córdoba, España)Contribución al conocimiento de la biometríay osteología de Barbus barbus bocagei, Steindachner, 1866 (Pisces: CyprinidaeLa actividad de la salamandra, Salamandra salamandra (L.), en Galicia.Estudios sobre el sapo corredor (Bufo calamita) en el Sur de España.1. BiometríaEstudios sobre el sapo corredor (Bufo calamita) en el Sur de España. II. AlimentaciónBiología de la reproducción de Rana iberica Boulenger 1879 en zonas simpátridas con Rana temporaria Linneo, 1758Nuevos datos sobre la distribución geográfica de Lacerta monticola cantabrica Mertens, 1929. (Sauria, lacertidae).Datos sobre Lacerta monticola Boulenger, 1905 (Saurio: lacertidae)en el oeste del Sistema Central.Nueva especie de Anolis (lacertilia, Iguanidae) para CubaEtograma cuantificado del cortejo en Falco naumannOntogénesis del comportamiento predador en Falco naumanniContaminación xenobiótica del Parque Nacional de Doñana. 1. Residuos de insecticidas organoclorados, bifenilos policlorados y mercurio en anseriformes y gruiformesReproducción del críalo (Clamator glandarius) en Sierra Morena CentraNidificación de Picus viridis en taludes de arcilla en Ramblas de Guadix (Granada)Comportamiento del calamón Porphyrio porphyrio (Linnaeus, 1758) en Doñana, Marismas del GuadalquiviBiología y ecología de la malvasía (Oxyura leucocephala) en Andalucía.On the differential diet of Carnivora in islands:a method for analysing it and a particular case.Notas sobre la distribución pasada y actual del meloncillo Herpestes ichneumon (L.) en la Península IbéricaEstructuración de las interacciones en una camada de lobos (Canís lupus)Nuevos datos sobre la distribución del Cottus gobio L. (pisces, cottidae) en EspañaSobre la alimentación de Callopistes maculatus (Reptilia,teiidaeObservación de Lacerta lepida depredando un nido de Alectoris rufaNueva cita del galápago leproso Mauremys leprosa (Scheigger, 1812) en los pirineosPrimera cita de Psammodromus hispanicus (Fitzinger) para GaliciaSobre la presencia de Gallotia (=Lacerta) atlantica (Peters y Doria, 1882) en Gran CanariaNota sobre las Lacerta monticola Boulenger, 1905 de las zonas del norte de GaliciaPrimeras notas herpetológicas de la provincia de Soria.Datos sobre selección de hábitat y ecología alimenticia del porrón pardo (Aythya nyroca)Probable nueva área de cría del pechiazul (Luscinia svecica cyanecula) en el sistema central. PerisPredación de Falco peregrinus y Falco subbuteo sobre quirópterosResultados de la producción de Oxyura leucocephala en el año 1981 en las lagunas de Zóñar y el rincónAnálisis de la dieta de Tyto alba en un medio árido antropógeno de los alrededores de Almería¿Son Eudocimus ruber y E. albus distintas especies?EL Estornino pinto (Sturnus vulgaris) en Canarias: nueva especie nidifiante en el archipiélagoDatos sobre la alimentación otoñal del cárabo (Strix aluco) en la sierra de CádizObservación primaveral de rapaces y otras aves en el páramo del estado de Mérida (Venezuela).Murciélago hematófago (Desmodus rotundus) parasitando a un chigüire (Hidrochoerus hydrochaeris)Observaciones sobre la reproducción del zacatuche o teporinho Romerolagus diazi (Mammalia: lagomorpha)Estudio electroforético de hemoglobinas y esterasas sanguíneas en Rhinolophus ferrumequinum (Chiroptera: rhinolophidae) y de hemoglobinas en Tadaria taeniotis (chiroptera: molossidae)Peer reviewe
The Current Molecular Epidemiological Scenario of Cryptosporidium, Giardia and Blastocystis in Spain. Implication for Public Health
The enteric protozoan parasites Cryptosporidium spp. and Giardia duodenalis are major contributors to the burden of gastrointestinal diseases globally. Both pathogens primarily affect children living in resource-poor settings with limited or no access to clean water and sanitation facilities, but are also significant public health threats in developed countries. Additionally, Cryptosporidium spp. and G. duodenalis are common causes of waterborne and foodborne outbreaks of gastrointestinal disease globally. Besides, the Stramenopile Blastocystis sp. is the most common eukaryotic organism reported in the human gut. Although its pathogenicity is a topic of debate, there is increasing evidence demonstrating that this protist can be associated with gastrointestinal disorders (diarrhoea, irritable bowel syndrome) and extra-intestinal manifestations, including urticaria. Because Cryptosporidium spp., G. duodenalis and Blastocystis sp. share the same transmission (faecal-oral) route, are able to infect a wide range of animal species other than humans with variable host specificities, and their infective forms are environmentally resilient, the study of these pathogens should be ideally approached under the One Health umbrella. In this context, molecular-based methods including PCR and sequencing provide powerful tools to investigate the epidemiology and transmission of these parasites. In Spain, cryptosporidiosis and giardiosis, but not blastocystosis, are notifiable diseases. However, the true incidence of these infections remain largely unknown because underdiagnosing and underreporting. Symptomatic cryptosporidiosis and giardiosis disproportionally affect children under four years of age, but we know now that subclinical infections are also common in apparently healthy individuals of all age groups. However, molecular data regarding the frequency and diversity of these pathogens are limited and spatially and temporally discontinuous. This chapter aims to provide, from a public veterinary health perspective, an updated account on the epidemiology of Cryptosporidium, G. duodenalis and Blastocystis in Spain, with an emphasis on the description of the species/genotypes circulating in symptomatic and asymptomatic human populations. Current knowledge on the presence of these pathogens in production (livestock), companion (dogs and cats) and wildlife animal species is also discussed, including their potential role as natural reservoirs of human infections, and the available evidence of zoonotic (and anthroponotic) transmission events.Research summarized in this chapter and conducted at the Spanish National Centre for Microbiology was funded by the Health Institute Carlos III (ISCIII), Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Spain), under projects CP12/03081 and PI16CIII/00024. The funder had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish or preparation of the manuscript.S
Trauma and parenting: Considering humanitarian crisis contexts
This chapter uses a risk and resilience framework to examine three humanitarian crisis contexts (natural disasters, war exposure, and forced displacement) that represent potentially traumatic events in the lives of children around the world. For each context, the existing research relating to: adverse child mental health outcomes; risk and protective factors (at the level of the individual child/youth, parent/family, and community); and parenting interventions is reviewed. Although parenting interventions are frequently recommended for families in each of the three settings, very little empirical research has been conducted to date. Across the three humanitarian crisis contexts, common risk factors for adverse child outcomes include exposure to trauma for children and parents, parental mental health, changes in parenting behaviors, hardships and financial stress, domestic and community violence, and a lack of accessible services. Equally important, common protective factors include stable supportive parental relationships, strong family connectedness, and sustainable resources available to support families. The importance of parents—in terms of both risk and resilience—is clear. Few culturally appropriate and sustainable parenting interventions exist, with even less published research evaluating these interventions. Strengthening families is an empirically supported means of buffering or protecting children from exposure to disaster, conflict, and forced displacement; and must be the focus of future endeavors