27 research outputs found

    Unbundling Democracy: Tilly Trumps Schumpeter

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    ). All remaining errors are our own. Abstract: Much recent political economy and political science literature views democracy in terms of political rights. This feature is particularly pronounced in the empirical literature. We expand on this view of democracy by reincorporating the role of civil liberties, which are at the core of modern democracy, in two ways. First, we present a conceptual framework that identifies four fundamental sources of potential differences in the evolution of political rights and civil liberties. Perhaps more importantly, we provide systematic, robust and varied empirical evidence on this differential evolution using cross-national panel data. Our two main results are: Civil liberties are far more persistent than political rights in affecting subsequent outcomes; Civil liberties are complementary to political rights in affecting subsequent outcomes, but the reverse is not the case. These two main results are robust to alternative measures of democracy as political rights, the addition of covariates, estimation techniques, and variations in our sample. In particular these results are invariant to whether or not the modernization hypothesis holds or the political natural resource curse exists. More generally, our analysis can be framed as an implementation and comparison of two different approaches to democracy: the electoral democracy view and the liberal democracy view. The data support the latter

    Strategies for Price Differentiation

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