704 research outputs found

    Suppression of Landau damping via electron band gap

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    The pondermotive potential in the X-ray Raman compression can generate an electron band gap which suppresses the Landau damping. The regime is identified where a Langmuir wave can be driven without damping in the stimulated Raman compression. It is shown that the partial wave breaking and the frequency detuning due to the trapped particles would be greatly reduced.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Theory of plasmon decay in dense plasmas and warm dense matter

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    The decay of the Langmuir waves in dense plasmas is not accurately predicted by the prevalent Landau damping theory. A dielectric function theory is introduced, predicting much higher damping than the Landau damping theory. This strong damping is in better agreement with the experimentally observed data in metals. It is shown that the strong plasmon decay leads to the existence of a parameter regime where the backward Raman scattering is unstable while the forward Raman scattering is stable. This regime may be used to create intense x-ray pulses, by means of the the backward Raman compression. The optimal pulse duration and intensity is estimated

    Classification of life by the mechanism of genome size evolution

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    The classification of life should be based upon the fundamental mechanism in the evolution of life. We found that the global relationships among species should be circular phylogeny, which is quite different from the common sense based upon phylogenetic trees. The genealogical circles can be observed clearly according to the analysis of protein length distributions of contemporary species. Thus, we suggest that domains can be defined by distinguished phylogenetic circles, which are global and stable characteristics of living systems. The mechanism in genome size evolution has been clarified; hence main component questions on C-value enigma can be explained. According to the correlations and quasi-periodicity of protein length distributions, we can also classify life into three domains.Comment: 53 pages, 9 figures, 2 table

    Quantum kinetic theory of the filamentation instability

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    The quantum electromagnetic dielectric tensor for a multi species plasma is re-derived from the gauge invariant Wigner-Maxwell system and presented under a form very similar to the classical one. The resulting expression is then applied to a quantum kinetic theory of the electromagnetic filamentation instability. Comparison is made with the quantum fluid theory including a Bohm pressure term, and with the cold classical plasma result. A number of analytical expressions are derived for the cutoff wave vector, the largest growth rate and the most unstable wave vector

    Donut and dynamic polarization effects in proton channeling through carbon nanotubes

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    We investigate the angular and spatial distributions of protons of the energy of 0.223 MeV after channeling through an (11,~9) single-wall carbon nanotube of the length of 0.2 Îź\mum. The proton incident angle is varied between 0 and 10 mrad, being close to the critical angle for channeling. We show that, as the proton incident angle increases and approaches the critical angle for channeling, a ring-like structure is developed in the angular distribution - donut effect. We demonstrate that it is the rainbow effect. When the proton incident angle is between zero and a half of the critical angle for channeling, the image force affects considerably the number and positions of the maxima of the angular and spatial distributions. However, when the proton incident angle is close to the critical angle for channeling, its influence on the angular and spatial distributions is reduced strongly. We demonstrate that the increase of the proton incident angle can lead to a significant rearrangement of the propagating protons within the nanotube. This effect may be used to locate atomic impurities in nanotubes as well as for creating nanosized proton beams to be used in materials science, biology and medicine.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figure

    Leptonic contribution to the bulk viscosity of nuclear matter

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    For beta-equilibrated nuclear matter we estimate the contribution to the bulk viscosity from purely leptonic processes, namely the conversion of electrons to and from muons. For oscillation frequencies in the kiloHertz range, we find that this process provides the dominant contribution to the bulk viscosity when the temperature is well below the critical temperature for superconductivity or superfluidity of the nuclear matter.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX, new appendix and general clarifications in response to referee comment

    Prevention and control of apple scab

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    Improved prevention and control of apple scab caused by Venturia inaequalis is aimed at without the use of copper containing products in the Repco-project. Substantial progress is made in selection of potential products against summer epidemics. A patent application is made for E73. New effective biocontrol agents are selected to reduce inoculum during winter. The product potassium bicarbonate has shown good efficacy and Repco contributes to the registration of this product in Europe. Earthworms tended to be stimulated to consume apple leaves treated with amino acids or beetpulp, especially when applied fresh under controlled environmental condi-tons

    Plant Biomarker Pattern, Apples grown with various availability of organic nitrogen and with or witout the use of pesticides

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    In the recent years there has been an increasing focus on the quality and health value of organic plant products compared with conventional products. The use of pesticides and concentrated fertilisers in conventional agriculture implies a risk of effects on plant composition, which may affect health of the consumer (Brandt & Mølgaard, 2001). To determine if organically grown plant food could provide more or less benefits to health than conventional food, a first step is to investigate the differences in the composition and relative concentration of natural compounds in the plant products. In this project apples were grown with two levels of nitrogen availability and with or without the use of pesticides. The apples were screened for changes in the phytochemical composition and concentration. The work is affiliated to the project "Organic food and health" supported by the Danish Research Centre for Organic Farming (DARCOF). Biomarkers and biomarker patterns were presented in plants cultivated with low and high N and with pesticides. One biomarker was related to: • the type of N with and without pesticides • pesticides at high N and type of N without pesticides • pesticides at low and high N One biomarker pattern was related to: • the type of N • the type of N without pesticides • pesticides at low N and type of N without pesticides • pesticides at high N and type of N with pesticide

    New Measurement of the Relative Scintillation Efficiency of Xenon Nuclear Recoils Below 10 keV

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    Liquid xenon is an important detection medium in direct dark matter experiments, which search for low-energy nuclear recoils produced by the elastic scattering of WIMPs with quarks. The two existing measurements of the relative scintillation efficiency of nuclear recoils below 20 keV lead to inconsistent extrapolations at lower energies. This results in a different energy scale and thus sensitivity reach of liquid xenon dark matter detectors. We report a new measurement of the relative scintillation efficiency below 10 keV performed with a liquid xenon scintillation detector, optimized for maximum light collection. Greater than 95% of the interior surface of this detector was instrumented with photomultiplier tubes, giving a scintillation yield of 19.6 photoelectrons/keV electron equivalent for 122 keV gamma rays. We find that the relative scintillation efficiency for nuclear recoils of 5 keV is 0.14, staying constant around this value up to 10 keV. For higher energy recoils we measure a value around 20%, consistent with previously reported data. In light of this new measurement, the XENON10 experiment's results on spin-independent WIMP-nucleon cross section, which were calculated assuming a constant 0.19 relative scintillation efficiency, change from 8.8×10−448.8\times10^{-44} cm2^2 to 9.9×10−449.9\times10^{-44} cm2^2 for WIMPs of mass 100 GeV/c2^2, and from 4.4×10−444.4\times10^{-44} cm2^2 to 5.6×10−445.6\times10^{-44} cm2^2 for WIMPs of mass 30 GeV/c2^2.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Quantum corrections to the phase diagram of heavy-fermion superconductors

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    The competition between magnetism and Kondo effect is the main effect determining the phase diagram of heavy fermion systems. It gives rise to a quantum critical point which governs the low temperature properties of these materials. However, experimental results made it clear that a fundamental ingredient is missing in this description, namely superconductivity. In this paper we make a step forward in the direction of incorporating superconductivity and study the mutual effects of this phase and antiferromagnetism in the phase diagram of heavy fermion metals. Our approach is based on a Ginzburg-Landau theory describing superconductivity and antiferromagnetism in a metal with quantum corrections taken into account through an effective potential. The proximity of an antiferromagnetic instability extends the region of superconductivity in the phase diagram and drives this transition into a first order one. On the other hand superconducting quantum fluctuations near a metallic antiferromagnetic quantum critical point gives rise to a first order transition from a low moment to a high moment state in the antiferromagnet. Antiferromagnetism and superconductivity may both collapse at a quantum bicritical point whose properties we calculate.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure
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