10 research outputs found
Spin orbit torque induced asymmetric depinning of chiral Néel domain wall in Co/Ni heterostructures
In this letter, we report on distinct depinning of a chiral Néel domain wall (DW) driven by spin-orbit torque (SOT) in Co/Ni nanowires with symmetric potential barriers. In these structures, DW propagation was shown to be in the opposite direction to the electron flow as evidenced from current assisted DW depinning measurements. A transition from field dominated DW depinning to SOT dominated DW depinning was observed as the bias current was increased. For SOT dominated DW depinning, the Up-Down DW exhibits a larger depinning field as compared to the Down-Up DW. This is attributed to the interplay between the SOT and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in the structure
Quantifying orbital Rashba effect via harmonic Hall torque measurements in transition-metal|Cu|Oxide structures
Spin-orbit interaction (SOI) plays a pivotal role in the charge-to-spin
conversion mechanisms, notably the spin Hall effect involving spin-dependent
deflection of conduction electrons and the interfacial spin Rashba-Edelstein
effect. In recent developments, significant current-induced torques have been
predicted and observed in material systems featuring interfaces with light
elements \textit{i.e.} possessing a weak SOI. These findings challenge existing
mechanisms and point to the potential involvement of the orbital counterpart of
electrons, namely the orbital Hall and orbital Rashba effects. Here, we
establish, in Pt|Co|Cu|AlOx stacking, the comparable strength between the
orbital Rashba effect at the Cu|AlOx interface and the effective spin Hall
effect in Pt|Co. Subsequently, we investigate the thickness dependence of an
intermediate Pt layer in Co|Pt|Cu|CuOx, revealing the strong signature of the
orbital Rashba effect at the Cu|CuOx interface besides the well-identified Pt
intrinsic spin Hall effect. Leveraging such contribution from the orbital
Rashba effect, we show a twofold enhancement in the effective torques on Co
through harmonic Hall measurements. This result is corroborated by
complementary spin Hall magneto-resistance and THz spectroscopy experiments.
Our results unveil unexplored aspects of the electron's orbital degree of
freedom, offering an alternative avenue for magnetization manipulation in
spintronic devices with potential implications for energy-efficient and
environmentally friendly technologies using abundant and light elements.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure
Role of RKKY torque on domain wall motion in synthetic antiferromagnetic nanowires with opposite spin Hall angles
Abstract We experimentally show the effect of enhanced spin-orbit and RKKY induced torques on the current-induced motion of a pair of domain walls (DWs), which are coupled antiferromagnetically in synthetic antiferromagnetic (SAF) nanowires. The torque from the spin Hall effect (SHE) rotates the Néel DWs pair into the transverse direction, which is due to the fact that heavy metals of opposite spin Hall angles are deposited at the top and the bottom ferromagnetic interfaces. The rotation of both DWs in non-collinear fashion largely perturbs the antiferromagnetic coupling, which in turn stimulates an enhanced interlayer RKKY exchange torque that improved the DW velocity. The interplay between the SHE-induced torque and the RKKY exchange torque is validated via micromagnetic simulations. In addition, the DW velocity can be further improved by increasing the RKKY exchange strength