21 research outputs found

    Definite oeculiarities of toxic and potentially toxic elements distribution in coal seams of Pavlograd-Petropavlovka region

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    Викладені методики та результати визначення складу геохімічних тапарагенетичних асоціацій токсичних елементів в основних робочих пластах Павлоград Петропавлівського району Західного Донбасу, факторного та кластерного аналізу їх вмістів.Изложены методики и результаты определения состава геохимических и парагенетических ассоциаций токсичных элементов в основных рабочих угольных пластах Павлоград-Петропавловского района Западного Донбасса, факторного и кластерного анализа их содержаний.Procedures and results to determine composition of toxic element geochemical and paragenetic assemblages within mother working coal seams of Pavlograd-Petropavlovka district in Western Donbass as well as their factor and cluster analysis are represented


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    Щорічний приріст кількості гемодіалізних пацієнтів та розвиток тяжких ускладнень при неадекватному контролі рівня паратиреоїдного гормона (ПТГ) обумовлюють актуальність подальшого вивчення функціонального стану прищитподібних залоз (ПЗ) у хворих на хронічну хворобунирок (ХХН), які лікуються гемодіалізом (ГД)

    Вплив стресу на продуктивність та фізіологічні функції свиней

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    In recent decades, the intensity of the use of pigs has increased significantly. In such conditions, the body of animals is used almost to the limit of its capabilities. In this regard, the administration of many physiological functions is disrupted, the morbidity and decrease in the performance of pigs significantly increase. The increase in the level of drug use does not solve these issues. For example, the uncontrolled use of antibiotics can lead to even more significant problems - the development of antibiotic resistance. Despite this, in modern pig breeding, considerable attention is paid to the development and implementation of methods for the prevention of diseases in pigs. An important component of such activities is to ensure optimal conditions for the comfort and well-being of animals. This, in turn, implies a reduction in the negative impact of stress factors in raising and fattening pigs. The aim of our research was to get acquainted with modern literature data on the features of the influence of stressors on productivity and physiological functions of pigs. During the writing of this review article, we reviewed data from current research on the effects of stressors on the productivity and physiological functions of pigs in rearing and fattening. For this purpose, the funds of the scientific library of Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University, scientific research systems Science-Direct and PubMed were used. An important task of veterinary service of modern pig breeding complexes is to ensure optimal parameters of the microclimate, feeding quality feed, reducing the negative impact of stress factors. Ensuring proper housing conditions contributes to the improvement of qualitative and quantitative indicators of pig productivity (at slaughter, during slaughter, etc.). In this regard, we believe that a promising area of research is to study the effects of certain stressors and their combinations on the body of pigs and find methods to correct them.В останні десятиліття інтенсивність використання свиней значно збільшується. В таких умовах організм тварин використовується практично на межі своїх можливостей. У зв’язку з цим порушується координація багатьох фізіологічних функцій, значно підвищується захворюваність та знижуються показники продуктивності свиней. Підвищення рівня використання лікарських засобів не дозволяє вирішити ці питання. Наприклад, неконтрольоване використання антибіотиків може призводити до появи ще серйозніших проблем – розвитку антибіотикорезистентності. Зважаючи на це, у сучасному свинарстві значна увага приділяється розробці та впровадженню методів профілактики захворювань свиней. Важливою складовою таких заходів є забезпечення оптимальних умов комфорту та добробуту тварин. Це своєю чергою передбачає зниження негативного впливу стресових факторів під час вирощування та відгодівлі свиней. Метою нашого дослідження було ознайомлення з сучасними літературними даними про особливості впливу стресових факторів на продуктивність та фізіологічні функції свиней. Під час написання цієї оглядової статті ми ознайомилися з даними сучасних наукових досліджень щодо впливу стресових факторів на продуктивність і фізіологічні функції свиней на дорощуванні та відгодівлі. З цією метою використовували фонди наукової бібліотеки Білоцерківського національного аграрного університету, наукові пошукові системи Science-Direct та PubMed. Важливим завданням ветеринарного обслуговування сучасних комплексів з вирощування свиней є забезпечення оптимальних параметрів мікроклімату, годівля якісними кормами, зниження негативного впливу стресових факторів. Забезпечення належних умов утримання сприяє поліпшенню якісних і кількісних показників продуктивності свиней. У зв’язку з цим вважаємо, що перспективним напрямком наукових досліджень є вивчення впливу окремих стресових факторів та їхніх комбінацій на організм свиней і пошук методів їх корекції

    Crossovers between superconducting symmetry classes

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    We study the average density of states in a small metallic grain coupled to two superconductors with the phase difference π\pi, in a magnetic field. The spectrum of the low-energy excitations in the grain is described by the random matrix theory whose symmetry depends on the magnetic field strength and coupling to the superconductors. In the limiting cases, a pure superconducting symmetry class is realized. For intermediate magnetic fields or couplings to the superconductors, the system experiences a crossover between different symmetry classes. With the help of the supersymmetric sigma-model we derive the exact expressions for the average density of states in the crossovers between the symmetry classes A-C and CI-C.Comment: 6 page

    A dynamical approach for the uptake of radionuclides in marine organisms for the POSEIDON model system

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    The existing POSEIDON compartment model, developed for modelling the dispersion of radionuclides in coastal areas for regular discharges was modified to be applicable in accidental conditions. One of the important modifications was the development of a generic uptake model for marine organisms to deal with short pulses of radionuclides after accidental releases in the coastal environment. A generic foodweb model to be used in the decision support system POSEIDON-R has been developed. Six key organisms represent the different trophic levels with identical physiological properties. To avoid the introduction of different compartments for the several organs in which radionuclides can accumulate, the so-called target tissue approach was followed. It is assumed that each radionuclide accumulates in a single specific tissue, (the key tissue), and that the behaviour of this radionuclide is organ- and not radionuclide-dependent. To test the reliability of this model, validation tests for various regions, and for several radionuclides, are required. Tests for the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea for the period after the Chernobyl accident in 1986 demonstrated a rather good agreement with the measured data on radiocaesium. The model gave in some cases an overestimation, which is not unacceptable for the aim of decision support

    Growth potential of sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus Linnaeus, 1758) during the juvenile period using the probiotic preparation “Emprobio”

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    Purpose. To study the effect of the complex probiotic “Emprobio” on the survival and growth rates of larvae and fry of the sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus) as well as to assess its effect on the morphological structure of the intestine and liver. Methodology. The study of the effect of the probiotic was carried out on larvae and fry of sterlet. 6-hour enrichment of live feed organisms was carried out in 2 variants. In the variant 1, the concentration of the probiotic preparation was 0.4 cm3/dm3 of the incubation mixture. In the variant 2, similarly, the preparation concentration was 4.0 cm3/dm3. Larvae and fry were fed with Artemia nauplii, which were the transfer of the probiotic. Every 7 days, the average fish weight, the growth and survival rates were analyzed. Determination of the number of colonies of lactic acid bacteria in the intestines of fish was carried out by the method of deep seeding in Petri dishes. Determination of unicellular fungi was carried out by the method of serial dilutions of intestinal contents in a peptone-buffer solution with subsequent inoculation on a sterile wort-agar medium. Light-optical examination of cells and tissues was carried out in penetrating light using the equipment “E. Leitz “diaplan” Wetzlan” (Germany), halogen illuminator “Linvatec-2” (USA). General morphometric studies of tissue structures were performed with the help of a built-in eyepiece-micrometer as well as with the use of an eyepiece-micrometer overlay grid (eyepiece 7x (Huygens). In-depth studies of individual tissue areas were carried out using a 100x objective, “I-Plan” with a built-in iris diaphragm of 5.5 units of a compensation 20x eyepiece “K. Zeiss”. The data were statistically processed in MS Excel. Findings. During the 1st 7 days of the experiment, there were no significant differences in the growth rate of larvae between the groups.In the 2nd week of the experiment, an increase in the average daily weight gain of fish was observed in the experimental groups, which exceeded the control by 47.0% and 24.7%, respectively.At the end of the experiment, the average weight of fry of the 1st group was higher by 26.9%, and of the 2nd — by 27.9%, compared to the control group. As a result of the use of the probiotic preparation for 28 days, the survival rate of sterlet juveniles in the 1st experimental group was 75.0%. That is, it was 47.1% higher than the results of the control group. In the 2nd experimental group, the survival rate of sterlet juveniles was 80.1%, which was 6.8% higher than in the 1st group, and 57.1% higher than in the control group. The use of “Emprobio” in the feed at a concentration of 4.0 cm3/dm3 contributed to a faster process of microflora redistribution in the intestine. Therefore, already after the 1st 5 days of exogenous feeding, the average daily growth rates of the juveniles in this experimental group had higher values (by 8.8%) compared to the control group. The results of inoculation the intestine contents in the experimental groups showed that the use of the probiotic preparation in the incubation mixture in the amount of 0.4 cm3/dm3 ensured the inoculation of probiotic lactic acid bacteria in the intestines of sterlet juveniles. Their functioning was reflected in fish productive parameters, starting from the 14th day of the experiment. However, the lack of intestinal inoculation by one of the components of the preparation, namely saccharomycetes, indicated the insufficiency of such a concentration to show the full potential of the probiotic. In the 2nd experimental group, positive growth dynamics of the entire microbiome can be seen. Histological studies showed a positive effect of the probiotic preparation at a concentration of 4.0 cm3/dm3 on the morphological structure of the liver. In particular, the area of hepatocytes, which increased by 42.9% after 7 days of the experiment and by 63.0% after 21 days of the experiment. The sizes of the nuclei and the ratio of the diameter of the nucleolus/nucleus of hepatocytes also increased. At the same time, the probiotic did not cause probable changes in the morphological structure of the intestinal wall. Originality. For the first time, the possibility of using the complex probiotic “Emprobio”, introduced by enrichment in live feed for growing sterlet in the juvenile period was analyzed.A positive effect of probiotics at a concentration of 4.0 cm3/dm3 on growth processes and survival of starlet juveniles was shown. The effect of microorganisms on the histostructure of the intestine and liver of the sterlet was clarified

    Assessment of radionuclide contamination in the Black Sea using POSEIDON/RODOS system

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    The coupled system of the 3D hydrodynamical model THREETOX and the radiological box model POSEIDON-R, developed in the framework of the European system RODOS for emergency response to a nuclear accident, was applied to the Black Sea for reconstruction and outlook of the radionuclide contamination in result of bomb testing and the Chernobyl accident. For the model verification hydrophysical data was obtained from historical records of up to 15180 observational stations in the Black Sea. The data was grouped by months in 1°by1° spatial squares and homogenised in the vertical with application of the method of Reininger and Ross. The radiological data was derived from literature sources mainly based on the expeditions of "Typhoon", IBSS, MHI, Hydrometeorological service (all from the former USSR), "K. Piri" and "Knorr" (US-Turkish) expeditions in the Black Sea. The vertical radionuclide stratification was obtained as one profile "mean for the whole sea" due to the scarce data. The spatial reconstruction of the hydrophyscal and radiological fields were done by gridding of the arbitrarily spaced data applying the method of "splines in tension" and eliminating aliasing by the median method. The THREETOX model was used for re-analysis of radionuclide transport. The 137Cs concentrations calculated with POSEIDON-R in water and biota are compared with the collected data. A good agreement was found due to the implemented dynamic food chain model