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3 research outputs found
Effects of Low‐Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound Therapy on the Temporomandibular Joint Complex in Conjunction With a Fixed Functional Appliance: A Prospective 3‐Dimensional Cone Beam Computed Tomographic Study
Agarwal SS
El‐Bialy T
+7 more
Hadaegh Y.
Ivorra‐Carbonell L
Joshi N
Kaplan RG
McNamara JA
Rabie ABM
Schumann D
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Review of Superelastic Differential Force Archwires for Producing Ideal Orthodontic Forces: an Advanced Technology Potentially Applicable to Orthognathic Surgery and Orthopedics
A Aiyer
A Suzuki
+58 more
AF Saleeb
AR Pelton
B Melsen
B Nordstrom
CJ Burstone
CJ Burstone
CJ Burstone
CJ Burstone
CJ Burstone
E Storey
F Miura
F Miura
FJ Gil
FJ Gil
FJ Gil
G Laino
GF Andreasen
GF Andreasen
GF Andreasen
H-P Chang
J Goldberg
J Matsunaga
J Rigal
JA Yee
JC Richmond
JM Sanchez Marquez
K Reitan
L Ivorra-Carbonell
LF Andrews
LM Wolford
M Alikhani
M Dalstra
M. Ibraheem Khan
MA Schmerling
MF Razali
MI Khan
Michael L. Kuntz
N Kilic
ON Schipper
P Mehra
P Owman-Moll
P Sevilla
PR Begg
Q Li
QJ Hoon
R Norlin
R Savignano
RF Viecilli
RS Quinn
Ryan Vadori
SM Russell
SW Robertson
T Saito
TW Duerig
WE Roberts
WE Roberts
WJ Buehler
Y Ren
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
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Sind morphologische und topographische Veränderungen der Fossa mandibularis durch eine festsitzende funktionskieferorthopädische Apparatur auf Tomogrammen nachweisbar? Eine retrospektive visuelle Klassifikation und morphometrische Analyse
AA Franco
AB Rabie
+56 more
AG Pullinger
AK Bag
C Kober
C Serbesis-Tsarudis
Dania Booth
DD Guner
Dentsply Sirona Bensheim
E Yildirim
EG Katsavrias
EG Katsavrias
EG Katsavrias
G Dahlberg
G Kinzinger
G Kinzinger
G Kinzinger
G Kinzinger
Gero Stefan Michael Kinzinger
GS Kinzinger
GS Kinzinger
H Pancherz
H Pancherz
H Pancherz
H Pancherz
HC Crow
HU Paulsen
JA McNamara Jr.
JA McNamara Jr.
Jan Hourfar
JC Voudouris
JC Voudouris
Jörg Alexander Lisson
K Chintakanon
K Hansen
L Ivorra-Carbonell
LA Aidar
M Bakke
M LeCornu
N Wadhawan
N Watted
S Arici
S Baltromejus
S Caruso
S Ruf
S Ruf
S Ruf
S Ruf
S Ruf
S Ruf
S Ruf
S Ruf
SE Bishara
SJ Chavan
TR Eastman
U Richter
X Alomar
ZM Arat
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text