4,304 research outputs found

    Non-degenerate colorings in the Brook's Theorem

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    Let c≥2c\geq 2 and p≥cp\geq c be two integers. We will call a proper coloring of the graph GG a \textit{(c,p)(c,p)-nondegenerate}, if for any vertex of GG with degree at least pp there are at least cc vertices of different colors adjacent to it. In our work we prove the following result, which generalizes Brook's Theorem. Let D≥3D\geq 3 and GG be a graph without cliques on D+1D+1 vertices and the degree of any vertex in this graph is not greater than DD. Then for every integer c≥2c\geq 2 there is a proper (c,p)(c,p)-nondegenerate vertex DD-coloring of GG, where p=(c3+8c2+19c+6)(c+1).p=(c^3+8c^2+19c+6)(c+1). During the primary proof, some interesting corollaries are derived.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figure

    Universal quantized spin-Hall conductance fluctuation in graphene

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    We report a theoretical investigation of quantized spin-Hall conductance fluctuation of graphene devices in the diffusive regime. Two graphene models that exhibit quantized spin-Hall effect (QSHE) are analyzed. Model-I is with unitary symmetry under an external magnetic field B≠0B\ne 0 but with zero spin-orbit interaction, tSO=0t_{SO}=0. Model-II is with symplectic symmetry where B=0 but tSO≠0t_{SO} \ne 0. Extensive numerical calculations indicate that the two models have exactly the same universal QSHE conductance fluctuation value 0.285e/4π0.285 e/4\pi regardless of the symmetry. Qualitatively different from the conventional charge and spin universal conductance distributions, in the presence of edge states the spin-Hall conductance shows an one-sided log-normal distribution rather than a Gaussian distribution. Our results strongly suggest that the quantized spin-Hall conductance fluctuation belongs to a new universality class

    Scales of Mass Generation for Quarks, Leptons and Majorana Neutrinos

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    We study 2 --> n inelastic fermion-(anti)fermion scattering into multiple longitudinal weak gauge bosons and derive universal upper bounds on the scales of fermion mass generation by imposing unitarity of the S-matrix. We place new upper limits on the scales of fermion mass generation, independent of the electroweak symmetry breaking scale. We find that the strongest 2 --> n limits fall in a narrow range, 3-170 TeV (with n=2-24), depending on the observed fermion masses.Comment: Phys. Rev. Lett.(in press), minor rewordin

    Weakly nonlinear quantum transport: an exactly solvable model

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    We have studied the weakly non-linear quantum transport properties of a two-dimensional quantum wire which can be solved exactly. The non-linear transport coefficients have been calculated and interesting physical properties revealed. In particular we found that as the incoming electron energy approaches a resonant point given by energy E=ErE=E_r, where the transport is characterized by a complete reflection, the second order non-linear conductance changes its sign. This has interesting implications to the current-voltage characteristics. We have also investigated the establishment of the gauge invariance condition. We found that for systems with a finite scattering region, correction terms to the theoretical formalism are needed to preserve the gauge invariance. These corrections were derived analytically for this model.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Deconstruction and Elastic pi pi Scattering in Higgsless Models

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    We study elastic pion-pion scattering in global linear moose models and apply the results to a variety of Higgsless models in flat and AdS space using the Equivalence Theorem. In order to connect the global moose to Higgsless models, we first introduce a block-spin transformation which corresponds, in the continuum, to the freedom to perform coordinate transformations in the Higgsless model. We show that it is possible to make an "f-flat" deconstruction in which all of the f-constants f_j of the linear moose model are identical; the phenomenologically relevant f-flat models are those in which the coupling constants of the groups at either end of the moose are small - corresponding to the global linear moose. In studying pion-pion scattering, we derive various sum rules, including one analogous to the KSRF relation, and use them in evaluating the low-energy and high-energy forms of the leading elastic partial wave scattering amplitudes. We obtain elastic unitarity bounds as a function of the mass of the lightest KK mode and discuss their physical significance.Comment: 33 pages, JHEP3. Minor typos correcte

    Double Type-II Seesaw, Baryon Asymmetry and Dark Matter for Cosmic e^\pm Excesses

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    We construct a new realization of type-II seesaw for neutrino masses and baryon asymmetry by extending the standard model with one light and two heavy singlet scalars besides one Higgs triplet. The heavy singlets pick up small vacuum expectation values to give a suppressed trilinear coupling between the triplet and doublet Higgs bosons after the light singlet drives the spontaneous breaking of lepton number. The Higgs triplet can thus remain light and be accessible at the LHC. The lepton number conserving decays of the heavy singlets can generate a lepton asymmetry stored in the Higgs triplet to account for the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the Universe. We further introduce stable gauge bosons from a hidden sector, which obtain masses and annihilate into the Higgs triplet after spontaneous breaking of the associated non-Abelian gauge symmetry. With Breit-Wigner enhancement, the stable gauge bosons can simultaneously explain the relic density of dark matter and the cosmic positron/electron excesses.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, minor rewording, final PRD version (in Press

    New application of decomposition of U(1) gauge potential:Aharonov-Bohm effect and Anderson-Higgs mechanism

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    In this paper we study the Aharonov-Bohm (A-B) effect and Anderson-Higgs mechanism in Ginzburg-Landau model of superconductors from the perspective of the decomposition of U(1) gauge potential. By the Helmholtz theorem, we derive exactly the expression of the transverse gauge potential A⃗⊥\vec{A}_\perp in A-B experiment, which is gauge-invariant and physical. For the case of a bulk superconductor, we find that the gradient of the total phase field θ\theta provides the longitudinal component A⃗∥{\vec A}_{\parallel}, which reflects the Anderson-Higgs mechanism. For the case of a superconductor ring, the gradient of the longitudinal phase field θ1\theta_1 provides the longitudinal component A⃗∥{\vec A}_{\parallel}, while the transverse phase field θ2\theta_2 produces new physical effects such as the flux quantization inside a superconducting ring.Comment: 6 pages, no figures, final version to appear in Modern Physics Letters

    Direct tunneling through high-κ\kappa amorphous HfO2_2: effects of chemical modification

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    We report first principles modeling of quantum tunneling through amorphous HfO2_2 dielectric layer of metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) nanostructures in the form of n-Si/HfO2_2/Al. In particular we predict that chemically modifying the amorphous HfO2_2 barrier by doping N and Al atoms in the middle region - far from the two interfaces of the MOS structure, can reduce the gate-to-channel tunnel leakage by more than one order of magnitude. Several other types of modification are found to enhance tunneling or induce substantial band bending in the Si, both are not desired from leakage point of view. By analyzing transmission coefficients and projected density of states, the microscopic physics of electron traversing the tunnel barrier with or without impurity atoms in the high-κ\kappa dielectric is revealed.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Energetics of oxygen-octahedra rotations in perovskite oxides from first principles

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    We use first-principles methods to study oxygen-octahedra rotations in ABO3 perovskite oxides. We focus on the short-period, perfectly antiphase or in-phase, tilt patterns that characterize most compounds and control their physical (e.g., conductive, magnetic) properties. Based on an analytical form of the relevant potential energy surface, we discuss the conditions for the stability of polymorphs presenting different tilt patterns, and obtain numerical results for a collection of thirty-five representative materials. Our results reveal the mechanisms responsible for the frequent occurrence of a particular structure that combines antiphase and in-phase rotations, i.e., the orthorhombic Pbnm phase displayed by about half of all perovskite oxides and by many non-oxidic perovskites. The Pbnm phase benefits from the simultaneous occurrence of antiphase and in-phase tilt patterns that compete with each other, but not as strongly as to be mutually exclusive. We also find that secondary antipolar modes, involving the A cations, contribute to weaken the competition between different tilts and play a key role in their coexistence. Our results thus confirm and better explain previous observations for particular compounds. Interestingly, we also find that strain effects, which are known to be a major factor governing phase competition in related (e.g., ferroelectric) perovskite oxides, play no essential role as regards the relative stability of different rotational polymorphs. Further, we discuss why the Pbnm structure stops being the ground state in two opposite limits, for large and small A cations, showing that very different effects become relevant in each case. Our work thus provides a comprehensive discussion on these all-important and abundant materials, which will be useful to better understand existing compounds as well as to identify new strategies for materials engineering
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