30 research outputs found
Conception and Validation Software Tools for the Level 0 Muon Trigger of LHCb
The Level-0 muon trigger processor of the LHCb experiment looks for straight particules crossing muon detector and measures their transverse momentum. It processes 40Ă106 proton-proton collisions per second. The tracking uses a road algorithm relying on the projectivity of the muon detector. The architecture of the Level-0 muon trigger is complex with a dense network of data interconnections. The design and validation of such an intricate system has only been possible with intense use of software tools for the detector simulation, the modelling of the hardware components behaviour and the validation. A database describing the dataflow is the corner stone between the software and hardware components
Ăvolution de la contribution française Ă l'upgrade de LHCb
Ce document décrit l'évolution de la contribution française à l'upgrade de LHCb. Il s'inscrit dans le prolongement de la Lettre d'Intention [1], du Framework TDR [2], du document soumis au Conseil scientifique de l'IN2P3 le 21 juin 2012 [3], et des Technical Design Reports soumis au LHCC en novembre 2013 [4, 5]. Ces derniers concernent le détecteur de vertex et les détecteurs utilisés dans l'identification des particules. La contribution française s'est cristallisée autour de quatre grands projets : l'électronique front-end des calorimÚtres et du trajectographe à fibres scintillantes, le systÚme de déclenchement de premier niveau et la carte de lecture à 40MHz commune à l'ensemble des sous-systÚmes. Dans ce document nous décrivons les contributions envisagées et les ressources nécessaires pour mener à bien ces projets
Contribution française à l'upgrade de LHCb
La contribution française à l'upgrade de LHCb est d etaillée dans ce document et s'inscrit dans le prolongement du Framework TDR soumis au LHCC le 25 mai 2012. La France a contribué à la conception et à la réalisation de la mécanique et de l'électronique de lecture des calorimÚtres. Elle est l'acteur principal du systÚme de déclenchement de premier niveau et l'initiatrice du projet DIRAC, progiciel de traitement et d'analyse de données dans un environnement distribué. Les physiciens et ingénieurs français ont de nombreuses responsabilités de premier plan et sont trÚs fortement impliqués dans l'analyse des données. Les groupes français souhaitent poursuivre leur forte participation a l'expérience en contribuant a son upgrade, notamment l'électronique de lecture des calorimÚtres et du trajectographe en fibres scintillantes ainsi qu'au data processing
Contribution française à l'upgrade de LHCb
La contribution française à l'upgrade de LHCb est d etaillée dans ce document et s'inscrit dans le prolongement du Framework TDR soumis au LHCC le 25 mai 2012. La France a contribué à la conception et à la réalisation de la mécanique et de l'électronique de lecture des calorimÚtres. Elle est l'acteur principal du systÚme de déclenchement de premier niveau et l'initiatrice du projet DIRAC, progiciel de traitement et d'analyse de données dans un environnement distribué. Les physiciens et ingénieurs français ont de nombreuses responsabilités de premier plan et sont trÚs fortement impliqués dans l'analyse des données. Les groupes français souhaitent poursuivre leur forte participation a l'expérience en contribuant a son upgrade, notamment l'électronique de lecture des calorimÚtres et du trajectographe en fibres scintillantes ainsi qu'au data processing
The LHCb upgrade I
The LHCb upgrade represents a major change of the experiment. The detectors have been almost completely renewed to allow running at an instantaneous luminosity five times larger than that of the previous running periods. Readout of all detectors into an all-software trigger is central to the new design, facilitating the reconstruction of events at the maximum LHC interaction rate, and their selection in real time. The experiment's tracking system has been completely upgraded with a new pixel vertex detector, a silicon tracker upstream of the dipole magnet and three scintillating fibre tracking stations downstream of the magnet. The whole photon detection system of the RICH detectors has been renewed and the readout electronics of the calorimeter and muon systems have been fully overhauled. The first stage of the all-software trigger is implemented on a GPU farm. The output of the trigger provides a combination of totally reconstructed physics objects, such as tracks and vertices, ready for final analysis, and of entire events which need further offline reprocessing. This scheme required a complete revision of the computing model and rewriting of the experiment's software
SYNGAP1-DEE: A visual sensitive epilepsy
Objective: To further delineate the electroclinical features of individuals with SYNGAP1 pathogenic variants. Methods: Participants with pathogenic SYNGAP1 variants and available video-electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings were recruited within five European epilepsy reference centers. We obtained molecular and clinical data, analyzed EEG recordings and archived video-EEGs of seizures and detailed characteristics of interictal and ictal EEG patterns for every patient. Results: We recruited 15 previously unreported patients and analyzed 72 EEGs. Two distinct EEG patterns emerged, both triggered by eye closure. Pattern 1 (14/15 individuals) consisted of rhythmic posterior/diffuse delta waves appearing with eye-closure and persisting until eye opening (strongly suggestive of fixation-off sensitivity). Pattern 2 (9/15 individuals) consisted of diffuse polyspike-and-wave discharges triggered by eye closure (eye-closure sensitivity). Both patterns presented in 8/15. Including archived video-EEG clips of seizures from 9/15 patients, we analyzed 254 seizures. Of 224 seizures experienced while awake, 161 (72%) occurred at or following eye closure. In 119/161, pattern 1 preceded an atypical absence, myoclonic seizure or myoclonic absence; in 42/161, pattern 2 was associated with eyelid myoclonia, absences and myoclonic or atonic seizures. Conclusions: Fixation-off and eye closure were the main triggers for seizures in this SYNGAP1 cohort. Significance: Combining these clinical and electroencephalographic features could help guide genetic diagnosis
Loss of SYNJ1 dual phosphatase activity leads to early onset refractory seizures and progressive neurological decline
SYNJ1 encodes a polyphosphoinositide phosphatase, synaptojanin 1, which contains two consecutive phosphatase domains and plays a prominent role in synaptic vesicle dynamics. Autosomal recessive inherited variants in SYNJ1 have previously been associated with two different neurological diseases: a recurrent homozygous missense variant (p.Arg258Gln) that abolishes Sac1 phosphatase activity was identified in three independent families with early onset parkinsonism, whereas a homozygous nonsense variant (p.Arg136*) causing a severe decrease of mRNA transcript was found in a single patient with intractable epilepsy and tau pathology. We performed whole exome or genome sequencing in three independent sib pairs with early onset refractory seizures and progressive neurological decline, and identified novel segregating recessive SYNJ1 defects. A homozygous missense variant resulting in an amino acid substitution (p.Tyr888Cys) was found to impair, but not abolish, the dual phosphatase activity of SYNJ1, whereas three premature stop variants (homozygote p.Trp843* and compound heterozygote p.Gln647Argfs*6/p.Ser1122Thrfs*3) almost completely abolished mRNA transcript production. A genetic follow-up screening in a large cohort of 543 patients with a wide phenotypical range of epilepsies and intellectual disability revealed no additional pathogenic variants, showing that SYNJ1 deficiency is rare and probably linked to a specific phenotype. While variants leading to early onset parkinsonism selectively abolish Sac1 function, our results provide evidence that a critical reduction of the dual phosphatase activity of SYNJ1 underlies a severe disorder with neonatal refractory epilepsy and a neurodegenerative disease course. These findings further expand the clinical spectrum of synaptic dysregulation in patients with severe epilepsy, and emphasize the importance of this biological pathway in seizure pathophysiology
The LHCb Online system in 2020: trigger-free read-out with (almost exclusively) off-the-shelf hardware
International audienceThe LHCb experiment at CERN has decided to optimise its physics reach by removing the first level hardware trigger for 2020 and beyond. In addition to requiring fully redesigned front-end electronics this design creates interesting challenges for the data-acquisition and the rest of the online computing system. Such a system can only be realized within realistic cost using as much off-the-shelf hardware as possible. Relevant technologies evolve very quickly and thus the system design is architecture-centred and tries to avoid to depend too much on specific technologies. In this paper we describe the design, the motivations for various choices and the current favoured options for the implementation, and the status of the R&D. We will cover the back-end readout, which contains the only custom-made component, the event-building, the event-filter infrastructure, and storage