19 research outputs found

    Microwave quantum logic spectroscopy and control of molecular ions

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    A general method for rotational microwave spectroscopy and control of polar molecular ions via direct microwave addressing is considered. Our method makes use of spatially varying ac Stark shifts, induced by far off-resonant, focused laser beams to achieve an effective coupling between the rotational state of a molecular ion and the electronic state of an atomic ion. In this setting, the atomic ion is used for read-out of the molecular ion state, in a manner analogous to quantum logic spectroscopy based on Raman transitions. In addition to high-precision spectroscopy, this setting allows for rotational ground state cooling, and can be considered as a candidate for the quantum information processing with polar molecular ions. All elements of our proposal can be realized with currently available technology.MIT-Harvard Center for Ultracold AtomsUnited States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Quantum Entanglement Science and TechnologyUnited States. Air Force Office of Scientific Research. Multidisciplinary University Research Initiativ

    Cold and Ultracold Molecules: Science, Technology, and Applications

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    This article presents a review of the current state of the art in the research field of cold and ultracold molecules. It serves as an introduction to the Special Issue of the New Journal of Physics on Cold and Ultracold Molecules and describes new prospects for fundamental research and technological development. Cold and ultracold molecules may revolutionize physical chemistry and few body physics, provide techniques for probing new states of quantum matter, allow for precision measurements of both fundamental and applied interest, and enable quantum simulations of condensed-matter phenomena. Ultracold molecules offer promising applications such as new platforms for quantum computing, precise control of molecular dynamics, nanolithography, and Bose-enhanced chemistry. The discussion is based on recent experimental and theoretical work and concludes with a summary of anticipated future directions and open questions in this rapidly expanding research field.Comment: 82 pages, 9 figures, review article to appear in New Journal of Physics Special Issue on Cold and Ultracold Molecule