83 research outputs found

    Intrusion emplacement and thrust faulting Pioneer Mountains Beaverhead County Montana

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    Queering Science for All: Probing Queer Theory in Science Education

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    Queer theory is concerned with disrupting binaries, opening space for new identities, and interrupting heteronormativity. In the context of education, queer theory examines both how schools function to make non-heteronormative identities invisible and to disconnect learning and knowledge from pleasure and desire. School science plays a strong role in silencing queer identities and limiting science knowledge and learning. Yet, queering science education supports many of the reform efforts in science education. In the era of Science for All, queering science education is important for making school science accessible for all students and transforming science education for the benefit of all students. This paper explores, through personal vignettes and published literature, how queer theory applies to education in general, and science education in particular.About the AuthorKristin L. Gunckel is an assistant professor of science education at the University of Arizona. She received her Ph.D. in Curriculum, Teaching, and Educational Policy at Michigan State University in 2008. Her research focuses on science curriculum reform and preparing elementary teachers to teach science

    The imperative to move toward a dimension of care in engineering education

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    The push for STEM has raised the visibility of engineering as a discipline that all students should learn. With the release of the Framework for K-12 Science Education and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), engineering now has an official place in the science curriculum. In both the Framework and the NGSS, engineering is framed as a way to solve the world's greatest problems. Despite this potential, there are troubling aspects in the way that the Framework and NGSS present engineering and how engineering is taken up in the curriculum. In this article, we use critiques of technocracy, utilitarianism, and neoliberalism to analyze the portrayal of engineering in the Framework and NGSS. We claim that the Framework and NGSS promote a technocratic perspective that engineered solutions can all problems, ignoring the sociopolitical foundations of many of the world's most pressing problems. Furthermore, both standards documents reflect a utilitarian ethic that promotes all progress as good and ignores issues of justice. Lastly, the Framework and NGSS betray neoliberal foundations that undermine education and engineering as public goods. To address some of these issues, others have argued for a greater emphasis on ethics. In response, we raise cautions because ethical framings present further intractable dilemmas. Instead, we draw on feminist theory to argue for reframing engineering education around an ethos of empathy and care. We call for a dimension of care that situates design problems in the full socio-political context and centralizes issues of justice. We provide an illustration of how an NGSS example activity for designing solar cookers could incorporate a dimension of care that addresses issues of harm, power and inequality, and ecological (in)stability to provide students with opportunities to weigh and take responsibility for the real costs and benefits of their designs.12 month embargo; first published: 30 March 2018This item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]
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